It seems the Machine God is angry with developer Saber Interactive, or perhaps the correct prayers to the Omnissiah were not invoked when Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2's meaty Patch 5.0 was deployed on Tuesday. In either case, an observant Redditor noted an in-game icon that indicates a previously unannounced Research Centre will probably be coming to the game, likely as another expansion to the Battle Barge.

IGN verified the claim (and has reached out to publisher Focus Entertainment for comment), which you can see detailed in video form by YouTuber Chapter Master Valrak (above). While the specifics remain unclear, the Research Centre appears to allow the unlocking and displaying of trophies associated with various factions, including Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Tyrannids and Thousands Sons Chaos Space Marines.

Do you think some poor servitor will be punished for this sacrilegious error? Let us know in the comments section below.