Crash Team Rumble Player Numbers

Crash Team Rumble released on PS5 and PS4 over a week ago, but you'd be forgiven for completely overlooking its launch, which was — at least from our perspective — incredibly muted. The multiplayer title was met with okay reviews, but it's also had to endure quite a bit of criticism from Crash fans who just wanted another platforming adventure, or a remake of PS1's Crash Bash.

Instead, Crash Team Rumble opts for a live service model, and while there's nothing necessarily wrong with that, we all know that keeping a live service title afloat requires a lot of effort — and a consistently healthy playerbase.

Unfortunately for the Bandicoot's latest outing, there's already an indication that the game is struggling to attract attention. As pointed out by Video Gamer, the title had a total of just 30 viewers on streaming platform Twitch earlier this week. At the time of writing this article, that total has dropped to below 20.

Now obviously, sites like Twitch aren't totally indicative of a game's success, but they can suggest certain trends — especially when it comes to titles with a multiplayer focus. Coupled with the general lack of interest we've seen online, and it's not hard to assume that Crash Team Rumble has an uphill battle on its hands.

And this was a key concern that we raised in our Crash Team Rumble PS5 review, which was otherwise fairly positive. "The online multiplayer space is so competitive that it's tough to judge whether Crash Team Rumble will be able to carve out its own niche and warrant support beyond what Toys for Bob has already committed to," we concluded.

It's also worth noting that Crash Team Rumble is not a free-to-play title, although it does have a lower price tag than your usual retail releases.

Again, it's so hard to create a multiplayer hit these days — and it feels like we're seeing such projects fall off a cliff with alarming frequency. But what do you think of Crash Team Rumble? Does it have a chance? Collect some wumpa fruit in the comments section below.
