Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants Unleashed is the sequel to the recent film reimagining, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem, and it finally has a release date. Order up a couple of tuna, peanut butter, and grape jelly pizzas for 18th October on PS5 and PS4.
Set a few months after the movie's events, Mutants Unleashed will see our shelled heroes combat the worst of New York City while skating up a storm and pursuing their dream of attending a regular high school. This all-new tale can be played alone or cooperatively, with each of the Turtles boasting their own unique gameplay style and a fresh sense of style to boot.
What do you think of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants Unleashed? Do the Turtles hold a special place in your heart, or did you banish them back to the sewers long ago? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 12
I loved how much attention TMNT has gotten in the gaming industry over the last 4 years, but where is the mature TMNT stuff for the older fans? Wasn’t we supposed to be getting a game based off The Last Ronin graphic novel?
Lots of TMNT games coming out. Not sure about this one, but I'm interested in the Splintered Fate. That said, it's hard to beat Shredder's Revenge which is one of the best beat 'em ups I've ever played.
I enjoyed the movie and this looks nice and different compare to the usual 2D beat em up.
@KoopaTheGamer if you dig the genre, check out Fight N' Rage. It's probably my favorite, after SoR2...and maybe SoR4 also. It's hard to parse which is my favorite.
@LikelySatan Streets of Rage 4 is excellent, but I haven't played Fight 'N Rage. I'll check it out at some point.
@AverageGamer thats still in the works but its a long time off that game.
On topic.
Its a pass from me, the new movie was OK but for myself the art style is just so off.
Either stick with the actual comics or stick with the 90s cartoon which depict the characters perfectly.
Unfortunately for many iconic cartoons they all seemed to peak in the 80s 90s.
TMNT 90s
Spiderman 90s
X men 90s
Batman 90s
TMNT specifically, they've always been so off that nothing has come close to the original cartoon and non of them have ever touched on the actual source material. Such a shame.
But this game looks awful, it looks like yester years when we would get the tie in movie games C grade.
I mean even now the original love action movies are far better and believable than what we get now.
Bring on the the last ronin game and hopefully we get a game which this franchise deserves.
@KoopaTheGamer Splintered Fate is excellent. I’ve been playing through it on my M4 iPad Pro, and it definitely a great hades rogue lite. I just don’t know if I would play $30 for it tho. Maybe $20 max, $15 on sale… etc
Hoping for more news on the game based on The Last Ronin.
Cool, cool, for the kids, but we who grew up with TMNT, want our game..
@KoopaTheGamer I hope you do. It's a great one.
I realise they're not aiming this at people my age but those character designs are horrific, a very easy pass as I wait for the Power Rangers game
It's sad the movie that such a weak reputation. I loved it and I'm really looking forward to this game.
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