PS5 Console Exclusive Star Wars Game Is Still Alive Allegedly 1

It’s been a while since we got a meaningful update on the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic remake, a game originally announced as a PS5 console exclusive, with Sony supposedly set to step in as publisher.

The game, revealed all the way back in 2021, has endured a troubled development cycle, with original developer Aspyr yanked off the project and the reins handed to Saber Interactive.

Reports then followed that the game was dead, which were quickly quashed, and then almost a year ago, Saber Interactive’s CEO Matthew Karch reassured fans the project was “alive and well”.

Now, in a rare update with GameFile, that same exec has said the project is still very much in development, but added that he couldn’t elaborate further.

Further to that, COO Tim Willits said on social media: “Saber Interactive is one of the largest independent developers in the world. We are working on numerous games across many different genres. Everything that we have talked about is still in development. We will share information on upcoming games when we have something cool to share.”

KOTOR would certainly be a game that it’s talked about in the past, therefore must still be in development.

However, it’s unlikely Sony will still involved with the project at this point to be honest, after it nuked the title from its social media accounts. It explained this was due to a music licensing issue, but we’re sceptical of this still being a console exclusive should it ever re-emerge.

[source, via,]