Comments 67

Re: Sony Reiterates PS5 Stock Shortages Won't Go Away Anytime Soon


Oh I know. If I add the backlog on Steam, GoG, Origin, Epic and whatever the Ubisoft one is called I basically don't have enough years left to play them all already 😂
One change I have made to try to improve matters is not feeling like I have to finish games I do start. If I'm not enjoying it after an hour or two it gets deleted, no guilt. Life is literally too short.

Re: Poll: Would You Pay $70 for a Brand New PS5 Game?


I never pay more than £20 for games. Why would I?
The games industry has never been bigger and has never made more money. They know that x amount of customers will pay full price, then x amount will pay less a few weeks or months later. This is all factored in to their marketing strategies.
You don't need to pay full price now and you won't in the future either.

Re: Hands On: Is Shenmue I & II a Knock Out on PS4?


When I first played Shenmue I was actually working as a forklift driver. One Sunday morning I was playing the game waiting for the pub to open.
In the game I was playing Space Harrier waiting for the bars to open so I could ask some guys about sailors.
Blew my mind at the time, lol.
(Incidentally, I wasn't going to the pub to ask about sailors in real life.)

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