Tag: Square Enix - Page 22
News Final Fantasy VII Remake Sales Off to a Great Start in Japan Despite Coronavirus Situation
PS4 sales spike
Final Fantasy VII Remake has proven to be a hit in Japan. The latest estimated sales numbers from Famitsu are in, and the long awaited remake tops the software charts by some distance. What's more, the release of Final Fantasy VII Remake has resulted in a sales spike for the PlayStation 4 itself. The console's been selling quite...
Soapbox Final Fantasy VII Remake's Cloud Goes From Hero to Zero in a Single Side Quest
Liam pulls a 180 on soldier boy
Update: Here at Push Square, we're more than happy to admit when we got something wrong. This is one of those rare occasions. It has become clear that Cloud was instead trying to spur the old man on to do something with his life, so let's discuss how I, a newcomer to the game, didn't pick up on that. Does Final...
News Final Fantasy VII Remake Fares Admirably at UK Retail Amid Coronavirus Crisis
Half of Final Fantasy XV's physical first week
Final Fantasy VII Remake sold half as many physical copies as Final Fantasy XV during its first week on sale in the UK, but that’s an incredibly impressive result when you consider the vast majority of retail stores are closed at the moment. You’ve also got to factor the fact that Final Fantasy XV...
News DOOM Eternal Pays Tribute to Final Fantasy VII Remake With Awesome Artwork
Buster sword bros
The official DOOM Twitter account has posted some eye-catching artwork in honour of Final Fantasy VII Remake. The accompanying post reads: "Congratulations to Final Fantasy VII Remake on the launch." It's always nice to see different games come together like this on social media, but this particular picture's a real cut above. It...
Poll Did You Buy Final Fantasy VII Remake?
And have you played the original?
Can you believe that Final Fantasy VII Remake is actually here? Crazy, isn't it? Now we just have to wait another 15 years for Square Enix to finish the story! No, but jokes aside, Final Fantasy VII Remake is a great action role-playing game -- as pointed out in our review -- and we can't wait to see how many...
News Two Free Final Fantasy VII Remake PS4 Dynamic Themes Available to Download Now
Both are amazing
Final Fantasy VII Remake is out now on PlayStation 4, and as promised, Square Enix has released not one, but two dynamic themes on the PlayStation Store. One is completely free as long as you play the demo before the 11th May, while the other is free for PlayStation Plus members. The former is simply titled 'Final Fantasy VII Remake...
News Final Fantasy VII Remake Tech Analysis Highlights Poor Texture Problems
Digital Foundry weighs in
Those lovable geeks over at Digital Foundry have uploaded a technical analysis of Final Fantasy VII Remake, and it's well worth a watch. The team's blown away by much of the game, praising its rock solid performance, art direction, detail, and stunning story cutscenes. But, much like we pointed out in our 8/10 review of the...
Round Up Final Fantasy VII Remake PS4 Reviews Are on Cloud Nine
Buster groove
It's fair to say that this article has been a long time coming. Final Fantasy VII Remake is less than a week away from launch, and reviews are starting to hit the web. All in all, it's looking very, very good for Cloud and co., with the majority of reviewers dishing out high scores and a lot of praise. We imagine that Square Enix is...
News Final Fantasy VII Remake's Main Menu Screen Is a Thing of Beauty
Now that's nostalgia
If you've played the original Final Fantasy VII, then you'll know the significance of this main menu screen. In the PlayStation classic, you're greeted with an image of Cloud's iconic buster sword after booting the game up, and Final Fantasy VII Remake does the same. It seems Square Enix understands the power of nostalgia...
News Final Fantasy VII Remake Has a Serious Texture Quality Issue on PS4 and PS4 Pro
Junk town
If you've played the Final Fantasy VII Remake demo, then you'll already know just how good the game can look. At times, it's absolutely stunning. The impressively detailed character models, the lighting, the art direction -- it's all gorgeous when it wants to be. But as the title of this article suggests, there's a much uglier side to...
News New Final Fantasy VII Remake Trailer Is Full of Characters and Combat
Beware of spoilers
It still feels surreal to say that Final Fantasy VII Remake will be releasing on PlayStation 4 in just a weeks time. Announced all the way back at E3 2015, one of the most memorable moments of the generation, Square Enix will finally deliver the first part in its gigantic project to revitalize the 1997 JRPG masterpiece. The finish...
News Final Fantasy VII Remake PS4 Trophy List Could Be an Easy Platinum
Two playthroughs?
Physical copies of Final Fantasy VII Remake are popping up all over the place across Europe, and as users get their hands on the long-awaited title, one of its most important aspects is finally being uncovered. That's the Trophy list, of course! Powerpyx has just posted the full list of PlayStation 4 Trophies you'll be able to add...
News Final Fantasy VII Remake Will Ship 'Far Earlier' in Europe and Australia, Square Enix Confirms
Early copies incoming
Square Enix has released a new statement, once again addressing the shipping and delivery of Final Fantasy VII Remake amidst the coronavirus outbreak. The publisher confirms that in Europe and Australia, the upcoming role-playing title will now ship "far earlier" than initially planned. The development team writes: "We had...
News NieR Replicant Coming to PS4 with 10 Year Anniversary Revival
Original game getting an upgrade for PS4
Here's a very brief history lesson. 10 years ago, the original NieR came to PlayStation 3 in the West with no subtitle, and no differences between platforms. However, over in Japan, there were two versions of the RPG: NieR Gestalt on Xbox 360, and NieR Replicant on PS3. The West played the former regardless...
News Final Fantasy VII Remake Retail PS4 Copies Leak Weeks Ahead of Release
Uh oh
It’s a strange time for retail PlayStation 4 releases, with much of the world in lockdown and most stores closed. That hasn’t stopped Blu-ray copies of Final Fantasy VII Remake leaking ahead of the hotly anticipated exclusive’s 10th April release date, however. Reddit is awash with photographs of the title already in consumers’ hands,...
News Final Fantasy VII Remake Being Bundled with PS4 Consoles in Japan
Will it come west?
We're just a couple of weeks away from the release of Final Fantasy VII Remake on PlayStation 4. To celebrate the arrival of this long-awaited revival, Sony and Square Enix have teamed up for an official bundle pack, allowing fans to buy a PS4 console with a copy of the game in the box. The catch is that, right now, it's only been...
News Final Fantasy VII Remake's Soundtrack Stretches Across 7 CDs
Seven heaven
Based on what we've heard so far, Final Fantasy VII Remake's soundtrack is shaping up to be outstanding. We've played though the demo at least four or five times just to hear that amazing orchestral boss battle theme swell as we tear the guard scorpion apart. We simply can't wait to hear what the rest of the game sounds like. Square...
News Square Enix Explains Decision to Split Final Fantasy VII Remake Into Multiple Games
It was immersion, or cut content
Square Enix has, on numerous occasions, attempted to explain its decision to remake Final Fantasy VII as a series of games, as opposed to just one big release. However, the wording has always been a bit flimsy -- primarily because we've been having to translate Japanese speech into English text. Fortunately, a new...
News Final Fantasy VII Remake's Endgame Won't Disappoint Fans
The same size as any other Final Fantasy
In today's world, the word "endgame" draws connotations to the likes of Destiny and The Division 2. However, the Final Fantasy franchise has actually been implementing new tasks and challenges to complete into its games after the ending for decades. Final Fantasy VII Remake is said to be no different with...
Due to coronavirus
With the release date for Final Fantasy VII Remake fast approaching, Square Enix has issued a statement with regards to the ongoing coronavirus situation and how it could impact the game's launch. The good news is that Final Fantasy VII Remake has not been delayed. It's still set to release on the 10th April 2020. The bad news is...
News Final Fantasy VII Remake Adds Some Entirely New Areas to Midgar
The big city
At this point it's not exactly a surprise, but Final Fantasy VII Remake will introduce players to some entirely new areas inside Midgar. With the game taking place exclusively within the city's walls, Square Enix has had to expand the location significantly. Not only are places from the original title being fleshed out, but whole new...
News Trials of Mana Demo Out Now on PS4, Progress Carries Over to Full Game
The adventure begins
In case you haven't heard, classic action role-playing game Trials of Mana as been remade, and it's coming to PlayStation 4 in April. But you won't have to wait over a month to try the title for yourself, as there's a playable demo available right now on the PlayStation Store. Said demo weighs in at around 7GB, and it'll give...
News Trials of Mana Demo Launches Tomorrow on PS4, 30 Minutes of Gameplay Footage
Carry your progress over
After the listing was picked up on the PlayStation Store backend, Square Enix has now officially announced that a Trials of Mana demo will be making its way to PlayStation 4 from tomorrow. The playable teaser should last anywhere between 90 minutes and two hours, it'll let you carry over your progress into the main game, and...
Gallery All Final Fantasy VII Remake Character Art
Party members, villains, and summons
Square Enix has released a number of very high quality character (and creature) renders for Final Fantasy VII Remake. As you'd expect, the remake has given each member of the cast an overhaul, while also staying true to the original designs. Up to this point, we think everyone looks pretty much perfect. Below,...
News Final Fantasy VII Remake Details Completely New Characters and Much More
Loads of new screens
Final Fantasy VII Remake has received a whole load of new screenshots, showing off some entirely new characters who weren't in the original. We also get a look at Wall Market, as well as the all-new Corneo Colosseum, which appears to be an arena in which you can test your skills in exchange for rewards. But first, let's take a...
News Square Enix to Celebrate NieR's 10th Anniversary with Epic 10 Hour Livestream
Announcements incoming?
The NieR franchise is rapidly approaching its 10th anniversary as we write this article, with the original PlayStation 3 title launching across the world in late April 2010. Square Enix and producer Yoko Taro had already promised that they would celebrate the landmark in some way, and now the twosome have revealed their plans...
News PS Plus Members Will Receive Free Final Fantasy VII Remake Dynamic PS4 Theme
Coming soon
Square Enix is going hard on its promotion of PlayStation 4 exclusive Final Fantasy VII Remake, so much so that all subscribers to PlayStation Plus will receive a free PS4 dynamic theme in the near future. The publisher has provided us with a glimpse of it via a tweet below, with the contrasting shots focusing on Midgar and Cloud Strife...
News Final Fantasy VII Remake's Butterfinger Promotion Sounds Like a Ballache
Phoenix down
Final Fantasy VII Remake’s well-publicised Butterfinger promotion is turning into something of a nightmare for fans of Square Enix’s legendary role-playing game. As recently explained, players were urged to pick up two or more bars of candy and share a picture of their receipt in return f
News That Trials of Mana Remake Still Looks Really Promising in New Gameplay Trailer
Mana oh mana
in case you didn't know, there's a very promising looking remake of a classic role-playing game coming out in April. What? Final Fantasy VII Remake? No, we're obviously talking about Trials of Mana, which just got a brand new gameplay trailer. While parts of the footage do look a little bit janky, we think there's a lot of potential...
News Japan Says Final Fantasy X Is the Best Game in the Series
Recently, Japan's national broadcasting organisation NHK hosted a number of Final Fantasy polls, asking fans to vote on their favourite game, characters, bosses, and music. Almost half a million votes were cast, and some of the results are... Well, some of them are reasonable, but others are questionable at best. Indeed, Japan...
News Final Fantasy VII Remake Goes Gold Ahead of April Release Date on PS4
It's finally happening
We've been waiting what feels like an eternity for Final Fantasy VII Remake, so this is pretty big news: the game's finally finished and ready to ship ahead of its 10th April release date. The news comes via director Tetsuya Nomura, who confirmed in a new interview with Japanese site 4Gamer that development's done -- future...
News Free PS4 Theme Is an Extra Incentive to Download Final Fantasy VII Remake Demo
Midgar presents
If the thought of playing a little bit of Final Fantasy VII Remake for yourself with today's demo isn't enough, Square Enix has packaged another sweet surprise in with the download to tempt you further. If you grab the file off of the PlayStation Store and fully install it to your PlayStation 4, you'll get a free PS4 theme prior to...
News You Won't Be Able to Play as Red XIII in Final Fantasy VII Remake
He's a "guest character"
Red XIII, the highly intelligent dog-cat from Final Fantasy VII, will not be a playable character in the upcoming Final Fantasy VII Remake. Despite being seen on the battlefield in a previous trailer, you won't be able to take direct control of Red during combat -- he's apparently just a guest character who'll help you out...
News Final Fantasy VII Remake Demo Is Available Right Now on PS4
Download it now
The highly anticipated Final Fantasy VII Remake is just over a month away, but of course, we all want to play it right now, darn it. Our very own Sammy Barker recently went hands on with the title, but if you want to try it for yourself, you're getting a free demo on PlayStation 4. The good news is that this demo is available to...
Hands On Final Fantasy VII Remake's Modern Combat Thrills, But Level Design Feels Stuck in the Past
7th Heaven?
It’s hard to imagine the stakes being higher for Final Fantasy VII Remake, considering this is a recreation of arguably the most iconic PlayStation role-playing game of all time. Resident Evil 2 proved without doubt last year that it’s possible to resurrect PSone classics for a new era, retaining all original charm while appealing to...
News Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2 Development Not Impacted by Part 1 Delay
Good to know
Unless you haven't been keeping up, you probably already know that the complete Final Fantasy VII Remake experience is being developed and released in parts. The first part, simply titled Final Fantasy VII Remake, takes the early-game Midgar story arc from the original PSone classic, and supposedly adds a huge amount of depth to...
News Replace Your Buster Sword with a Butterfinger for Free Final Fantasy VII Remake DLC
Confectionery affection
Final Fantasy is no stranger to curious crossovers – remember when Noctis and gang when on a quest to create the ultimate Cup Noodles? – so this real-world promotion for the upcoming Final Fantasy VII Remake probably won’t come as much of a surprise. Purchase specially branded bars of Butterfinger between 3rd March and...
News Lara Croft the Latest Character to Join the Cast of Free-to-Play Fighter Brawlhalla
Brawlhalla is one of those games that keeps on ticking away in the background, and while you're not paying attention, will be doing some pretty cool stuff. One thing it's particularly fond of is crossovers, and the latest character to join the ranks of this free-to-play fighting game is none other than the Tomb Raider herself. Yes, Lara...
News Don't Expect Any Next-Gen Exclusive Games from Square Enix in the Near Future
Making use of back compat
The industry is gearing up for the arrival of the next-generation with the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, but publisher Square Enix doesn't plan on releasing its games exclusively for those platforms any time soon. In a new Q&A as part of a financial briefing, the Japanese behemoth stated that it will take advantage...
News Final Fantasy VII Remake's DLC Summons Detailed in New Gameplay
Chocobo Chick, Carbuncle, and Cactuar
Final Fantasy VII Remake will have three DLC summons at launch, and new gameplay clips show each of them off (thanks Gematsu for compiling them into one video). While nowhere near as grandiose as the game's main summons, like Ifrit and Shiva, who fight alongside you for a time, these smaller summons still...
News Dissidia Final Fantasy NT's Final Update Set for March, No Sequel Planned
NT like this
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT will receive its final major update on the 5th March, Square Enix has announced. Since releasing on PlayStation 4 back near the beginning of 2018, the game's enjoyed a lot of support, primarily in the form of additional DLC characters. However, it's fair to say that the title never really took off. Despite...
News Final Fantasy VII Remake Box Confirms the Game Is 100GB in Size
2 discs, remember
Remember back at E3 2019 when Square Enix said that Final Fantasy VII Remake would ship on two Blu-ray discs? Well, it wasn't kidding. Images of the game's Korean cover have made it online, and the back of the box confirms that the long awaited role-playing release will be at least 100GB in size. Jeez. It's assumed that Final...
News Final Fantasy VII Remake Opening Movie Is a Five Minute Masterpiece
Thing of beauty
Coupled with a new set of screenshots yesterday, the Final Fantasy VII Remake marketing machine really is kicking into gear. Next up we have the game's opening movie, which has to be said is five minutes of beauty and excellence. Check it out for yourself above and bask in its glory. We initially catch some glimpses of updated shots...
News Outriders Gameplay Reveal Leaves a Lot to Be Desired
PS5 game looks generic
After spending far, far too long talking amongst themselves, developer People Can Fly finally got around to showcasing the first slice of gameplay for Outriders. The game is headed to both PlayStation 4 and Sony's next-generation PlayStation 5 at the end of this year, making the title you see above more than likely one of its...
News Why Are the Marvel's Avengers Xbox One Achievements Already Live?
Trophies will be the same
Here's something odd and rather funny -- Marvel's Avengers' achievement list for the Xbox One version of the game has just made its way online on Exophase. We're not entirely sure how or why this has happened, we're a bit bemused by the thing over here at Push Square Towers, but we can actually gather some extra information...
News Various Marvel's Avengers PS4 Editions Detailed, 72-Hour Early Access and Outfit Pack
"Talk to the hand" emote
Incase you aren't entirely sure what Marvel's Avengers is exactly, the various newly announced PlayStation 4 versions will fill you in very quickly. This is a Game as a Service through and through with the likes of skin packs, exclusive emotes, and premium currency on offer if you decide to pre-order the game or shell out...
News New Final Fantasy VII Remake Screenshots Show Side Quests and a Lot of Tifa
Plus a brand new character
Square Enix has released a bunch of brand new Final Fantasy VII Remake screenshots, and frankly, we still can't believe how good this game looks. The shots cover a number of characters, locations, and even systems, as we get our first look at side quests along with a totally new character called Chadley. Chadley is...
News Alicia Vikander Will Reprise Role as Lara Croft, Filming to Begin in April
Should be a Lara fun
The original Tomb Raider movie was a faithful if forgettable retelling of Crystal Dynamics’ franchise reboot, and it seems it was successful enough to spawn a sequel. Alicia Vikander will reprise her role as the PSone icon in a brand new big screen adventure scheduled to start filming in April 2020 ahead of a 21st March, 2021...
News Trials of Mana Demo Looks Set for PS4 Ahead of April Release Date
Give it a trial
Who would have thought that Trials of Mana is out in two months for PlayStation 4. We've heard very little from the Square Enix remake ever since its reveal, although that might be about to change as a PS4 demo has been spotted in the PlayStation Store back end. Reported by Gematsu after the listing was picked up on over at...
News Outriders Gameplay Premiere Could Give Us Our Next Glimpse of PS5
First look imminent
Outriders – the sci-fi co-op shooter by Polish studio People Can Fly – will get a full gameplay reveal this week, following its re-reveal for the PlayStation 5 today. And it could offer an all-new glimpse at some next-gen action, with the studio unlikely to spotlight the PlayStation 4 edition. Given that Sony and Microsoft...