Gearbox founder and CEO Randy Pitchford has defended recent Gearbox setbacks, like the catastrophic reception of the Borderlands film or the inexplicably poor state of Risk of Rain 2's latest DLC, Seekers of the Storm. Unfortunately for Pitchford, he compared the company to The Beatles, one of, if not the most legendary and beloved musical acts in human history, and outraged fans came streaming out of the woodwork.
In response to an X user who questioned the developer's "judgement and shot-calling ability" (thanks, Eurogamer), Pitchford invoked The Beatles, claiming that even that legendary outfit only "had a 25% hit rate." Further, the Gearbox boss mused: "When artists have a miss, that's when they need fans the most to root them on, so they are motivated to keep creating."
Sadly for Randy, this invocation of The Beatles appears to have gotten away from him, with Waverunner5642 memorably pointing out that The Beatles never intentionally released an unfinished album riddled with audio issues. Others were outraged at the comparison, still more rattling off the beloved band's commercial statistics and other random trivia.