

AntiBarnacle Extinction Battlefront

Comments 73

Re: Why Is PlayStation More Popular Than Xbox in Japan?


Maybe its because some people can figure out its not worth paying monthly fees to play online, while another system thats just as powerful offers it for free, how well do first person shooters sell in japan? Just curious cause i think thats the only reason people perfrer xbox in the states is because for some reason a lot of people here only care for shooters, which all of xbox's first party games are first person shooters practically

Re: Expect Particle Effects to Look Even Prettier with PhysX on PS4


That looks nice but I don't get why people justify going and paying (random guess here) $400 just to have more particles in the air and smoother graphics, I mean I'm getting a ps4 but only because new games won't be for PS3 after a year, idk I just never saw better graphics worth it (unless its like GameCube compared to ps3 giant difference there) doesn't seem like this next gen isn't as big as a leap graphics wise

Re: Review: LittleBigPlanet Karting (PlayStation 3)


Just played this game I think the weapons system is good, and the AI you can change the difficulty of them, and the menus are kinda weird but now awful, I would rate it 8/10 there's the ability to make free roam worlds to drive your cart around, I just played a city that me and my sister just cruised around in for a half an hour

Re: Sony Bullish About PS3 and Vita Connectivity


@Hyperstar96 haha that just made me laugh

the vita doesn't have NFC, not all games are required to use it, and it cost 250, you can get a replacement Wii u game pad for i think it was 175.

I mean sony is great but why would i want to go spend 600 dollars for that (even though i already have) when wii U is $300 and youll get more use out of the gamepad

Re: Reaction: What Sony's TGS Tells Us About PlayStation's Future


I feel like the ps4 should go and compete against xbox more than wii U because if they compete with wii U they probably will end up losing because the wii U is a family and gamer system now. Most people dont think of xbox or playstation as a family system no matter how hard they seem to try with move, kinect, and whatnot. The only games my family plays on ps3 is all of our old ps2 games or little big planet.

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