Monster Hunter Wilds will be the first game in the series' long history to ditch the idea of gendered armour sets, with Capcom confirming that "all characters can wear any gear". Predictably, this was met with rapturous applause and celebration from the Monster Hunter community. From what we understand, this doesn't mean that there will be fewer sets in total, with fans spying multiple variants of existing gear.
Word comes from Gamescom (thanks, PC Gamer), with Capcom revealing during a live-streamed presentation that exclusive armour sets are going the way of the dodo: "In previous Monster Hunter games, male and female armour were separate. I'm happy to confirm that in Monster Hunter Wilds, there's no more male and female armour. All characters can wear any gear."
The top-rated post on the Monster Hunter subreddit currently is titled "WE DEFEATED GENDER" and is full of fans gleefully planning to dress up in Capcom's upcoming, excellent-looking cooperative hunting game. Still no word on a release, sadly, but you can start planning which weapon to main.
Are you glad to see conformity in Monster Hunter Wilds' armour crafting scene? Will you miss having a reason to roll another character, perhaps? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source, via]
Comments 48
"Will you miss having to roll another character perhaps"
Kind of, it was fun playing as a female character just to see how the female armor would look although I genuinely didn't like how many of the head pieces wouldn't cover the face.
Finally about time.
Thank goodness. My lady needed way more pants options.
Nice, i always tell myself, every entry, I'll make a female character to see all the armor sets and never do. Now I don't have to
Definitely a step forwards.
Finally, female characters can experience the joys of walking around looking like a kaiju, rather than a helmet-less, no-pants-havin' cosplayer!
And the males can now see that they do, in fact, still have a face, which is nice too.
I know, my following statement is not political mainstream these days, and so I ask you not to outrage:
Having restrictions can have a special charm. That‘s why people buy two Pokemon editions or start a MH game for a second time. Restrictions and the successful mastering to overcome them are an important part of art. It’s not always appreciative to have all the opportunities all the time.
Ooo I wonder if they'll still have those small pieces of cloth for male characters to try on 😏 haha
I don't care either way tbh.
Although I have to say, WE HAVE DEFEATED GENDER is absolute cringe.
This is fine as long as there is still female styled armour. Don’t care if a male character can wear it, but I generally play games as a female and want them to look good. “Realism” is not that important to me in a fantasy game centring around monsters.
Good idea. Imagine having to create hundreds of different armour sets for hundreds of different genders we have to pretend exists now. Much simpler to make one set universal and have them fit tight to the body contours.
I am not playing unless my big muscly man character can run around in Palico themed knickers and a bra.
@Max_the_German You didn't say anything "political."
Defeated gender huh.
People need to get out more. It’s pixels on a screen. 95% of the time you don’t even notice your armour anyway.
@Max_the_German I can see the point with pokemon games only having a portion of the pokemon as it encourages trading. With Armour however it just reminds me of Demon Souls annoyance where a large portion of the best armour sets where Male only. Was much better in future souls games where you could just slap a dress on a males fo the luls or when you needed a certain res.
I have only played male characters in the MH series just because i like big ass armors. It is time to play a female character then.
As long as any gear includes not the further erasure of femininity then that's good. If it's just a bunch of masculine clothing then we are basically getting less options and nobody"wins".
@WhiteRabbit obviously you see the armour but in the hundreds of hours I put into the games I can’t say I’m really looking at it. I’m watching the monster movement etc.
And I say this as someone Whoo uses female characters in pretty much any game that gives a choice as the models are usually better than male counterpart
Removed - inappropriate; user is banned
@Frmknst most of the time you aren’t really focusing on your character. It’s on screen, it’s doing stuff, but you aren’t wholly focusing on what outfit it has on.
Well it's okay that it's all there but there was an element of surprise when you started a new game with a different gender and saw the different armor sets.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner "95% of the time you don’t even notice your armour anyway."
C'mon what a blatant lie! A big part of MH is the wonderful armour.
I mean, that's great and all, but Capcom could've phrased this better because it will snowball in the wrong direction.
Finally I can go monster hunting in a dress.
Finally! Fashion hunters rejoice
A huge part of Mon Hun end game for me is crafting different sets and experimenting with layered armor so this is a huge win
@PsBoxSwitchOwner You absolutely do notice your armor, it's a huge part of the game for a lot of people
I didn't know that was even a thing.
@Yagami what are you on about.
So let me get this right. Instead of a seperate male and female (lets say) bone armour there will now just be 1 bone armour set shared between both male and female or still a dedicated male and female armour that can be worn by either sex?
I certainly hope its the latter as i always go for a woman in Mon hun as the armour looks so much more rev.... uh, better.
@TheArt @DreamlandGem then I guess I must play games wrong,
Because it’s all about stats. Get the right slots for the right gear. So yeah I see my armour while equipping what I need. But when I’m in a hunt I don’t really pay attention to my outfit. It doesn’t affect movement in any way so need to.
After I’ve gone yeah that’s right for my load out, and several hundred hours later you just don’t notice it anymore.
@Platinum-Bucket Strange because a lot of the armour in world/Iceborne and Rise/Sunbreak for females had greaves or bottoms of some kind. Even then most had a long skirt and a lot of them looked like total ass in comparison to the male sets.
@Max_the_German I always bought two Pokemon games because I couldn't catch them all. 🤣
@Yagami I understand tha probably quite a few players do miss the (more tedious imo) gathering aspect of the game. Going out on a limb and assuming they are the hard core played for years guys n gals. However it's busy work and games and real life are totally different and separate things. I do like going around and getting my ore and herbs and bugs but I also get why and awful lot of people wouldn't want to bother with the medium. Going to a bush and getting an RNG item might be fun for some for example but I'd rather know what I'm picking up. I see it as a quality of life change and more respect for a player's time, which lets face it is the most important commodity in anyone's life.
@thefourfoldroot1 Same here as long there's a choice to choose what you like. I did liked that I was able to see the face with females.
Well hopefully this means that there is no difference between either gender because otherwise it's absolutely offensive!
And why isn't there a trans/non-binary option???
This game is disgusting.
@WhiteRabbit Yet sanity seems to be one of yours.
Good. Gender restricted clothing and armour is pretty antiquated.
Another agenda game...disney? 😁😁
There are 2 genders, it is very simple biology. Make armour for both. The world is going crazy with made-up genders…..
I can't wait until they have a uniform character with no curves, straight edges etc.
A stock "man,woman,person,cat,dog,thing,witch,b*t*h,it,beep,bop,boop"
Ahh, to live the commie dream. everyone equally miserable, no creativity, just uniformity.
Yeah, read more books, and play fewer games if you think 'this is the way'.
Get some Thomas Sowell in your life.
@Yagami yet I’ve spent hundreds of hours in the game. So clearly I like it.
If you was to actually read my comment I was talking about the social media post that said ‘we have defeated gender’ which is ridiculous because it isn’t real. It’s pixels on a screen.
But hey ho you do you!
Yes! I just wanna wear pants that don’t reveal upper/inner thighs, butts and crotches. I’m fine with sex based armor so long as the women don’t look like strippers/have impractical amounts of skin showing, but since nobody wants to do that I will take everyone looking like a metal box.
It's kind of funny that most of the discussion on this assumes there's just one unisex armor design now rather than the more logical assumption that there's "Ludroth Armor" rather than "Ludroth Armor (F)" and "Ludroth Armor (M)" that has a different model and appearance for M and F player characters when equipped just like it used to. I.E. it would work like every other game with armor ever. People's heads are so far up their rears with politics and posturing, basic logic and deduction exits the room. Use video game logic. Two sets of the same armor by gender is a cumbersome inventory mechanic that's a nightmare for trading and creates obscene grinding for rare drops. This fixes that. It doesn't say anything about changing the character models and appearance.
Now excuse me as I go back to FFXIV and equip my "defiled trousers."
I guess the rumors going on within Capcom were true. They've got their hands in Dead Rising and now this. Ultimately this change isn't a big deal but I'm sure they won't be satisfied JUST changing these things in the games they touch.
That'll probably get rid of some cool, racy outfits but eh..Monster Hunter isn't for me anyway.
@WhiteRabbit Why would you want to upset anyone? Don't be petty.
@Hypoman They're just following current trends. One being that they need to get rid of gender, which is pretty hilarious in itself but it is what it is. Like all trends, they'll fade in time and something else just as tedious will fill the void.
Hopefully it makes certain things look amusing.
@NEStalgia It doesn't help that headlines like the one here make it sound like there is only generic unisex armor now which is simply not the case. You're absolutely right though, it's just a win for everybody.
It's just a game. It's imagination, and just like that you can fulfil a bit more.
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