With today's bombshell reveal of the PS5 Pro at $700/£700, many of the PlayStation faithful feel that the asking price is too high, especially in these uncertain times. Despite the sticker shock, Ampere Analysis is projecting that it expects sales of the plucky Pro to reach a similar level as the PS4 Pro.
The market research firm laid out its bold prediction (thanks, VGC), and research director Piers Harding-Rolls set the scene: "The price point of the PS5 Pro will inevitably cause a lot of commentary. The price point differential between the PS5 and PS5 Pro is between 40-50%, significantly more than the differential between the PS4 and PS4 Pro at launch. In the US, the PS4 Pro launched at $399, and the slim PS4 was $299 at the time, a 33% differential. Additionally, the slim PS4 had a retail price of $299, dropping from the original PS4 launch price of $399."
That said, Ampere expects Sony to sell around 1.3 million PS5 Pros during the console's 2024 launch window, compared to the 1.7 million PS4 Pros it managed in 2016. According to Ampere's data, lifetime sales for PS4 Pro are at around 14.5 million, which is about 12% of total PS4 sales. Building on this basis, the analysis firm expects Sony to sell through some 13 million PS5 Pro consoles by 2029.
Are you feeling bullish about the PS5 Pro or extra skittish? Do you think Ampere's estimate seems accurate, and what do you think the stock situation will be like? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 101
People will buy it. Gloomers and doomers said that the Portal wouldn't sell and it did incredibly well.
Hell no. The PS4 pro at least gave you 4k output and lots of games looking much better and higher res than the 1080p machine.
This is just, some games might look a little better and run a little better. And for an insane price.
I got a PS4 Pro. This has no appeal to me.
I'm no analyst but I just can't see it doing that much.
I'll be quite shocked if it sells past 10+ million.
@Arkz Not just some games, GTA 6, Death Stranding 2, Ghost of Tsushima 2, next Uncharted, Bloodborne 2 and whatever else theyre going to announce in the state of play next week hehe
Yes, i think 10+ million is doable
@ButterySmooth30FPS this isn’t comparable at all? Portal was an accessory device (which you need a PS5 for) not meant to make a profit, and this is an upgraded console price-hiked to heaven without a key feature that millions of consumers prefer to have, the disk drive. Yes, you might be right that it will sell, but that’s not a good thing.
Must be the same analyst firm that has been promising game publishers and Hollywood sweet nothings about the "modern audience". 😁
I’ll be honest, if I didn’t ask my wife for a 90” TV for Christmas, this is what I’d want instead. But it’s wiser to get the right TV first.
Do we have any data on how Ampere protected psvr2 to sell, and if those estimates were close only after a massive price cut?
@ButterySmooth30FPS true, but people also forget the psvr2, an expensive piece of hardware that disappointed in sales so much so that Sony has practically given up on it. The pro can go either way.
I don’t think it’s going to flop, but I can’t see this selling like the ps4 pro either. Yes this is for enthusiasts, the same enthusiasts who comment on this site, follow PlayStation channels and news sites, browse the ps5 subreddit etc. and all of these communities hate this console so what does that say? Or are we going to pretend that everyone here are casuals?
Disney World is now crazy expensive and people still pay the admissions. People will buy this.
I very much doubt that.
It’ll do well. I don’t think it’ll get close to PS4 Pro numbers but I don’t think PlayStation is expecting that. My guess is they’ll get larger profit margins off this model, especially for those who get the disc drive add-on. Just a guess tho.
it’s a scam just like i thought it would be . this thing ain’t competing with (high end) PCs for only $700 , in 2024. it’s just a graphic bump
I don't see it doing as well as the PS4 Pro at this price point. The lack of a bundled drive was a big misstep, and something I expect will harm its sales.
Definitely not spending any money on this, but I find it sad what this console is hinting at for future console gens, no disc drive. I know this will have a disc drive to buy seperately(Which will make buying this stupid thing a $1000) but the fact that they didn't include I feel shows that they are slowly pushing consumers towards an all digital future.
This analysis is 100% based on the trends and comparison with the PS4 Pro.
However, the economic climate is different from 2016, so they cant assume that a 40% price hike over PS5 for a Pro will do similar performance as a 33% hike over a significantly cheaper PS4.
Ontop of this, the PS4 Pro launched at the price the PS4 launched at pre-price cut. The PS5 has not only been shy of a price cut, but has increased in price during its lifetime.
Going with my own individual experience as well, I own two PS4 Pros in addition to my base PS5, and have no intention to upgrade to a PS5 Pro. I'm confident there will be a large portion of PS4 Pro purchasers who wouldn't fork out for the PS5 Pro for the little benefit it has over a standard PS5. (Especially if, like myself, they've bought and installed a 2TB M.2 drive into their launch PS5 already)
Not a chance, the price point alone makes these two refreshes not comparable.
Initially most of their sales will come from scalpers and those people that will just waste money no matter what. However, the rest of us that were probably interested if it was around the 500, 550 price point Max 6 with disc, it ain't happening we're not that stupid.
It won't get anywhere near 18 mill with that price, the modest improvements, and the lack of additional factors like 4k( for ps4 pro).
The massive difference is that 4K TVs were commonplace when the PS4 Pro launched, and it was essentially just replacing the original model price wise while the original got a price drop. There was both a clear marketable improvement (4K) and zero extra financial burden. This is completely different as you can’t explain why it’s better to the layperson in a couple words and it’s extortionately expensive.
Since no drive it should be the same price as the original ps5 with a drive.
I thought the whole benefit to them for having a cheaper driveless system is that people buy games online through them and that means less hardcopies being resold second hand. But this is more expensive and driveless and I just can't see the value of it for me.
I was waiting for the ps5 pro to jump into the PlayStation world again but I think I'll either spend less and get original discless or maybe just spend more and go PC instead. I'm not sure. 🤔
GTA 6 x PS5 pro bundle will do numbers just like the RDR2 x PS4 pro bundle did.
I don’t know about sales but I think Push Square’s plan is to write 700 PS5 Pro articles by 2029, 1 article for every dollar of the $700 price. 🤑
They are way overestimating those numbers. They forget millions of people are still playing their PS4 Pros and don’t even plan on upgrading to a base PS5 until COD and FIFA make them do it.
According to the analysts GAAS is a good and very profitable idea ...
Not enough serious gamers up in here.
I fear if PS5 Pro sold well, Sony will used it as a reason to charge PS6 at 800-1000 bucks without disc drive. Heck, they could jack up the price for their 1st party games from 70 to 100 because why not when people are okay throwing 700 bucks for a console.
Oh well. I guess PS5 is my last console with Sony. Next gen i probably gonna go with Nintendo if Switch 2 price looks fair.
Or...i just stick with my old consoles. It's not like i'm running out of games with my huge backlog.
@PuppetMaster Yeah I'm afraid of the effect on "gpus should be more expensive than consoles" Nvidia, but it sounds like while they'll be unchecked on the high end, AMD is returning to hard competition in the midrange.
@rjejr even purexbox is writing a bunch on it. Sony jumped the rails so much they actually jump started Xbox again.
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@Ysobad Really?
Nothing constructive to say? Just ‘thumbing your nose’ at people who find/think that their money is to be spent a bit more wisely.
Come on, please justify your comment with some critical thinking.
@ButterySmooth30FPS I think I’m part of that group. Getting a shinier GT7 is all I need!
@rjejr by 2029? They will achieve this figure over the months leading up to launch date 🤣
I'll wait and see exactly what improvements are actually achievable and see if they bring out a sku with a drive. My priority is a new sim racing setup as thrustmaster have a new direct drive unit coming out and I want a proper racing frame too. If GT7 looks anywhere near as good as it did in the video and other racing games get ps5 Pro updates then I'll consider my options..wheel first though.
I'd like to see how new games, particularly running on UE5 look compared to the base model. If Wu-Kong or Dragon's Dogma 2 run at 60fps in fidelity mode with no blurry messy upscaling then that price point is adequate. But running games that already had good performance modes in a "pro" mode isn't really impressive. Last of Us 2 having a "pro" mode is probably the worst way to market this. It's a PS4 game for crying out loud.
Says the f#&%stain who couldn't afford a profile picture
Well these analysts are outright lying for a start
"The price point differential between the PS5 and PS5 Pro is between 40-50%"
This doesn't have a disc drive, so it's comparable to the $400 PS5 digital and it's a 75% increase in price over that
Highly doubt that
Most people considering a PS5 Pro has a PS5 which can still be sold for close to the price point second hand. So trading in is definitely an option making the actual shell-out much more acceptable.
The PS4Pro was way cheaper than the PS5Pro now is. Not sure who will pay that much for a minor upgrade.
50% of PS users are still on PS4 with no need to upgrade to a base PS5 as it is.
This number for PS5 Pro is beyond optimistic with inflation and little incentive to upgrade as the latest COD and Fifa and live service games all being available on PS4 as of this year
It won't sell well, Sony thought Concorde would do well... they thought the PSVR2 headset would do well at its high price point, they thought the PS3 would sell well at its original price point.
PlayStation and high price tags have never equalled a success in sales. The PS5 Pro will be no different, even more so when it offers nothing over the standard system that makes it justify its price tag.
If PS4 Pro was 1 in 5...then PS5 Pro will only be 1 in 10.
It's literally twice the price ($810 w/ stand & drive) vs old PS4 Pro.
That's way, way too much money to be even remotely mass-market.
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Removed - trolling/baiting; user is banned
@Ysobad Your misconception on how the rich spend their money is hilarious, they don't go out and buy overpriced consoles. They don't buy the latest iPhone every year, they look for value which you've confused with being poor and shows some naivety about you.
This is almost exactly what I was going to say. I got the PS4 pro and it made a big difference on my Oled TV id just brought. I think the returns on the pro 5 won't be worth the effort of getting and setting up. Sony don't deserve the money from me this time either. The depth of games I like have diminished so much this generation.
I got my self a PS Portal last week. That's going to come in clutch as I had an operation a couple days ago and bed ridden for 6 weeks at home. I'll stick with this being the only extra innovation I need this generation.
To sell PS5 Pro over 13 mil. pieces is only possible if PS6 (2026) would cost around £1500 and have no backwards compatibility.
It's an increase of 80% in the UK over the digital PS5 slim and 67% with the disc drive versus the disc version.
@PuppetMaster I think there's a significant difference between offering an upgraded model at a premium price and setting the price of your next base model that high as well. With PS5 Pro, they're not trying to get people to buy into the generation, that is done through the base PS5. The PS6 is a different story. Then again, the PS3 lauch happened.
Only interesting for me is why they calculate till 2029. Why this year. Maybe info for ps6?
@LogicStrikesAgain I think you are too optimistic. I can only hope but I have not much hope left in Playstation to be honest.
Showing of the PS5 Pro with PS4 games is a big hint of what Sony have and if there are games, I just don’t know why they are hiding them…
But be realistic, PS5 Pro on its own should be compared to PS5 Digital version not with DiscDrive. It is 389£ vs 699£ (+1TB). It is way more than 50% increase.
I owned two PS4 Pros. I will not be buying this.
This analysis is incorrect and extremely superficial / doesn't dig into the context of the situation.
I don't see it breaking 5 million lifetime. These analysts are almost constantly wrong, about everything.
@Ysobad and those who cannot think, judge.
Which one are you?
These “analysts” are just paid PR, trying to create trends, saying the public what is good for them or where is the future of the industry.
Just look at the ridicule Bloomberg Intelligence piece about Microsoft cloud gaming.
Weak comeback
Maybe if Geoff Keighley keeps posting about it it will get beaten into people’s heads.
Same. I upgraded to Pro.
PS5 just doesn't even have anything to push the base console, let alone a Pro version.
This is absolute madness from Sony. Useless hardware.
They're forgetting that games should back up a console's existence. It all feels so Ubisoft-y.
"Eh who cares if it sucks or nobody needs it, just release it and they'll buy it anyway"...
PS1 to PS4 were all justified by their games.
PS5 couldn't even release Factions 2. I've never seen this many disappointments during a gen smh
hahaha, I happen to be one of those "analyst/consultant" actually working for manufacturers in this industry to predict sales of future hardware.
You directly know the difference between people who actually do this for a living and people who would like to, but really don't.
Confidentiality of your clients is paramount and by just releasing their "estimates" in the press just says a lot about how deeply engaged they are in sales analytics and forecasting.
Second, to do this work properly, you need tons of assumptions on the product, the market response, the marketing investment and so on, which they cannot have access to if they don't work with the manufacturer. And without those any "estimate" is just some crude/basic triangulation.
Also, if the method is really to just reapply the same proportion of Pro/base from previous to this gen, this is not forecasting this is throwing darts... I mean even when not working with the manufacturers and missing tons of inputs, come on, you can do better in terms of statistical regression ^^
but hey, who knows, even a broken watch tell the right time twice a day ^^
@Ainu20 "Then again, the PS3 lauch happened"
That's what i fear.
PS5 Pro is 700 bucks and if it sold well, do you think Sony gonna give cheaper price for PS6 like 300-400 bucks, a console that will be stronger than PS5 Pro? I mean PS4 Pro launch at 400 and we got PS5 disc at 500.
I personally appreciate what Nintendo did with their console to keep down the price. Sure hardware wise they are a lot weaker than PS. But at least the price is pretty affordable for consumers who doesn't have deep pockets.
You can see Nintendo console price are pretty consistent for decades. NES, SNES, N64, and GC all launch at 200 bucks, Wii launch at 250 bucks, and WiiU and Switch launch at 300 bucks. We can safe to predict how much Switch 2 cost, either 300 or a bit higher like 350+ bucks.
Sony used to do this with both PS1 and PS2 launch at 300 bucks. They keep the price down so everyone can get their console. But they've changed since PS3, chasing more powerful console with premium price (600 bucks) and aimed for people with higher disposable income. We all know it doesn't do well for Sony and made them humble with PS4 launch at 400. But here we are with PS5 at 500 and PS5 Pro at 700...sigh 😔
After buying everything the actual TOTAL is £825
The PS5, now in its fourth year, is another reason to NOT consider investment.
More interesting thing is that Harding-Rolls predicts 106,9 million PS5 consoles, including Pro in 2029.
Which basically means 10 million less consoles than in previous gen. With one more year on the market (since PS6 is expected in 2028).
That's...not great
@gingerfrog Enjoy your new PS Portal, and have a good recovery from your op.
This makes sense to me. It’s mostly for people who don’t care about the price as much.
We’ll see what happens.
@REALAIS @Enigk exactly, everyone trying to compare it to the disc PS5 to make it seem not as bad as it actually is, but in reality it's the digital PS5 that it should be compared to and it's a huge price increase over that
@PuppetMaster Obviously no chance that the PS6 will be 300-400 USD, but I do think the 500 for PS5 was pretty reasonable. That's what both the Xbox One and Series X launched at in 2013 and 2020 respectively. We can only hope that component costs start decreasing in the next few years and we start seeing some price cuts. If not, I fear for what the next generation is going to cost.
Regarding the Switch 2, I wouldn't be surprised if this too will sell for more than you'd traditionally expect from Nintendo. Even at lower specs, they can't escape the economic reality and getting everything into a handheld device certainly doesn't make it cheaper. The current climate for electronics is just really, really bad.
At launch? Yes, it will sell roughly the same amount as PS4 Pro did, but the falloff after that will be greater without some price cuts.
People will ALWAYS buy things like this. Look at how many people buy a new premium phone every year, buy premium headphones like the £500 Airpods Pro Max, or own £200+ controllers like the Dual Sense Edge. There absolutely IS a market for this. It's not for me, but it will be for others, that's OK.
Wow, so many "the world owes me everything for free types! Nobody is removing your ability to stick with your PS1, 2 or 3 if that's what your budget allows, for the slightly better off sticking with your PS4, 4pro or 5 is still possible without spending a penny. You can still buy a PS5 diskless and and disk drive if you want! But that is not enough for them if they cannot have better Graphics for cheaper than now, the no-one should be able to pay for better!!!! What is this world coming too, what are they teaching kids/young adults today wow
@Arkz people tend to praise past products, games etc. But truth is PS4Pro was not that great at all.
I had it and it was loud AF and many games have not been optimized for it.
I'll probably get one. After selling off my launch PS5 Disc edition on the second hand market, I estimate the overall cost of an upgrade to be ~£400-500 depending on what I get for the launch PS5, which sweetens the pill.
@Danero You do realize they have a state of play coming up? Maybe they're saving the games to be shown then
@jrt87 This will depend country to country but there is plenty of evidence that around 35% - 66% of people buy their phones outright and are on a sim only contract (See this article for USA at 66%, and this one UK at 35%)
I agree they are different markets and products but just like premium headphones, £1,500+ Graphics cards and more there is absolutely a market for expensive premium products like PS5 Pro. The pricing doesn't suit ME, or perhaps you, but it will be fine for many.
The more worrying thing about the price means the ps6 has to be more expensive. I imagine starting at 8-900
@PuppetMaster if Sony did charge that much for a PS6, it would give them more leeway to build a stronger base system. As they always loose money on consoles in the beginning. Then people would feel that there is a bigger leap between the console generation. As 4K gaming is very taxing on hardware. And a single digit more in teraflops from the PS4 pro to PS5 isn’t so dramatic.
@LogicStrikesAgain I know, that is why I said I have some hope! But there are also rumors that it won’t feature any Sony first-party games. So yeah, I don’t know…
I bought the PS4 pro
I refuse to buy this over priced crap
There barely any games , there's no disk drive. Like serouslly? Screw you sony. That's just gross ..and it doesn't have a stand...like really
Is this a joke
@justemu but it only disappointed in sales because Sony released zero new games for it. Sony have announced almost no new games for ps5 as well, in comparison to PS4/ PS4 pro which had loads of games incoming at the time.
@Stickleman not really, look at the PS3 to PS4. PS4 was a lot cheaper despite many people predicting it would need to be the same price or more expensive, the high price point of the PS3 almost killed it at launch.
I'll be buying one, I've just ordered the external drive and a additional 4TB SSD in preparation.
Gaming is my hobby of choice. I have a fairly high end PC (5900x, 6900XT) but I prefer the ease of use of consoles, though I do like both my Rog Ally and Legion Go (more than my Steamdeck) - just a shame they're crippled by Windows.
As a hobby it's an expensive one for sure but, at the end of the day, 700 quid for a premium electronic gadget of any kind is to be expected given the state of the world right now. Besides it's going to cost you 3x as much to get an equivalent PC experience and even then you would be missing a stack of features like the XDNA hardware and RDNA4 level RT units.
I'm quite interested in seeing what they do to improve the PSVR2 experience with the Pro, I'm liking it on the standard PS5 but anyting that can improve the image quality will be a blessing.
I'm paycheck to paycheck I'd literally need a pay increase to get this lmao and I had a ps4 pro
Probably will when the price comes down
Got a PS5, my son has now clogged up the miniscule hard drive with screen and video grabs so I've uninstalled my PS4 games to give him more space and installed them on the PS4 Pro that's still in the living room.
Having a great time, turns out the old stager isn't ready to be pensioned off anytime soon, more comfortable controllers that last longer than a Fruit Pastille and I get greeted by a lovely PS2-theme when I start it up, not some miserable 'You Died' grey sparkle, funeral dirge thing.
@LogicStrikesAgain Yep, that's just some games. Watch GTA6 be 30fps on both machines lol.
The selling point of PS4 Pro was at least hey look, 4k! Even though hardly anything was and most stuff wash checkerboard rendering, games still looked better on our shiny new 4k tvs.
This is gonna be, hey look this game looks a little better, look at these side by side screenshots to compare... Also the price is just crazy... Meh.
@Arkz The emphasis was meant to be on 'some' but i dont know how to write words in cursive or bold.
So what I meant was not just some games, but the biggest games of all time.
I wasnt talking about 60fps, i dont think GTA6 will do 60fps on the Pro, it will have other enhancements though
Oh there you go, i figured it out by accident lol
Scalpers had no problem getting over a grand for PS5's , anyone that thinks this won't sell is deluded.
@NEStalgia "Sony jumped the rails so much they actually jump started Xbox again"
Nintendo Life wrote an article about PS5 Pro this morning as well. My comment was not polite.
"Oh come on man. Nintendo cares less about the PS5 Pro price than Nintendo Life does as this entire article is just an excuse for NL to "get the clicks" on the back on PS5 Pro announcement since after all these years we never got the long promised Switch Pro.
Hey Nintendo Life, did you ever write an apology to your readers for all the articles about Switch Pro you wrote and our time you wasted? Now that sounds like a worthwhile article to read. 😂"
@rjejr Yeah, once upon a time I was ONLY on NL and now NL is the only one I don't really visit. The community changed, the writing changed. Yeah, it's Hookshot standard fare and arguably standard media these days, and I don't like the tabloid leanings, but Push and Pure feel a bit more reasonable. USUALLY.
As with Apple fanboys (or any fanboys, for that matter), I will doubt the intelligence of anyone around me who tells me he got the PS5 Pro.
The best story concerning the PS5, and it's lack of actual PS5 games back then:
A friend was popping up in my XMB in 2020 (launch year) playing on his PS5. I wrote to him, asking if it's good, and he replied that it was so worth it paying a scalper 600€ on eBay instead of the regular 500€. The game he played?
NBA 2K21.
Don't let fomo get to you, it's not worth it.
@sanderson72 Exactly this, but the PS5 Pro will upscale PS4 games real nice lol! Where did you get that PS2 theme from, my man?
@cuttlefishjones that's actually pretty sad to hear!
@PerpetualBoredom From the PS4 themes section (Legacy Dashboard Theme?) - cost about £1.50 but it was developed by proper Sony, Naughty Dog and some others, using the original PS2 sound files.
Lovely theme and yet we're still waiting for them on the Tub o' Lard's dreary mess of a UI.
I highly doubt it. PS4 Pro managed to cash in on the demand for an early 4K capable console. Considering how the PS5 is already a good 4K console a PS5 Pro is going to be a much harder sale. That and the PS4 Pro wasn't $700 and it also included a disc drive.
@NEStalgia Yeah I have been going to these sites for a long time now and I could see a big change over the years for the worse.
@nomither6 but it destroys PC's in the same price range.
@PerpetualBoredom - I know right.If only the Ally or Legion used SteamOS they wouldn't be so hobbled!
@Zemo55 ahahaha! nobody is buying a PC at that price! 🤣😂🤣😂 it defeats the purpose.
@NEStalgia Only thing you've missed on NL is 3 years of Switch Pro launching followed by 3 years of Switch 2 launching. Spoiler: neither has launched yet. 😂
I've been on Pure a couple of times b/c of Gamepass on PC for my kid, who I bought a 3 month subscription for to have something to do over the summer, but they never redeemed it. 😝
@rjejr LOL, sounds about right. Plus reactions to Nintendo merch and random internet things that happen to reference Nintendo IP.
Give or take this will sell like the PS4 pro and series X. The cheaper model is always the common purchase and it won't be different with PS5/pro.
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