The Dark Pictures: Switchback VR is a huge disappointment, as illustrated in our review – and one of its biggest issues is just how blurry it looks. While the game has been developed exclusively for PSVR2, it barely looks like a step-up from PSVR, with muddy, middling visuals and even the odd performance hiccup. It’s not the only problem with the game, but it’s a pretty big one!
To its credit, Supermassive has now released a statement, stressing that it’s investigating issues and is accepting bug reports from players. “So far, a potential cause of the blurring has been identified, with other issues still undergoing testing and reproduction,” it wrote on social media. It’s encouraging fans to share feedback through its Zendesk Portal.
Obviously we’re happy to hear the developer is committed to post-release support, although we’re still not sure how the game shipped with graphical issues like this – especially if it’s already identified a potential fix. We understand and appreciate game development is incredibly difficult, but you only get one shot at making a good first impression, and this release has blown it.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 17
Oh come on.... There is no way Supermassive didn't know this was a problem before launch.
@RBMango Yeah.. whole reddit is upside down since this statement. Sad thing is that this result was predictable.. Hidden Agenda, The Inpatient, Bravo Team were all mediocre.
Give us Rush of Blood PS5 patch pleeease!
To me, it is obvious this was a shelved PSVR1 game and I doubt updates will significantly improve it graphics wise. That said, and this is not a popular opinion, I had a great time with it despite its subpar graphics. It was basically more Rush of Blood which is both good and bad, depending on what you're looking at specifically.
@SilenceCZ ps5 patch is not possible due to the lack of VR1 backwards compatibility. They need to release a proper Ps5/VR2 version.
@Reeneman I think that's what they mean by patch, just like so many other PSVR1 games are getting.
@Reeneman Well on PS5 the games pauses on its own randomly during the gameplay, they should fix this as it's a bit unplayable atm.
I mean its clear they knew about it when it shipped...sooo.....
"Quick just release it and get it out the door. We have plenty of pre orders and dont want to lose them by delaying the games release further. We will fix it later..."
This game was supposed to be released on the 22nd Feb but was delayed, clearly they needed more time.
@YETi I want to know what we would have seen when they released it on 22nd lol
@ORO_ERICIUS dread to think.
Ironically, I cancelled my pre order when reading about the issues here and elsewhere. I’ve got more than enough to play on the damn thing, I can wait for a patch indefinitely. Releasing a game without foveated rendering and with last gen assets and unfinished animations…that what causes cancelled preorders.
@thefourfoldroot1 shame I didn't read these issues before release as I believe I would have cancelled my pre order.
It’s still great fun I understand. I’d just rather wait until it’s finished. Which hopefully they do (their track record is not great).
Sega, just give us House of the Dead in VR, please!
I think Bravo Team was totally busted on launch as well right? I think the tracking was screwey.
I've heard people say the latest dark pictures remains unpatched too. They definitely rush to get games out the doors. Imagine the state this would've launched in if it came out on psvr2s release
All this & yet, I've had a blast playing Switchback.
Still enjoying it, even if it’s got a bug, what games don’t these days on release?
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