Update []: The promised demo for upcoming action title Dynasty Warriors: Origins is available to download now on PS5. Just head over to the demo section of the PS Store — or the game's main page — and the option should be there. The demo weighs in at around 18GB.

Just to reiterate our original article, the demo is built around the huge Battle of Shisui Gate, which offers up a full-on castle siege, complete with varied objectives and boss fights. It'll hopefully give us a good idea of what Origins' revamped combat system is all about.

And yes, you can pursue Lu Bu.

Will you be trying the Dynasty Warriors: Origins demo? (160 votes)

  1. Yes, I'm definitely playing it%
  2. No, I'm not interested%

Original Story: Koei Tecmo has revealed that a playable demo for Dynasty Warriors: Origins will drop this week, on the 22nd November. The action title promises impressively vast — and incredibly busy — battlefields, leveraging the power of current-gen hardware to deliver a serious spectacle. The demo should be very interesting from a technical perspective.

It should also be worth trying from a gameplay perspective. Origins is shaking up the Dynasty Warriors formula quite a bit, putting the focus on a nameless lead character, who'll be your vessel for this Three Kingdoms adventure. Veteran fans of the franchise will no doubt want to put the revamped combat system to the test.

The demo will consist of the massive Battle of Sishui Gate — a stage that was previously playable at Tokyo Game Show. However, Koei Tecmo says that this demo version has been expanded, and that there's no time limit attached, unlike in the aforementioned public build.

What's more, the demo will be "enhanced" on PS5 Pro, much like the full release is meant to be.

Will you be giving this Dynasty Warriors: Origins demo a shot? Start wading through generic troops in the comments section below.

[source blog.playstation.com]