Comments 211

Re: Spider-Man Miles Morales Can Run at 4K, 60FPS on PS5 with Optional Performance Mode


"Digital Foundry said "Cerny (Sony) doesn't mention technologies such as Machine Learning support or Variable Rate Shading, PS5 does indeed deliver hardware-accelerated ray tracing".

In short, no Machine Learning, no Variable Rate Shading and no Sampler Feedback Streaming but only ray tracing confirmed for PS5.

Do you know what "confirmed" means?

Learn to read before entering fanboy rage mode. You're going to have a heart attack when the consoles launch 😉.

Re: Spider-Man Miles Morales Can Run at 4K, 60FPS on PS5 with Optional Performance Mode


Re: Spider-Man Miles Morales Can Run at 4K, 60FPS on PS5 with Optional Performance Mode


@MarcG420 Yes, you are rude, angry and in denial. I don't suppose anything, just quoting Sony's engineer and Digital Foundry. You are the one that is lying and writes nonsense and misinformation and the only argument you have is insulting and calling people fanboys.

"I call bullsh*t. Post your source. Stop trying to misinform, it’s pathetic. He clearly refuted the narrative you’re trying to push. Freaking fanboys these days".

Don't you realise how ridiculous you are? 😉

Re: Spider-Man Miles Morales Can Run at 4K, 60FPS on PS5 with Optional Performance Mode



I haven't said a single lie.

Firstly, Sony's engineer said "As you may know PS5 is an architecture somewhere in between RDNA 1 and 2".

Secondly, he said "The GPU is Navi-based, so there isn't any Machine Learning stuff on it".

Thirdly, Digital Foundry said "Cerny (Sony) doesn't mention technologies such as Machine Learning support or Variable Rate Shading, PS5 does indeed deliver hardware-accelerated ray tracing".

So it's not just Sony's engineer but Digital Foundry and Sony. The only thing confirmed for PS5 is hardware-accelerated ray tracing. No wonder Sony told that engineer to shut up if they didn't answer Digital Foundry's questions about the rest of the next-gen features.

It's not just the engineer though, it's Digital Foundry and what Sony confirmed and what they did not. No Machine Learning, no Variable Rate Shading and no Sampler Feedback Streaming. Only ray tracing confirmed for PS5.

Re: Xbox Boss Takes More Shots at PS5 Exclusives Saying Fans Won't Be 'Forced' into Next-Gen


@JJ2 OK, thanks for your friendly tone and I don't even disagree, I think it's just a bit more complex.

Valhalla and Cyberpunk will be cross-gen games and they'll be awesome and noticeably better on next-gen consoles (just try to imagine how Valhalla and Cyberpunk will run on Xbox One S) but it's going to take a while until real next-gen games are available, not just third-party games but even first-party games because Sony only has Spider-Man and Astro's Playroom ready for launch and they might be great but not use all of PS5 possibilities (CPU, GPU, memory, etc.). Microsoft will have next-gen exclusive games after a couple of years and that sounds like a long time but perhaps that's also the time needed for Horizon Zero Dawn 2 or Uncharted 5 to come out. So yes, basically, I agree, but I think that it's been polarised when in reality it will be a similar situation on both Series X and PS5 with the difference being that the first bunch of first-party games for Series X will also run on last-gen consoles. It doesn't mean that Spider-Man couldn't be downgraded for PS4. It's more a marketing decision to not release it for PS4.

I also want developers to make the most of both PS5 and Series X and I'm sure that they will, first and third party, but they need time. There's so much potential in both next-gen consoles and they won't waste it, I am absolutely sure .

Re: Xbox Boss Takes More Shots at PS5 Exclusives Saying Fans Won't Be 'Forced' into Next-Gen


@bbq_boy The hatred is in distorted reports and vitriolic comments, not in Phil's words. He doesn't assault Nintendo or Sony. He has congratulated Sony and he has congratulated Nintendo, praising Sony’s commitment to “new things and creative things”, and describing Nintendo’s first-party catalogue as “an amazing asset.” It's just this website than finds "evil within".

Re: Xbox Boss Takes More Shots at PS5 Exclusives Saying Fans Won't Be 'Forced' into Next-Gen


@MarcG420 Read my comment above or the original source to know exactly what he said instead of these reports you are reading. I've never heard Phil Spencer assaulting Sony or Nintendo but congratulating them for their success. To compare this to racist comments like you are doing is not appropriate. If you want to fight somebody look elsewhere and if you want objective and real facts wait for Digital Foundry .

Re: Xbox Boss Takes More Shots at PS5 Exclusives Saying Fans Won't Be 'Forced' into Next-Gen


@JJ2 "If you are talking 3rd party then will probably be the same. As for first party Sony will wipe the floor. Horizon Zero Dawn 2 already will be above anything Microsoft will produce graphically the whole of next generation".

Why? I don't think that will be the case next generation and Horizon Zero Dawn hasn't the best graphics of the current generation either (that's your opinion) so there's no reason for stating that Horizon Zero Dawn 2 will have the best graphics of the whole generation.

Re: Xbox Boss Takes More Shots at PS5 Exclusives Saying Fans Won't Be 'Forced' into Next-Gen


@JJ2 OK yes, launch Series X games will have to be compatible with Xbox One S and X but, at the same time, Series X is more powerful than PS5 and just look at the huge upgrades current-gen games have on Xbox One X compared to the Xbox One S... or Switch version.

Let's wait for the Digital Foundry articles later this year to find out how launch games compare, both first-party and third-party. Developers say that Series X won't be held back by Xbox One. Yes, Xbox One has HDD so loading times will be awful on Xbox One but not only that but resolution and frame rate will take a hit. Some current-gen games have issues running on Xbox One S so it will get worse with next-gen games. It's a compatibility philosophy but in reality they're designing games for the most powerful console and with SSD in mind.

Re: Xbox Boss Takes More Shots at PS5 Exclusives Saying Fans Won't Be 'Forced' into Next-Gen


@JJ2 Well, launch game Spider-Man is an upgraded semi-sequel. I agree with you that Ratchet & Clank will use the SSD speed for teleporting quickly as we have seen in the video but you won't see games that make the most of the new hardware until 1-2 years. Why? Because it takes time. Reducing loading times is automatic and applying ray-tracing is relatively easy, creating next-generation games requires time.

Re: Xbox Boss Takes More Shots at PS5 Exclusives Saying Fans Won't Be 'Forced' into Next-Gen


@TWOscrews Well, as examples you have Doom and Wolfenstein 2 running on totally different architecture that is mobile and dated even by 2017's standards, Nintendo Switch. Compare those versions to the Xbox One X games. Anyway, it's going to happen with the cross-gen games only and for a couple of years. You won't have fully next-gen games on PS5 at launch either because the first games have been in development for years and show slight upgrades over PS4: Spider-Man. It happens every generation. Both Series X and PS5 real next-gen games are a few years away. They won't be there at launch.

Re: Xbox Boss Takes More Shots at PS5 Exclusives Saying Fans Won't Be 'Forced' into Next-Gen


This is exactly what Phil Spencer said:

"We want every Xbox player to play all the new games from Xbox Game Studios. That’s why Xbox Game Studios titles we release in the next couple of years—like Halo Infinite—will be available and play great on Xbox Series X and Xbox One. We won’t force you to upgrade to Xbox Series X at launch to play Xbox exclusives.

Your Xbox One gaming accessories come into the future with you, too. The Xbox Elite Controller and Xbox Adaptive Controller all work on Xbox Series X, so you don’t have to purchase new controllers. We believe that your investments in gaming should move with you into the next generation".

When Phil said the last part (where he could be comparing Microsoft with Sony or Nintendo) he is not talking about games but accessories compatibility.

Now compare the original text with the article on this page:

"Xbox boss Phil Spencer has continued his assault on Sony and its PlayStation 5 strategy, saying that fans "won't be forced into the next-generation" as Microsoft commits continued support to Xbox One's various permutations. "Unlike others, we believe that your investments in gaming should move with you into the next generation," he cattily continued on the subject of accessories.

It's all getting a bit heated ahead of next week's Xbox showcase, but only one side is consistently talking about the competition. PlayStation, for the most part, appears to be focused on its own approach".

Re: Xbox Boss Takes More Shots at PS5 Exclusives Saying Fans Won't Be 'Forced' into Next-Gen


@Ko512 There were cross-generation games on Xbox One and PS4 when the current generation started so it will be the same but better on Series X because the next-gen version is free if you already own the game. Like you said, it's just a transition to the next generation with free remasters and it won't hold Series X back. Microsoft said that after 1-2 years, games will no longer be supported on Xbox One. Anyway, the first year of a console is very quiet, just look at PS4's drought. I know because I got mine at launch and all I had were cross-gen games and remasters (Knack was an awful launch game). It's going to take a long while before PS5 gets its first-party games excluding launch titles Spiderman and Astro's Playroom.

Besides, Ubisoft and CD Projekt are supporting this idea on Series X and PS5 so not sure why some people think it's a bad idea when it's excellent.

Re: PS5 Preorder Price Is $699 on Play-Asia, Has Fans Praying It's a Placeholder


@JJ2 It's not bias, Sony waited until Microsoft revealed the specifications and the console before revealing the specifications and the console (and they revealed the controller before the console). Digital Foundry and many people consider that Sony had the perfect chance to announce the price now but they are waiting (again!) for Microsoft to say something. It's true that Sony revealed a (All-)Digital Edition but that's exactly the same console without the disc reader, it wouldn't make sense to not reveal it if they are going to launch together.

Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake 'Misinformation' Addressed By Director


The confusion was created by the combination of "We moved development to Square Enix" and "We have been totally busy with Kingdom Hearts III until now". It looked like they had scrapped the third-party material and started from scratch and I have even heard that they gave up the project. It's great to know that the project is alive but I hope that it's a more classic remake with updated visuals and refined controls and not a Hollywood action film. I think that it's pretty obvious that it won't launch this generation though.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2 Isn't Best on PS4 Pro, But It Still Looks Damn Fine


@andreoni79 This is an article about a DF video. This video doesn't talk about Pro only, if that was the case this article wouldn't even exist. It compares visuals and performance of Red Dead Redemption 2 on all consoles and only one runs at 30 fps all the time, the others drop frames every time something happens on screen. The comparison with Bloodborne is poor because that game only runs on PS4 and Pro so we could compare PS4 and Pro only and for some people Bloodborne is a technical mess and for others like you is worth playing in spite of technical issues.

In short, we are just discussing how a certain game performs, it doesn't mean that people won't enjoy it with worse performance on Pro, PS4, Xbox One S, or even Switch. Good for everyone that has a good time no matter what.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2 Isn't Best on PS4 Pro, But It Still Looks Damn Fine


@Zuljaras You call me names and I am the arrogant? LOL You are so self-entitled to judge others, but do it with yourself too. I agree with other users here and I respect all point of views but I can't agree with anyone that is lying about facts or using personal attacks to divert attention. The game is not out yet so we haven't played it, but the video is there for everyone to see that there is only one version that performs consistently.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2 Isn't Best on PS4 Pro, But It Still Looks Damn Fine


@Zuljaras You are the one acting like a fanboy, I have both consoles and I don't try to offend you like you do.

Now, put your glasses on and watch it again. Around minute 20 the Pro is running under 30 consistently, it's not 2 frames dips occasionally but you can see the line below the 30 fps most of the time. The Pro doesn't run "locked to 30 frames-per-second". It's only consistent when there is nothing happening and, surprise, that happens on Xbox One S and PS4 too.

Another proof, minute 24, you see all platforms but X struggling and then you see a section where PS4 is doing fine (as does Pro) because NPCs disappear.

The conclusion is that the game only performs smoothly on Xbox One X no matter how much sugarcoating you want to use and only the biggest fanboys can't see that.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2 Isn't Best on PS4 Pro, But It Still Looks Damn Fine


@Zuljaras If you watch the full video you'll see that Pro is the second best-performing but it's not consistently hitting 30 fps except a few times in empty areas. Every time there is action or NPCs the frame drops. The video says it all. Also the article:

Once again, top of the pile is Xbox One X. Bar one cutscene that strangely runs slower on X than any other platform, Microsoft's enhanced machine delivers a nigh-on locked 30fps with only very minor dips in performance in the most detailed city areas.

PlayStation 4 Pro is the next most stable platform, delivering entirely consistent performance in the wilderness but again, dropping frames in towns and cities. However, it's clearly not as stable as the X. For example, there are frame-rate dips in Valentine - a smaller town - while the Microsoft machine is basically flawless. Meanwhile, the base consoles both perform well in the wilderness, but performance is more variable in urban areas with the densest areas hitting the low 20s on both base consoles. In these areas, the standard Xbox One seems to have a small advantage over the PlayStation 4, suggesting that we may be hitting CPU limits (where the Microsoft machine has a frequency advantage). This may also explain why Pro is smoother, and how X offers up the most consistent experience of the bunch.

But really, to see this phenomenal game at its absolute best, Xbox One X is the platform of choice - and by quite a considerable margin.

This is PushSquare's interpretation:

"PS4 Pro is largely locked to 30 frames-per-second, but there are moments of minor judder in populated places". It only takes to watch the video to know that this is false. Just watch it and see for yourself.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2 Isn't Best on PS4 Pro, But It Still Looks Damn Fine


"PS4 Pro is largely locked to 30 frames-per-second, but there are moments of minor judder in populated places".

This is not true. Digital Foundry says that the game runs around the mid-20s fps on all consoles (except on Xbox One X where it holds performance very well at all times but during one single cut-scene) and those drops are not "just in populated places" but almost everywhere except empty areas with no NPCs as shown in the video. It occasionally runs at 30 fps on PS4 and Pro but it's not the norm but the exception unless you are running around in circles through empty areas. And it's not "minor judder" what is shown in the video either.