With the Borderlands film roundly deemed a commercial and critical failure, we can't help but feel comforted by this nostalgic return to bad video game adaptations. The movie might not have made any money (and lost a bunch besides), but along with Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford having a real one on X, another upside is the apparent spike in sales and player counts across the franchise, which is something at least.
GameSpot noted a precipitous rise in the number of players booting up Borderlands 3, citing SteamDB charts. This time last month, player counts peaked at around six thousand concurrents, whereas over the weekend, that number almost hit 13k. Borderlands, Borderlands 2, and Borderland: The Prequel all saw similarly observable if less pronounced, bumps. Don't get us wrong—it's probably not going to make up for the movie's performance, but it's something at least!