Terence Rotolo, the voice actor who lent his talents to the main playable character, Frank West, in the original Dead Rising, will not return for the recently-revealed Deluxe Remaster. Capcom announced that the enhanced rerelease would boast modernised visuals and run at a crisp 60 frames-per-second, but fans quickly noted that the main character's voice had changed, too.
Observed by PSLS, Twitter user FrankByDaylight shared rxysinister's successful slide into Rotolo's Instagram DMs, with the actor simply revealing that he was never approached to reprise the role. Rotolo seemed like he would have been up for the task, but Capcom, it seems, had another in mind for the role: "I've always been grateful for every opportunity to bring Frank to life. I simply wasn't called for this mission. The reasons are the producer's own."
The original Dead Rising was released in 2006, and Rotolo reprised the role of West as recently as 2016 in Dead Rising 2: Off the Record (a reimagining of Dead Rising 2) and in 2017 in the Capcom cross-series fighter Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite. The actor's most recent credited work for Capcom was 2023's Exoprimal.
Are you disappointed that Rotolo won't be reprising the role of Frank West in the upcoming Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source x.com, via playstationlifestyle.net]
Comments 10
Welp that sucks
I thought Off The Record was released in 2011? Unless we're talking about the remastering of the games.
Anyways, a great shame. It doesn't feel like the character without him.
Typical Capcom as they aren't known for been loyal to voice actors just look at RE.
My problem with this remake is they didn't need to redo the voices since they are trying to keep it as faithful as possible. But it's pretty obvious why they are doing it and it's to change any lines that would be considered controversial.
I have a lot of nostalgia for the original Dead Rising, so it's a little weird not hearing him as Frank in the remaster.
That pretty much sucks. That voice really suits Frank. Not a dealbreaker on getting this game though. Gotta adjust to the new voice.
I haven't played any of the series since the original game on the 360 so this really is not an issue for me (in terms of the character) as I can't remember that much anyway. Sucks the original voice actor was not even asked but I guess that's how it goes sometimes.
I think he’ll be fine….he’s covered wars, you know.
His voice did resonate with me. Wish they would have went with him again.
Not the first or last time one has to only look at the likes of Metal Gear & Bayonetta in the last few years,or as others have said already Resident Evil. Anyway,a diplomatic response...whereas look at say select past GTA voice actors that though their chances of an appearance again were unlikely, they well & truly burnt bridges when they were quite vocal on complaining about video game payments vs other mediums!
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