Capcom's dropped another impressive trailer for Monster Hunter Wilds, and we think it's probably the most excitement-inducing preview yet. The video covers new locations, and a couple of new, surprisingly threatening monsters. It's also clear that the company's pumping a lot of resources into this one — the sheer quality of the project is obvious even at this stage.
Monster Hunter Wilds still doesn't have a confirmed release date, though — just a vague '2025' window. Recent speculation has maybe narrowed things down to early 2025, but it looks like we'll have to wait until next month's Tokyo Game Show or some kind of Capcom showcase for a defined date.
How do you think Monster Hunter Wilds is shaping up? Begin a new hunt in the comments section below.
Comments 16
It looks beautiful!
Fantastic trailer, feels like the hype is really building now.
The big budget game the series always deserved. It warms my heart.
I was very disappointed in Rise but this looks a lot more like the "World 2" I wanted.
Looks good. I can't wait to love it for twenty hours, spend months trying to get a monster part that never drops, wonder what I'm doing with my life and then never play it again.
Best trailer yet and my fears have been greatly lowered, very happy with what i saw.
Give me a date.
I need to warn the missus in advance that nothing will get done for months (or introduce her to infinity Nikki)
I've not been a fan of the arachnids in MH. But this new one is by far the best looking one so far. I can't wait to fight it
Feels like yesterday (2018) when I bought my Pro just for MHW.
Impeccable timing once again, Capcom ✨
Hopefully it will not be crippled with micro transactions like Dragon Dogma 2...
@Nem Following up from the other article, I see new moves in this trailer that weren't in the weapon showcases. The dual blades in particular seem to suggest (according to online comments online, I've only played World) that switch skills are coming back.
@B0udoir Play the game before talking about something you don't know, the microtransactions in DD2 never crippled the game and you could play the game and never realize they were there.
Damn. My most anticipated game for the next year. Ahh im so hyped. And those new thunder monster look damn sick.
@Enuo twenty hour only? Im spend almost 1000 hours in world/iceborne and half in Rise/sunbreak lol
@Melee_Ace That would be amazing.
One of the only 2 games that I'm looking forward to on PS5 now.
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