Stardew Valley PS4 PlayStation

Stardew Valley creator and Haunted Chocolatier developer Eric "ConcernedApe" Barone has sworn, on the honour of his family name, never to charge for a DLC or update for as long as he lives, and long may he. Barone made this bold pronouncement on X, asking fans to "screencap this and shame me if I ever violate this oath," and we thought we'd do our part to hold him to it (thanks, PC Gamer).

This binding vow came up rather organically after the phenomenally successful developer admitted that the long wait for Stardew Valley's next update is always on his mind. Sadly, its release on PlayStation is still not ready to be announced, but it's hard to be too upset, considering the generous (perhaps fanatical) dedication Barone has shown to the cosy farming classic

Will you hold Eric "ConcernedApe" Barone to his word and his family's honour? What do you think of his dedication to the nearly eight-year-old game? Let us know in the comments section below.

[source, via]