Monster Hunter Wilds NPC Hunters

First introduced through Sunbreak, the Monster Hunter Rise expansion, NPC hunters are returning in Monster Hunter Wilds. These AI-driven companions can be called in to help with quests, even when you're playing alone and offline — which can be a real boon when you can't be arsed dealing with other players.

Confirmation of NPC hunters came via Wilds' latest gameplay trailer, which showed a newly revealed character joining the fight alongside the player. However, Capcom's now elaborated on the NPC system.

It's called 'Hunter Support', and it lets you summon helpers into the fray even if you're midway through a hunt. What's more, you can actually utilise NPCs to form a full hunting party of four. NPCs can even make up the numbers when you're playing with other people.

Although Monster Hunter has always been perfectly playable solo — outside of some big encounters that are built around teamwork — co-op functionally is obviously a longstanding pillar of the franchise. But not everyone wants to team up with strangers when their friends aren't around, and so the Hunter Support system looks like a perfect solution.

Will you be calling in some NPC assistance in Monster Hunter Wilds? Gang up on some unsuspecting creatures in the comments section below.
