It’s been a while since we got a meaningful update on the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic remake, a game originally announced as a PS5 console exclusive, with Sony supposedly set to step in as publisher.
The game, revealed all the way back in 2021, has endured a troubled development cycle, with original developer Aspyr yanked off the project and the reins handed to Saber Interactive.
Reports then followed that the game was dead, which were quickly quashed, and then almost a year ago, Saber Interactive’s CEO Matthew Karch reassured fans the project was “alive and well”.
Now, in a rare update with GameFile, that same exec has said the project is still very much in development, but added that he couldn’t elaborate further.
Further to that, COO Tim Willits said on social media: “Saber Interactive is one of the largest independent developers in the world. We are working on numerous games across many different genres. Everything that we have talked about is still in development. We will share information on upcoming games when we have something cool to share.”
KOTOR would certainly be a game that it’s talked about in the past, therefore must still be in development.
However, it’s unlikely Sony will still involved with the project at this point to be honest, after it nuked the title from its social media accounts. It explained this was due to a music licensing issue, but we’re sceptical of this still being a console exclusive should it ever re-emerge.
[source gamefile.news, via x.com, videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 19
Whether it’s exclusive or not, I hope that it is still a thing. I never got to play these (it and its sequel) back in the day but wish that I did. All that I hope is that they update the gameplay (ie combat) as well as the graphics.
The challenge is - for the wider market, Star Wars has gone the way of most of Disney's IP's. Down the tubes. I think Indiana was the surprising one - but then again, I know it was well reviewed, but do we actually have any sales figures for the game? (that's an honest question - not a rhetorical or trolling question)
I think the other challenge for the franchise is how much it leans on nostalgia - or in gaming parlance - remasters. For all the crap that Outlaws got - it at least tried to do something a little different (albeit with a huge spoonful of nostalgia to make the new-ness go down).
"KOTOR would certainly be a game that it’s talked about in the past, therefore must still be in development."
What a weird sentence! Another example of AI gone wrong or just bad writing?
@Oz_Who_Dat_Dare I can't imagine the 'sales' are that high given its on gamepass. I think engagement was good though. In January Microsoft said it had been played by 4 million people. I think the real test of sales will come when it launches on PS5
This game and Star Wars Eclipse, smells like both will become vaporware.
Epic games store on mobile are giving away both the original games atm if anyone is interested in playing them.
@graymamba FYI both KOTOR games are free on the android epic game store until the 20th March. I think it's also free on iOS.
Long have I lost any hope for this one to see the light of the day. It was bad enough that the one writer was having a meltdown on social media and seemingly slandering the studio, but the sheer amount of time that has passed and the fact that Saber is getting really big, really fast (space marine 3 announced when space marine 2 is still lacking some major features) just makes me think it may be biting off more than it can chew. Would like it to be released but man, talk about developmental hell. Still, Dead Island 2 finally made it out and was amazing so who knows?
Is a second Battlefront remaster too much too ask for at this point lmao. I remember really enjoying force unleashed
I originally played KOTOR back on PC in 2003. I tried playing it again using my tablet via the free-game giveaway by the Mobile Epic Store...I didn't last 5 minutes and uninstalled the game.
Playing it on a tablet, after playing on PC originally, was an awful experience.
I'm really hoping this remake is released...eventually.
I still want this... if it ever sees the light of day.
@graymamba It's worth tracking down for the story alone. Completely mind blowing. I think it's even on mobiles now, although that's not my thing. There is always emulation though.
The quality of star wars games at the moment is at an all time high imo, the best it's been since the jedi knight, Kotor days. The internet is a pool of sour fanboys, but if games like jedi fallen order/survivor and outlaws would be measured by their own merit rather than everybody's two cents on the state of star wars/disney then we could honestly acknowledge that these are fantastic games.
This is another one of those IP's from the past that I see getting hyped to high heaven in comments and news articles, where I ask "how many people are still gaming today in "insert current year" who ever played this game and still remember it?
There is a small vocal contingent banging on about such games, but most people like me from that generation are long gone and no longer playing games. We aren't boomers, but a lot of gamers today view us as such.
A significant percentage of gamers weren't even born when these games were released and the vast majority weren't old enough to play them at the time.
The IP's don't have anything remotely close to the brand value some people ascribe to them.
KOTOR is a perfect example of such a game, where I laugh when I think about how many people are still gaming who played it.
Combine that with the Star Wars IP, which has been trashed by Disney and no longer has any value and only retains a wafer thin following, and very few people would check out such a remake.
It's not worth the investment. If I were a publisher I'd drop it like a tonne of bricks. This is no reflection on whether the game is good or not, it's just that it might as well be an entirely new IP as far as brand recognition is concerned, and would actually suffer from the spoiled Star Wars licence.
@Cornpop76 I get what your saying and assuming we're very close in age (47) you're right in that this won't have the same mass market appeal anymore but personally I'd love this to happen
@graymamba If you have a Switch both games are on it.
Ok we will see.word up son
@Cornpop76 I don't think the idea is to appeal to us older gamers with remakes, although we typically eat them up (I'm 50 btw), but to introduce classic games to a modern audience with updated graphics and gameplay. If the right care is taken, it can find a new audience and be successful again because it has already been tried and proven. Look at how many new gamers bought the Silent Hill 2 remake. Look at every Nintendo launch. There is a reason there is always a new Zelda and Mario game every time.
Seems rather sad that a one-time PC/Xbox OG gen exclusive of this & SW KOTOR 2 remain unavailable to PS players but whether through Xbox's VM emulation is available still today,& PC,& even Switch!
BUT,if I'm not mistaken the Switch release did seemingly contain a fair few bugs so like a few retro titles,so seemingly better off going with the PC port & possibly a few mods to get the best experience!
Hard to know if PS players are better off waiting for a game that may never come & Sony seemingly abandoned investing in further vs a half rate buggy port of the original game! 🤔
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