When Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate Edition was announced earlier today, some PlayStation fans were quick to express disappointment. Why? Well, on PS5, Cyberpunk 2077's expansion, Phantom Liberty, isn't included on the physical version's disc. Instead, you just get a PSN voucher that must be redeemed in order to access the DLC.
It's a kicker for physical media enthusiasts, but it sounds like this is probably down to how Sony operates. According to Digital Foundry's John Linneman, PlayStation policy requires a re-release with on-disc DLC to be registered as a new product. This makes total sense, as when The Witcher 3 was re-released as its Game of the Year Edition, all of its DLC was included on-disc, and it was treated as a separate product on PS4. That's why the GOTY Edition had its own Trophy list, game icon, and PlayStation Store profile.
Okay, so why hasn't CD Projekt Red just done the same thing with Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate Edition? Well, the simple answer is that this process costs time and money. "I think [CDPR] have to recompile a version of the game with the DLC plugged in which means resubmission to Sony. Probably time and money involved they didn’t end up spending," Linneman writes.
It's a bit of a crap situation all-round, then, and PlayStation fans are basically left with an inferior Ultimate Edition, as daft as that sounds. What do you make of this? Pour one out for missed opportunities in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 33
Sounds like too much red tape. Sony should change that.
I mean...it's still included right? It's just you have to download it instead of it being on the disc? At worst it's a minor inconvenience. I'm not seeing the big issue here really.
@Korgon unless your buying it used then it probably won't have the code for the dlc
CDPR did this because they are still salty that Sony pulled the broken launch edition. If they can do it for Witcher then they can do it for this game but suddenly it's takes too much time, money and effort and they are trying to throw the blame at Sony's feet.
For me the main point of an ultimate or game of the year edition is to get everything on the disc so I think it's actually pretty scummy of them and I definitely won't be buying it that's for sure.
Inferior to what? That policy is universal even outside of the games industry.
Nice to see someone standing up to a ridiculous policy that puts more effort on the developers than is necessary. This looks like nothing more than a cheap way to get more money from developers plain and simple.
No reason to have a third "version" of Cyberpunk 2077 all because it includes the DLC on the disc - and a third Trophy list for the same game.
Sure, The Witcher 3 had it...but I bet after that CDPR said "Yeah, we aren't doing that again, it's so dumb".
Here is why it is important to not take your third-party developers for granted:
Once upon a time, there was a company who had the dominant market share in gaming who didn't exactly treat third-party developers all that great simply due to arrogance and greed. The developers began to grow tired of the treatment but didn't exactly have much of choice if they wanted to sell games to a mass audience.
One day a new company entered the gaming space and promised better treatment. Happy at the idea of being appreciated, the developers cut ties with the other company and developed games for the new company.
The old company lost its dominant market share as well as a lot of support for games on its platform. Realizing the error of its ways, said company spent years rebuilding those relationships. After several console attempts, the old company eventually hit its stride in the gaming world to great success and garnered tons of third-party developer support.
The End.
The funny thing is games like street fighter have been released multiple times with all content on disc so I’m not happy with this.
@Areus or burrowing a copy from friend or family
So this means Microsoft doesn’t have the same policy? If so, then it really is something Sony should consider dropping.
If you get the eggbox version it is on the disc which is nice.
If this was really a Sony policy issue why does the PC version also have a download code?
That's a good point. I haven't bought a used game in ages so I guess I just didn't even think about it.
@3Above Probably at this point it's to keep piracy on pc to a minimum. Someone would buy that and have that disc everywhere day one. Which sucks because I used to love boxed pc games
@3Above @jamison1993 And the fact that physical media has been dead on PC for the better part of a decade (maybe longer).
I'm shocked there is even a boxed PC version at all.
are we sure john linnemans right?
horizon zero dawn complete edition didnt have a separate trophy list and that dlc is on the disc. same with horizon forbidden west compete edition
I deliberately waited for the PS5 version has new would be DLC, just like I'll wait for full edition of Mortal Kombat. But with the DLC digital its a No from me. Beats the purpose on why I buy disks still.
I'll just play the switch in December over the holidays Super Mario RPG and Wonder am still to buy.
Eh, the end result is the same.
I've just bought Cyberpunk for £14 on PS4, which has the free upgrade for PS5. I don't see the point in spending the £40 or so that it's up for on PSN for a PS5 copy
Wait Sony gave us a dlc disc with elder Scrolls oblivion and fallout 3 I think 🤔 il have to look at my library we had dlc disks before why stop that?
It seems like it would have to go through certification again but CDPR has done it this way before (with Witcher 3 GOTY edition). My bet is that this is more about getting it out before holidays than the cost of that.
@MrMagic no, as per the facts in this article it is Sonys policy that caused Sony players to miss out. Not CDPR.
I'm not so sure this is more about Sony's policy than it is about the CDPR not wanting to give its customers a better product, since we have so many other cases of companies going that "extra mile".
It always took more effort to release something physically, so I don't really condone half-assing it either way.
But in this case it doesn't affect me, since I'm all digital and have no in Cyberpunk anymore xD
Doesn’t sound like a Sony issue, sounds like they just want to make infinitesimally more profit by cutting out the step.
@ShogunRok suggestion for PUSH SQUARE you should add polls at the top of the page for topics like this....
Will you buy the Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate Edition's now you know the Liberty City expansion is a DLC and not included on the disk? YES, NO, MAYBE etc...
Disc-usting! 😂
Sorry, saw the headline and first thing I thought of.
@Cookiecadet They are going to miss out a lot more I'll buy it secondhand and buy the the DLC in a year or two for dirt cheap.
@3Above Because pc players won't send death threats to the devs, I'm really surprised CDPR didn't just go through with Sony's archaic policy and pay that money considering the reputation of playstation players.
@PegasusActual93 yes but it was awsum I use those consoles offline the games load up well , unless my nephew's get to them! Fingerprints🤦🤣
@Korgon A redeemed DLC code diminishes the resale value
@Deityjester I'm surprised too. Given that CDPR is recovering from a bad rep themselves you would think they would just bite the bullet.
Also it seems that not recompiling the game with the DLC ( as Sony's policy seems to force) means the 1.0 version of the game without the patches is what will be on the disc. Obviously cant confirm this yet though.
But do want €60 for the game. 😆
@Deityjester I know man Microsoft and Nintendo fanboys are the best behaved ones around there.
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