Love it, can't wait for my copy. Also if that's your attitude then it would be better if you didn't review it. Is like those people that were negative about doax3 being made yet went on to review it anyway just cause.
The only SSB I like is Melee, after that one is gone down hill to me.I would get the new system if they did a remaster of it with online play. If Sony had gone full dark with their clone it would probably still be around.
I agree Zelda looked great but it's on one of my most hated systems of all time right next to the wii. Maybe if I remove all the cow webs from the wii u I might be able to play it.
Ever since Batman TAS is really tough for me to accept any non live action person other than Kevin Conroy as Batman. Not that a Telltale game would interest me regardless.
Comments 12
Re: Video: We've Found PS4's Dumbest Game to Date
Love it, can't wait for my copy. Also if that's your attitude then it would be better if you didn't review it. Is like those people that were negative about doax3 being made yet went on to review it anyway just cause.
Re: Poll: Will You Pay Full Price for Rise of the Tomb Raider on PS4?
Full price for a old great game? No chance.
Language -Tasuki-
Re: Brawlout May Be a Solid Alternative to Super Smash Bros on PS4
The only SSB I like is Melee, after that one is gone down hill to me.I would get the new system if they did a remaster of it with online play. If Sony had gone full dark with their clone it would probably still be around.
Re: Dragon Ball XenoVerse 2 Lets You Reach Super Saiyan 3 This October
Give me super saiyan 4 and some other GT stuff and I'll be happy, #GTWarrior!
Re: Poll: Are You Still Excited for No Man's Sky on PS4?
No, it looks boring. I remember the developers saying something like people will get bored playing it so yeah.
@AmyStarling Please watch the language
Re: Feature: 10 PS4 Games That Won E3 2016
I agree Zelda looked great but it's on one of my most hated systems of all time right next to the wii. Maybe if I remove all the cow webs from the wii u I might be able to play it.
Re: E3 2016: Persona 5 Looks Utterly Brilliant in New PS4 Gameplay
Yes Persona!! I can't wait, I'm a little bummed that I have to wait to next year while Japan get's it this year
Re: Talking Point: Did Ubisoft's E3 2016 Press Conference Impress You?
As always nothing from Ubisoft that interest me.
Re: E3 2016: Holy Cel-Shading, Batman! Telltale Tackles the Dark Knight in New Series
Ever since Batman TAS is really tough for me to accept any non live action person other than Kevin Conroy as Batman. Not that a Telltale game would interest me regardless.
Re: Feature: 10 PS4 Games to Get Hyped for at E3 2016
I wanna see gravity rush 2!!
Re: Watch Dogs 2's First PS4 Trailer Is Really Something Else
Looks and sounds like pure garbage.
Re: Rumour: Batman and The Flash Face Off in Leaked Injustice 2 Art
@DESS-M-8 I hope that you aren't actually being serious, I'd like to at least pretend that I have more faith in the human race.