Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is out later this week, launching exclusively on PS5 on 20th October, which still feels like an eternity away. We've got a new trailer today, which has only exacerbated the situation, providing blessed relief, if only for a moment. Heroically sacrificing ourselves once again for you, dear reader, we viewed every glorious frame, and the game continues to look incredible.
However, if you want to go into what is likely going to be something special as unsullied by prior knowledge as possible, we'd probably recommend skipping this one and staying strong for a few more days. We saw glimpses of characters we didn't even know were scheduled to be making an appearance, which might have been more impactful at the moment, so if you are sensitive to that kind of thing, consider yourself warned.

What stage of the neverending video game hype cycle are you currently experiencing? Endlessly consuming media on repeat or total internet blackout? Let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 20
People on Reddit are saying that is NOTHING compared to the reveals and moments of the full game so I wouldn't be thinking about it too much. The trailer is super dope and besides one main character that is revealed I don't think they showed anything really.
Can't wait for the release
I need this game injected straight into my veins.
If people on Reddit are saying it, it must be true!
I can't believe that we are already 5 days away from its release, it feels like it was just announced only a short while ago.
I'll likely skip the trailer but I'm definitely hyped for Friday. Game is going to be amazing, I can feel it.
God damn this looks good.
Pretty dumb to release a trailer revealing new characters in it days before release. Whether somebody thinks it's a big deal or not, there's just no reason for it when I'm sure there'd be plenty of other stuff to show that's not spoiler territory.
I know it was likely out of Insomniac's hands, but it's also funny in a way that Sony puts out a trailer with character reveals in it after Insomniac warned of spoilers being out in the wild once it got close to release.
I am so hyped for this game!!!
Is it Friday yet?
@NinjaNicky and yet if true you yourself have just spoiled it for anyone who didn't know in the comments section. Cheers
Why do they derail the hype now. They've played an absolute blinder with only showing kraven and a bit of venom.
Why days away then show off bits we ain't seen.
Who actually does the marketing, because doing that is awful
Not going to watch it but the 'NOT in game footage'/CGI trailer that was doing the rounds on TV looked incredible as a tone piece and has me hyped.
@NinjaNicky well after playing BG3 seeing Overly revealing and viewer discretion to me just meant they showed Peter Parker’s ding-a-ling.
If what is revealed in the trailer is deemed minor enough spoilers to put in a pre-launch trailer then I'm hyped to see what's in there that they don't want revealed.
Do not watch this trailer!! I saw a character I wasn't expecting to see on a twitter post, thinking someone spoiled it for me. Nope, Sony just decided to put it in their launch trailer 🤡
@NinjaNicky how old are you?
Viewer discretion advised means the trailer.
"Viewer" being the key word. Which means watching something. I.e. the trailer.
The article mentions nothing spoiler related. The comments section up until yours had 0 mention of whats in the trailer.
Many stating they aren't watching or some, saying they did and they can't believe what is shown.
Until your comment which literally spoils a character who is in the game.
Which you did not hide or give notice of giving away a spoiler. You have literally ruined it for many people who just wanted to discuss the trailer without spoiling it for people. Or people to vent on why they would release a trailer with spoilers so close to the end goal.
Its just called being respectful of everyone else. You can discuss things without spoiling it, like many other comments.
It really isn't obvious at all. The only characters we knew was venom and kraven. Which have been plastered on the trailers since the begining.
Just in future please be wary of saying anything spoiler related in the comments.
Twitter is for that, push Square is not
One good thing about my being unbelievably hyped for RoboCop is that I've avoided most Spider-Man info. Looking forward to this weekend!
That trailer is amazing. 🕷spiderman 2 is going to be a instant classic.word up son
@NinjaNicky Push Square didn't post the trailer. They posted an article regarding the trailer.
The trailer is on the article for anyone who wishes to watch it.
Some dont like spoilers, some dont care.
You are correct, that a trailer is there to entice people to buy the game but just like movie trailers sometimes they go a bit to far and reveal things what spoil the movie/game.
Hence the reason for this article.
The article is here to warn people that a trailer has come out and it reveals things about the game which before hand was not known and they are pre warning us.
When a game has gone this long with only revealing bare minimum of the game and then the final trailer reveals something else. Then thats technically a spoiler and this article is regarding that aspect of the trailer.
Another reason the article did not mention it. Nor did any of the other comments, because there is a unspoken rule that we shouldn't spoil anything within the comments.
So just for future if an article does not mention what is in a trailer and warns people, then its best not to blurt it out in the comments section.
If not mention in article dont do it
If not mentioned already in comments do not mention it. Especially if the game isn't out and we are so close to release.
If you cant help yourself then at least put in capital letters at the beginning of your post spoiler or hide the content of the spoiler.
Preferably just dont do it in the first place.
the article is not for the discussion of the details of the trailer, it is an article warning us of the spoilers within the trailer, which you just spoiled.
@TheCollector316 I know you're being sarcastic, but Reddit usually gives way more accurate information than typical articles. Articles have to be somewhat respectful and vanilla, and also can't extensively cover leaks. On Reddit, it's just random people. If something is bad, you'll know immediately, and vice versa.
@NinjaNicky you really aren't getting it are you.
Do you not see how the article is depicting and describing whats in the trailer without giving anything away, without spoiling the game
We all expect there to be surprises and new characters, we don't expect it to be spoiled in an article which it is not.
The article is warning us whats in the trailer with out giving anything away.
The comments section every single comment has either described the frustration of whats in the trailer or the desire to not watch the trailer.
All comments being respectful not to reveal whats in the trailer without watching it.
Discussing it without spoiling it.
Your the only comment in the whole section which spoiled it, everyone else commenting described it without spoiling it.
I really don't see how your not getting it.
But you are the only one who spoiled the
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