A quarter of a century ago today, in 1999, Final Fantasy VIII was released in North America on PS1, and millions of players were introduced to the trials and tribulations of Squall, his mercenary comrades, and various sorceresses for the first time. Contrary to popular opinion and later revisionist history, it was warmly received by critics and fans at the time and a major commercial success for developer Square (pre-Enix merger) and publisher Sony. It would remain the fastest-selling title in the series until the advent of Lightning and Final Fantasy XIII.
Of course, Squall was not Cloud, and we suspect that fact has coloured some fans' opinions in retrospect. The tonal shift to a more serious, if overly dramatic, storytelling style was not to all tastes. For this humble scribe, VIII was "that game," which triggered our video game awakening and revealed what games truly could be, much like Metal Gear Solid (a contemporary of Final Fantasy VIII) did for so many others.
As long-suffering Final Fantasy VIII stans well know, we've copped a lot of flak ever since when standing up for our beloved, romantic, at times nonsensical JRPG. The GF and Junction system was too much for some, who apparently had better things to do than Draw magic from enemies (and missed the tutorial that teaches you how to convert Triple Triad cards). Intriguingly, a lot of this criticism also appears to be revisionist history from later players and other malcontents in the notoriously factional Final Fantasy community; in mainstream coverage at the time, at least, Final Fantasy VIII was praised for the flexibility and depth of its forward-thinking Junction system.
What are your memories of Final Fantasy VIII? Do you agree that it represents the pinnacle of Final Fantasy, or was its sci-fi tale of amnesiac child soldiers just too out there? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source x.com]
Comments 79
I appreciate the support for praising FF VIII, but nah, this ain’t the one.
I'm more of a IX guy. Not a fan of the character designs in VIII.
It's good but I wouldn't put it in my top 3.
8 is still my favorite after all these years even though I think 9 is probably the best one. 10 is a close 3rd though.
This is clickbait and I fell for it.
I think u got the article wrong ffx is the best 👌 👍 good try though ff8 is a good game
Weird I didn't know FF IX came out 25 years ago 😋
I've replayed VI, VII, IX and X. Made it to disc 2 with VIII and never touched it again. 🤷♂️
I thought that 7 is undisputed king. And now i see that itš actually 8 or 9 or something. So why did 7 get so much attention?
@Darth_Stofi VII is the best one if you asked the widest group of people. IX is the best one if you ask men over the age of 30. VIII is the best one if you want to generate clicks on a website called Push Square.
Oh boy. Personally I think FF8 is the worst Final Fantasy game.
This was my first Final Fantasy game and while it's not in my top 5, this still holds up as one of the memorable FF game (even though I never managed to complete this back in the days and it did took me years to finally beat)
Although I don't consider FF8 to be the best game in the series, I do think it's one of my favorites. Junction system took some getting used to but eventually it wasn't difficult to get through it. I never played the og one so I'm glad I could play the remastered version that released back in 2019. Although it was not a well done remaster, I still had tons of fun playing it. Screw the Random rule in Triple Triad though. Almost got a headache trying to revert it.
Although I started final fantasy with VII, I liked VIII much better. It's definitely not the best FF game but it will always hold a special place in my heart. I hunted down the queen of cards lady and collected every card for triple triad. Too bad they didn't have trophies back then.
@Darth_Stofi VII is what made the Final Fantasy series a juggernaut of a franchise that it is today and the reason why Playstation has been associated with the series at this point until XIII. One can argue that they prefer VIII or IX (or whichever FF game), but one cannot deny the influence of VII and its legacy
Personally, I love IX more (with VII in close 2nd) but VII will always remain as the most important Final Fantasy game
The protagonists of FF8 suffer from the same problem as the protagonists of FF15: there is no diversity. And I do not mean that in the way that a lot of people use that word today.
In my opinion, FF is at its best when you have a group of assorted yet interesting weirdos banding together to go on an adventure. Where is my blue cat man? Where is the dude with a chocobo in his hair? Where is my Vivi like black mage?
Apart from Laguna, these characters are boring and just not fun to play as. Squall gets better but for half of the game his dialogue is basically "..."
And with the exception of Squall and Seifer, even their clothes are boring. They are just wearing normal 90s' street clothes. You do not see too many FF8 cosplays besides those two guys for a reason.
While I appreciate Square’s overambition when producing Final Fantasy VIII, in terms of storytelling, nice graphics and the CGI cutscenes (which I believe they still hold up nicely, especially the intro and the waltz scene), the gameplay stands in its way towards greatness. Not to say that I don’t understand the Junction/GF system, but whenever I try to advance a bit more into the story, the constant magic drawing is enough to make me want to play another game.
Final Fantasy VIII deserves a remake more than any other entry
Lol you woke up looking for a fight. 🤣
Like seriously... do you think you'd forget your childhood friends by the time you became a teen? I will never forget that awful ruined basketball court scene. It's burned in my memory over how ridiculous it was. The GF's made them forget the people they grew up with... 6-8 years ago, roughly? That were all grouped again in same the place again and traveling together, but no one thought to say anything? Even when the surrogate mother was the villain? And then they just decide to remember it collectively? Coincidence a ton. It was baffling how it took me out of the game. That moment there sealed the game for me. Yeah, drawing magic was boring and you could miss stuff and don't for one second say it was "ahead of It's time", it was trash. You were incentivized to stockpile your magics and not use them cause they directly influenced the character stats and no one wanted to get weaker. Finally there was the dynamic levels of the mobs which made leveling not exactly rewarding.
You weren't getting stronger by leveling.
But, that basketball scene, it was the straw that broke the camel's back. The story was completely incredulous.
So, sorry, but no. I don't want to revisit that train wreck of a game. A remake, if it solves all these issues could be ok. But, why? There are better candidates in FF9 and FF6 that already are great games without the issues that FF8 had.
FF8 had the benefit of the series becoming a train wreck after FFX. Especially the XIII trilogy which made FF8 look like a good game by comparison. But, it is certainly nowhere near the best the series has to offer.
I'm a big fan of Final Fantasy VIII, I thought it was a big improvement over VII at the time. I enjoyed the junction system, the characters and triple triad was very addictive and if I replay any of those PS1 classics then it is this one
10 for the romance, 15 for the bromance
Final Fantasy 8 would be the best game if:
I have no opinion on Final Fantasy 8, stopped playing after I was introduced to the combat system.
However if they ever give this a remake, I'd gladly give the game another chance.
Yep. Best FF game. Totally agree.
Others won’t and I appreciate that but I never really did run with the pack.
Happy to wander a different path.
FF8 is definitely wanna my favorites FF7 is great but I've always liked 8 over that and FF9 the best outta those "big three". Obviously 7 gets way more love but I hope 8 gets a remake someday
At the time I really didn’t like it at all. They swapped anime for the cast of Hollyoaks and casting spells made your stats go down.
However time has been kind to VIII and it’s become my favourite game in the series! Triple Triad is a delight and you can really abuse the draw system by converting rare cards into powerful spells. The world is really fleshed out, with governments and politics. It’s less ‘videogamey’ than the nonsensical world of FFVII where a Totalitarian British Gas decided to make Captain America and as a result more believable.
The collegiate atmosphere is brilliant and yes, it has the best soundtrack in the series.
FF 8 was my first introduction of Final Fantasy games back when we got PS1 machine for the first time in June 1998 and during that time we played with modchipped PS1 machine and pirated PS1 disc.
FF 8 is one of the Best Final Fantasy games in my opinion, in term of character design, music and gameplay system.
Storyline maybe not the best but I prefer FF 8 more than FF 7.
Not my favorite FF but definitely one of the best in the series.
And i just learn that Squall never say the famous "Whatever..." in Japan version. What Squall said in Japan version was closed to "i'm sorry" or "my bad" which doesn't makes him looks like an ignorant and cold b*stard. Like why the english localization made a big changed like that? :/
FFVIII was THE game that got me into gaming, led to an obsession with JRPG’s and really blew my little mind. It also absolutely completely ***** me over, when I ended up in a place you can’t escape under-levelled. Took a year and the use of a cheat disc (remember those?) to get further.
It’s still a surprisingly wonderful game, if a little more dated than, say, FF9, with its more ‘realistic’ graphics.
But the best is VI 😥
I love final fantasy 8, probably my joint favourite game of all time along with MGS2. I remember my mate getting me to rent it because his brother had been playing 9, and they had a 3 for £5 deal on. Ended up playing this game last, and we stayed up until 4 in the morning playing it, getting towards the end of the first disk. Didn't actually finish the game until 2012 though, when I played it on the Vita. JRPGs are perfect on handheld
I genuinely don't get the hate for this game. Seems to be one of those people loved at the time that now people try and force the agenda that no-one really liked it, which is blatantly untrue
@Darth_Stofi VII was the entry point to the series for the majority of people and the game that brought a lot of people into the JRPG genre fullstop and whilst I like VII VI,VIII and IX are still above it on my FF favourites.
FF8 is the best!
Ive come to realise everyone thinks the best FF is the one they started with so doesn't really matter what anyone says lol
FF8 was a very good game and I still remember being ultra hyped fro it from the constant adverts on TV. The visuals also felt greatly improved form 7 and I really liked the setting of the campus and then going out into the greater world with modern cities etc. Also the sheer amount of GFs you could collect was fantastic even tho they did Ramuh dirty in favour of a boring bird shaped thing.
FFXII was released 18 years ago. Sort your maths out, son.
I love it that all FF are so different that it results in so many different answers in the comments.
I love VI the most. But I also have a soft spot for I, the original, on my GBA, which got me into the series. Of the more modern ones, XII is my favorite.
I have attempted to complete 8 3 or 4 times in the past never got further then the 2nd disc. Loved triple triad but always lost momemtum playing the game. I picked up the remastered version the other week so may have one final go to get through it hopefully the cheats will get me over the line.
VIII was and will always be the best FF imo. Juctioning was amazing. seed exams while I was having exams in school was a kick in the teeth but fit the narrative. It was the only FF where the player truly lived the characters lives before the madness began. Every other game plops you in the middle of battle after the game begins and you learn their back story along the way.
@Kraven For me, Final Fantasy VI is the absolute best in the series, and for me, will NEVER be toppled. I love them and own them all, save XIII2 and XIII3 as well as the FFVII Remakes, but I plan too very soon
I will forever dislike FFVIII, if for no other reason than Squall just being the absolute worst FF protagonist in the entire series.
I played through like 95% of it, I remember I was pretty close to the end, but I just couldn't anymore with Squall's late-90's, hyper-emo BS. If the main character in your game doesn't care about what's going on, and takes every opportunity to remind us of that fact, then why should I?
Plus, in a reality where VI and IX exist, VIII cannot be "the best".
I saw the title and KNEW it was a Khayl article. Clickbait successful. FF8 is a good game but not even in the top 5 for me.
6, 7, 9, Tactics, 4, 8, 10, 12, 5, 15, 13, 2, 3, 1 for me today (It changex often). Haven't played 11, 14 or 16 yet.
Surely that's a typo!
FF XII is 25 years old?
FF8 is my favorite. Just like someone said before usually people choose their first FF as the favorite and that's my case as well.
It was this game that made me love JRPGs, the soundtrack is amazing, the card game is simple and fun and the junctioning and drawing system is just a matter of reading the tutorial and getting used to it. C'mon Square give us a FF8 Remake!
I love FF8. Final Fantasy was in its prime from 6-10, in my opinion - hard to pick a best from that group. They're all superb!
FF8 is like a finite version of Diablo 2 due to its systems. You can become super overpowered and abuse the mechanics. After 8, FF9s battles felt like a chore. So mechanically FF8 once you wrap your head around it, is superb.
Last year I finished FF8 with everything completed. Also on game faqs (remember that?) The FF8 walkthrough is the most indepth on the whole site and has been recognised in general media.
Anyone who dislikes FFVIII has no taste.
I would say the main line series ranks something like this for myself (excluded the mmo's). I rate them all highly but something has to be last.
14 - FF2
13 - FF5
12 - FF12
11 - FF4
10 - FF1
9 - FF3
8 - FF6
7 - FF7
6 - FF16
5 - FF13
4 - FF15
3 - FF9
2 - FF8
1 - FF10
Expanded universe 7 probably takes the top spot, but I think the film and improved visuals of cloud / Sephiroth in future games do a lot of heavy lifting that the original game just could not capture.
FFVIII is still one of my least favorite FF games, I went back to it last year and that opinion stayed firm.
One part of VIII's legacy that should be mentioned in this article- Triple Triad. Without Triple Triad there would not have been Gwent.
always a controversial topic.. I think most people will decide based on the game they played first and what generated the most memories for them. I loved the batch of games they released in the 90's, FF7 being my first and will also be my favourite due to those memories, but FF8 is defiantly up there for me, it's completely underrated and probably ahead of it's time back then - most got lost with the story, but if that was released now, it might prove to be more popular. the biggest selling point of FF8 is the music though, such a great score.
@nessisonett cleverly written comment. You have my like.
The draw and junction system means this could never be the best FF, sorry. It disincentivised the use of magic completely as it made you weaker and necessitated more draws, a very tedious mechanic.
I replayed this one recently and really loved it all over again. I received this one as a Christmas gift the year it came out and spent the rest of the winter break glued to it. Final Fantasy Tactics will (probably) always be my favorite, but this one scores a lot. Draw and Junction are still novel - there's a lot of depth to the game as a result. Really underrated systems.
It's entirely subjective which FF is the best. I'm not even gonna bother explaining to everyone that 7's the best
Ya know I had thought that Final Fantasy 8 was just way too hard back in the day. Of course I was like 12 and didn't understand the junction system well.
The remastered game came out and I bought it and quickly realized how easy it was to become over powered and I absolutely loved the game.
@PSme it remains my favourite too. It was great at the time.
The opening sequence to FF8 is still one of the most beautiful intros to a game I've ever witnessed. FF8 will always be overshadowed but I'm just grateful we got those quality games back then that really helped Sony become the leader it is today.
Hello there fellow gamers.
Interesting topic. Although I do consider FFVIII one of the best, It´s not necessarily the best Final Fantasy game ever made, mostly because there are many different FF games out there.
I am one of the weirdos that does very much like FFVIII, FFXIII, FFXVI, FFIV and FFVI, wich is still my personal favourite FF game to be the very best of the bunch.
I also really like FFVII Rebirth and can´t wait for FFVII Revengence(that´s what I´m callin it) to finish the story.
But you can´t deny how important FFVIII was, with the beautiful and amazing opening movie, the whole Laguna storyline and, of course, Triple Triad mini-game that made many other mini-games in many other RPGs to become a thing.
So happy Birthday to one of the best FF games and make a Remake of it SquareEnix.... And FFVI. Pretty please? Maybe 😜
Cheers everyone and happy RPG gaming to us all
I do love Final Fantasy 8 and don't agree with the hate it gets because it was so different at the time from other Final Fantasy games. The series has been pretty known for changing the way they look and play throughout the years and not just sticking to the same thing the previous games did and from 12 onwards each mainline entry would have a drastically different combat system. Saying that though 9 for me is a better game and the best of the generation. With 7 being just behind it.
But... FFVI has 30 years
Yes! Fully agree! Though, I tie it with FF6. Anyway, I remember it’s birthday every year!
Final Fantasy VII & VIII are the only two Final Fantasy games I’ve not had to force myself to finish. Both really great games.
Had the the first game on the NES but hated it.
Attempted to played IV, V and VI but never clicked with any.
IX, I absolutely hated and stopped after about 5 hours.
Finished X, bought X-2 but never started it (actually bought it on Vita too).
Then pretty much skipped them all until Remake and Rebirth, which I love.
I think this is the only franchise I’m familiar with that is so hit and miss for me.
Not even close.
I'm an FF8 defender but the best ever? Stop.
FF8 is the only game that I've ever played twice back to back b/c it was that good. And b/c the DRAW system was stupid I went thru about 90% of the game w/ all of my spells at 1 before I realized you actually had to continue to DRAW to get them all maxed out at 99 to be effective. 90% of the game. So I immediately played it again. But I wouldn't have if it wasn't that good.
It's still not as good as 7 though. Though I just watched my kid play thru 7 gearing up for Remaster and Rebirth and WOW there is so much bad w/ 7 it's basically an unplayable game w/ a lot of cool music and Sephiroth. So I bought 8 for them to play but their taking a break after all that 7 before starting it. Hopefully it holds up better than 7, which was my favorite JRPG for about 20 years until Xenoblade Chronicles, which I grudgingly ahs to admit was just better in every way.
But 8 for me was also the right game at the right time. Living w/ my girlfriend, getting engaged, planning our marriage. She watched me play the whole game, twice. Squall is no Cloud but there's only 1 Rhinoa. Whoever the villain is was obviously no Sephiroth b/c no one is.
But however I view all of the FF games music, graphics or characters, Triple Triad is the best minigame I've ever come across in any game. It's the pure simplicity of tic-tac-toe but someone usually wins. Looking forward to seeing what my kid thinks of it.
So FF8 is my 2nd favorite FF after 7, then X (which trust me my kid just replayed that too and X is just 7 w/ voice acting) and the rest don't really matter to me all that much.
8 is the GOAT and there's nothing anyone can say to change my mind. The only problem with 8 is that it was released right after the vastly overrated game known as Final Fantasy 7.
@LifeGirl Woah, woah, woah... I'm mostly in agreement with all you've said, but- Zell was cool!
Basically punk Tifa, and sure, he looked like your average 90's grunger, face tattoo excepted (but then, maybe even still?), but he had a lot of personality.
My very first FF game so it will always be up there as a favorite for me.
Wow the FF community may run you out of town with torches and pitchforks for calling 8 the best. Haha. Although 9 is my all time fave, 8 might be my 2nd favorite. I LOVE THIS GAME and it played a massive role in the development of my gaming career as well. My wife and I even played Eyes on Me at our wedding 15 years ago.
Final Fantasy VIII is easily the second best Final Fantasy game on PS1 behind only Final Fantasy Tactics. Loved Triple Triad and collecting the GFs. Drawing to get magic was such a cool system if a bit poorly implemented. Biggest issue I had with the game was that leveling up kind of problematic as enemies are leveled to you if I'm remembering correctly. Still, hopefully we will see a full remake of VIII at some point.
8, Best final fantasy game huh?
Insert Tidus laughing here
Final Fantasy VIII was definitely the worst. I've been a huge Final Fantasy fan every since I was a kid. I own every Final Fantasy game all the way back to the original NES. I've beaten every game besides VIII because I got bored of it fast. It's nothing like any of the other games and I don't consider it a real Final Fantasy game
I love 8 - though for me, the pinnacle is at the beginning -such a great hook having a military school - after that , it gets a bit rough around the edges but it sticks the landing with a phenomenal ending FMV that chokes me up to this day - I remember people hating the romantic angle on this one in particular…
@nessisonett Yes Final Fantasy 8 is one of my favorite it's my first Final Fantasy game i put 300 hours in that game. It's my favorite after the original FF7 on spot 2 and it's Final Fantasy 9 on 3.
@TandyMiller Did you stay until after the credits. 😁
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