We aren't sure who is holding out hope for Beyond Good & Evil 2 at this point; in 2022, we brought you the news that the game had taken the dubious honour of being in development for longer than literally any game ever, at 16 (now 18) years. Another Ubisoft Forward showcase has been and gone, and still no word.
As Eurogamer stoically chronicled, Ubisoft confirmed to the outlet in January 2023 that B&E2 was still in development and that the "team is hard at work to deliver on its ambitious promise". The following month, the studio head was gone, and the French government began investigating why an abnormally high number of staff at Ubisoft Montpellier were experiencing burnout and taking extended sick leave.
A game only a fraction of gamers played in the first place, a remaster of the original Beyond Good & Evil for PS5 is confirmed to be in the works, supposed to mark its 20th anniversary. It briefly and bizarrely became playable for some fans last year "due to a technical error". No update on this title was made during the Forward showcase, despite Ubisoft telling Eurogamer in November 2023 that the project was "set for early 2024". Six months later, and still not a peep. Hilariously, it's now no longer the game's anniversary year.