Tag: Zipper Interactive - Page 3

  • News September's Qore Episode Seems Action Packed, Features Access To The MAG Beta

    Good news Qore subscribers, not only do you get to spend your time ogling Veronica Belmont all over again, but you're also going to gain access to the MAG beta as part of your subscription

    Anyone who subscribes on or before September 17th will gain access to Zipper Interactive's ambitious shooter. You'll also preen new details about the Uncharted 2:...

  • News MAG Launches January 26th, 2010 In The USA

    There you have it then folks

    We've been speculating for weeks on the will they, won't they nature of MAG and the confirmation is in. The game won't go up against Modern Warfare 2. With Sony already accumulating a busy 2009 schedule, we'd pondered where MAG were slot into things, especially with that other shooter coming out late in the year...

  • News MAG Beta Enrollment Begins

    Some of you lucky people (read: not us - Ed) might have a tantalising email in your inbox right now

    It's headed with the words "MAG" and ends with "Public Beta". Check your emails. We'll wait. Ok, so we're assuming those of you that got that email probably won't be paying much attention to the rest of this post. For those of you...

  • News Here's Your Surprisingly Colourful European MAG Boxart


    nl</a> [you'd never have guessed from the enormous watermark eh? - Ed] have managed to get their hands on the European boxart for Zipper Interactive's MAG. And it's surprisingly colourful. The game had an excellent showing at E3 and it's something we're excited for. Still, the lack of commitment for a release date makes us wonder...

  • News US Retailers Hint At MAG Delay

    Previously thought to be one of Sony's blockbuster Christmas releases, various US retailers are hinting that MAG may have been pushed back to 2010

    It's worth noting that European retailers have the game scheduled for November — which in our opinion would be the worst time to release the game with a certain Modern Warfare 2 around the corner. It's...

  • News Heartbreak: No Syphon Filter 5, SOCOM 4 After All... For Now

    Oh PCB Productions

    How you have broken our hearts. After listing Syphon Filter 5 and more recently SOCOM 4 in the credits section of their website many believed the reality of new games in the popular franchises being under development. Alas, they are not."I apologize for the confusion. There appears to be some errors on our credits," said...

  • News SOCOM 4 May Well Be "In Development" For Playstation 3

    Who's ready for more SOCOM? Well just like Peter Dille hinted back in 2007, there may well be some more SOCOM on the way

    A job listing for PCB Productions, the same company who mentioned the words Syphon Filter 5, have added the words SOCOM 4 to their credits page before promptly removing them. It's safe to assume then that someone, somewhere is t

  • News New MAG Developer Diary Discusses Almost Sport-Like Faction Allegiances

    Everytime one of these new MAG developer diaries are released, we learn something new about Zipper Interactives ambitious shooter

    This latest video regarding factions gives the impression that MAG is going to have a much more team-based "supporter" like spirit to it than other games. You choose a side depending on your personality and from...

  • News Zipper Interactive Discuss The Reasons For A 256 Player Shooter

    MAG is going to be a shooter on a massive scale

    256 players is a big, big tally. In this video diary, the developers from Zipper Interactive talk a little more about how the player count will be managed and why they decided to choose such a large number of players. For some reason hype seems relatively low for this game. We hope Sony can manage to...

  • News Zipper Interactive Discuss The Shadow War

    In this developer diary, MAG creators Zipper Interactive talk about the background plot that drives their new multiplayer shooter from a narrative stand-point

    It's rather interesting to hear Zipper talk about MAG in a context that represents more than just multiplayer shooting. They also talk about the possibilities of using the universe they've...

  • E3 2009 MAG Demonstration With 256 Players

    Zipper Interactive today showcased the first ever 256 MAG battle - live at their E3 conference

    Employees were playing back home in Seattle to fill out the map. There was a real sense of strategy to the game with overhead maps and objectives being set by team leaders. The main thing is though: it works baby.

  • E3 2009 MAG To Be Playable On The Sony Booth

    Last year Zipper Interactive's MAG was mentioned in passing

    This year, it's going to be playable at Sony's booth. Journo's will be playing in an 8-man squad in a 256 player game. Hopefully Zipper have introduced some kind of AI to fill in the places of players who aren't in the lobby yet — would make waiting for a game to start much less...

  • News First MAG Gameplay Trailer Focuses On Scale

    Here's the first gameplay trailer for Zipper Interactive's upcoming 256-player shooter MAG

    It shows tank driving, massive battles and a lot of variety. If handled correctly, this could, alongside Killzone 2, make the prominent home console for shooters; stealing the crown right from under Microsoft's nose.

  • News MAG To Be Called MAG: Shadow War?

    Just a follow up to the earlier article about MAG's website launch

    It seems people are able to access the same website from an alternative URL, www.magshadowwar.com. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to assume there might be a slight extension to the game's title.

  • News Official MAG Website Launches, It's On Its Way

    Remember MAG? Oh heck yes, of course you do

    After not posting about it for a year, suddenly, we have two articles in a week. And now there's an official website. There's not much on there, apart from some hotspots which reveal some "battlefield" like sound effects when you hover them. And then things flash on the screen and stuff. MAG is...

  • News First MAG Screenshots Reveal Scale And Surprising Beauty

    Online games usually take a hit in the graphics stakes

    Why? Because they have to be lag-free, there's a lot of data to transfer, etc. etc. It's obvious that an online game has to be a little economical with its graphics. MAG is not aiming to be any online game though. MAG is pitched as a 256 player online shooter. And these first screenshots confirm...

  • News MAG Actually Gets Mentioned, "Only Posssible On Playstation 3"

    In a shock move, Sony have actually decided to make a comment on their upcoming 256-player online shooter, MAG

      The game, which was unveiled at E3 and has since dropped off the radar, is claimed to be "only possible on Playstation 3" by SCEA's John Koller. In an interview with vg247.com, Koller said:“MAG is a 256 online-player game...