Along with Resident Evil 6, it seems Resident Evil 5 will also soon receive a native PS5 version. Just like the generally detested sixth instalment, an age rating for an Xbox Series X|S version of Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar's excursion to Africa has appeared on the ESRB website. The chances of this port being exclusive to the Microsoft consoles are extremely slim, though, so expect a PS5 version alongside it.
Both Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6 originally released for PS3, and each received a simple PS4 remaster last generation. Since then, Capcom has worked to bring its Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 remakes along with Resident Evil 7: Biohazard up to PS5 standards. It implemented PS5 DualSense controller capabilities, 120 frames-per-second, faster load times, and ray tracing support. It's expected Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6 will receive similar treatment.
Should these PS5 ports come to pass, it leaves Resident Evil Zero, the original PS1 game, and Resident Evil Code: Veronica as the only mainline entries without native versions on Sony's current-gen platform. However, all of them can still be played on PS5 via their PS4 versions through backwards compatibility.
When the game was remastered for PS4, we awarded a 6/10 rating in our Resident Evil 5 PS4 review. "Resident Evil 5 is a confounding game: it can be criticised for both mirroring its predecessor too closely and also for changing too much," we concluded. "When all's said and done, though, it's a decent romp that's brilliant when it's not bewildering – and when you consider the sheer amount of content included for the asking price, it's worth a punt. Plus, you get to punch a boulder."
Would you replay Resident Evil 5 on PS5? Let us know in the comments below.
[source x.com]
Comments 42
This could well be a hint that there are no plans to remake 5 anytime soon then, So if the remakes are to continue, will it be Zero or Code Veronica? or both?
Always wanted to punch that giant rock in 4K with super Chris.
Wish they would remake Code Veronica, which was my favourite of the original games after 2.
Wondering if this move is a sign that Capcom will not be remaking RE5 and 6? 🤔
@__Seraph there were rumors of a 0 remake recently. I think code Veronica deserves a remake more, Zero still holds up today.
Shame that means a remake is less likely now as RE5 could really do with a remake.
I really hope this means that RE5 and 6 are skipped for the remake treatment!
RE 5 and 6 need remakes more than any of the other games in the franchise.
They're so flawed and there's so much to improve.
Imagine correcting story elements as well gameplay for the games.
They could actually become classics like the predecessors.
Welcome to your ps5, buy and enjoy the new old games you can already play on ps4, your welcome , love sony
Code Veronica remake, please.
RE5 is great fun if you have a friend for couch coop. That said, no PS3 game needs a remake. They're all perfectly playable.
So if i have the re5 version on ps4 will i get free digital upgrade when they release the ps5 version?
Give me 4K with 120fps and gyro aiming, please. Also, physical copies of RE 5 & 6 for PS5. I'll gladly buy again if so.
At the moment, I prefer to play these games on my Steam Deck OLED, 90fps in handheld mode and 120fps while docked to my TV with gyro is so much more enjoyable!
@Pat_trick You played Code Veronica recently? It's an absolute slog. I still like it though
@1UP-HUSKY I agree about Code Veronica, although I'm not sure i agree with the notion that Zero holds up well. TBF Zero is probably my least favourite in the whole series.
@__Seraph I was just thinking about the mainline numbered ones, tbf.
Code Veronica definitely deserves the remake treatment.
We just want a Code Veronica remake. It's the best game in the proper resident evil style after 2. It is most in need of a remake by far.
Punching a Boulder has never looked so good 👍 😉
I've always liked RE5 a lot and it's one of my favorite entries in the series, so I'd be down for a remaster on PS5. I'd rather have RE9 first though but it seems that may be a ways off yet.......
Absolutely agree with 120fps, 4K, and hopefully gyro aiming with a motion sensitivity dial so you can fine tune it to your liking. Capcom unfortunately implements gyro poorly, just like they did with both RE4 Remake & RE Village. But with PSVR2, the motion controls are an easy 10/10. You can't even compare that sensorbar-less(Zero reference) gyro aiming in a DualSense to the VR sense controllers. The latter are in a completely different league, basically a successor the Wii remote plus, but with the added dimensionality with VR etc etc.
And what's wild is that Capcom could easily port over RE5 to PSVR2, with no set backs since it's technically a PS3 title. They could very well max it out at 2000x2040 per eye, and hit 90fps using Eye Tracking and Dynamic Foveated Rendering. Same thing Applies to Resident Evil: Revelations 1. But who am i kidding that will never happen.
And I can't stand RE6. But RE5 was enjoyable back on XBOX360 during it's debut. The PS3 version was notorious for having a soft image and messed up contrast unfortunately. I had both versions, and what can I say, PS3 owners-only got screwed. Where as the XBOX360 version was tack sharp, great contrast, and the 360 controller thanks to it's high tension analog sticks, and the left positioned at the top left was totally the way to go.
I actually might double dip with with RE5 PS5, just out of curiosity. Regardless of 4K & 120fps, it's still all going to feel like absolutely nothing compared to a VR version on PSVR2. It's exactly how i feel about the flat screen version of OG RE4 after playing the Quest 3 VR version.
I guess this is where the PC VR mod community(Aka > Praydog)comes into play.
I have a soft spot for Resident Evil 5. Chris Redfield is my favorite RE character, and RE5 was my very first platinum trophy, on the PS3. It's a hell of a ride, this game!!
Hopefully it’ll be a few or low cost upgrade. The wig and I rally joy playing this game together
@Pat_trick remastering 6 would be such a massive overhaul entirely, and considering the overall view if the game, even a remake would still be risky, 5 however overall not a bad game couple of changes and Qol updates be great
CV was a sight to behold back on Dreamcast in early 2000, on a new 32" 4:3 Sony Trinitron or JVC D-series(Which i owned hehe) CRT Tube TV. I swear, the DC must of had the last huge generational power leap with consoles, before things gradually became less profound and smaller. We'll be hitting diminishing returns with PS6, no doubt.
But back to CV. It's first half, with the entirety of the Island prison, and maybe the beginning of the castle were so much more enjoyable than the later half. Once you play as Chris the game takes a bit of a nose dive. Anyways, supposedly RE Zero remake is going to the next big RE title to pave the way, and I'm happy with that. Zero needs a total overhaul. I'd be fine if they altered the lore as well.
Having Rebecca as the lead was always a baffling idea. She always looks as if her head's stuck in the clouds. Her personality is irritating and boarderline Sailor moon-like. Easily the worst character in the RE series and 100% sticks out like a sore thumb, even Mikami agrees. We should of took on the role as Edward Dewy instead.
RE6 remake needs be something else entirely. I say scrap the OG RE6, destroy the lore and give us an original tale. But we wont be seeing a remake for years, probably during the end of the PS6's life span if we're lucky.
Rumour has it, that RE0 Remake is lined up next for PS5 this year.
@NeonPizza I agree with gyro being poorly implemented with the PS5 versions of RE4 Remake and RE Village, but it's better than no gyro at all. I think Capcom did a decent job with gyro support for RE Revelations 1 & 2 for Switch.
I can't speak on VR since I've not tried it. I'd assume the motion controls are on another level compared to standard controllers.
I doubt it, but maybe Nintendo will bring back the sensor bar for Switch 2...
VR Motion aiming is 100% reliable, because there's a reference. They even surpass the Wii remote Plus(+ Sensor bar). The DualSense's Gyro always struggles when you're aiming with a cross hair simply because there's no sensor bar at play. Gyro is typically only useful in conjunction with analog stick aiming for tine-tune aiming. I still think it pales in comparison to aiming with a remote though, and that came out in 2006.
Where as in VR, you feel like you're actually aiming and pointing as you would in real life. It's on a completely different level. You should give the PSVR2 a shot with Resident Evil Village. The VR cut scenes alone are absolutely jaw dropping. One of the greatest video game experiences I've had in the last 20 years. I could say the same thing about RE7 on PSVR1, and maybe RE4 Remake on PSVR2.
And crossing my fingers with a Switch 2 sensor bar. I'm not interested in aiming with it's new mouse controls, but Dual mouse controls could be used for more unique ways to play for stuff like Mario Paint 2 and whatever else.
If they do release this, I hope they finally increase the size of the split screen boxes. I could understand them being so small on PS3, but I was a bit disappointed when they weren't increased for the PS4 release. And I'll be even more disappointed if ps5 can't handle it.
@Skynet04 Its Capcom not Sony get your facts straight.
I did like RE5 was quite a fun game and that Sheva is gorgeous.
One of my favourite resi games
I am surprised that Code Veronica is so highly regarded. I somehow managed to softlock me out of continuing the game the first time I played it. In any case in today's culture a remake of Code Veronica or RE5 is highly unlikely expect if the script is changed.
Will Sheva still have potato AI? Man she is useless, say what you will about RE6 but partner AI in that game is spot on.
I would like to revisit 5 — I actually had a less fun time with it than I did with 6 at the time; the AI-controlled partner setup always felt a bit clunky and the overall vibe I remember being a lot more joyless than the other entries.
If the upgrades are free for people who already own the game. Then that's cool I guess.
I never played RE1, 2 or 3, played 10 minutes of 4 and hated it, but played through 5 multiple times both solo and coop. I know it was blasted for the direction it took the series but it was a really fun coop action game. I will say though that even though I say and associate "Resident Evil 5" with the game comfortably, if I hear "Resident Evil" I never would think of 5. Not sure if that makes sense 🤷♂️
But I love how they reinvented the series with 7, going first person and back into the creepy horror bits.
@belmont I tend to agree, I've played Code Veronica and it's fine, but it seems to have beloved cult status amongst the gaming community and I never quite got why. I'd personally love to see a remake of the original Resident Evil, with Jill 'returning' from the RE3 remake.
@Orange_Juice probably mostly people who played it when it first came out. It really was a stand out title back then, the graphics on the Dreamcast version were well above the ps1 games. I think it was the first resi to have moving/scrolling areas too? Might be wrong on that.
Even the intro movie seemed really cool back then.
I love Capcom and Resident Evil but these recent native ports seem kinda pointless and a bit expensive. The ported versions RE4,5,6 Look and play great. The visual upgrades with these games will be negligible. Same with RE7.
Can anyone explain the need for these??? I’m an RE mega fan and can see nothing useful…
Will 120fps benefit RE5?
Not too long ago, Capcom patched in Raytracing and other graphic stuff for RE2 Remake and RE3 Remake. Then they rolled back the patch for some reason. Anyone remember this??
@ItsAlwaysSunnyyy RE5 is excellent imo. It’s not so much horror (aside from excellent DLC) but it’s good solid fun and had many different collectables to find for the completionists!! It also has loads of fun locations to visit.
I still can’t get behind RE6 though. I’ve played it through multiple times with the thinking “maybe it wasn’t so bad, maybe I was in a bad mood, etc” But no. It’s just not fun.
@__Seraph Rumors say both. But I don't really care for RE0.
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