Night Dive Studios has launched its latest classic remaster, The Thing: Remastered, bringing back an underappreciated PS2 classic horror game. The PS5, PS4 remaster is available now on the PS Store, and is priced at £24.99 / $29.99. The launch trailer can be viewed above.

You can expect the campaign to run at up to 120 frames-per-second in a 4K resolution on the PS5, along with "upgraded models, textures, and animations" as well as "enhanced lighting and atmospheric effects". There are also quality-of-life enhancements for the gameplay.

Here are some comparison screenshots, with the original on the top and the remaster on the bottom:

The plot setup is as follows: "You are Cpt J.F. Blake, leader of a U.S. Special Forces rescue team sent to investigate the blood-curdling events and enigmatic deaths of the American scientific team that transpired at the Outpost 31 research facility located in the frozen wastelands of Antarctica. Within these inhospitable surroundings your team encounters a strange shape-shifting alien life-form that assumes the appearance of people that it kills. Trapped by the elements and infected by this horrific entity, using all your team members is critical if you hope to accomplish your objectives, let alone survive."

Will you be playing The Thing: Remastered? Let us know in the comments below.