Comments 13

Re: Soapbox: Sony's in Danger of Becoming Closed Off


@LaNooch1978 has there really been a big announcement of games? Plus if this generation has taught us anything it’s that companies are not afraid to remaster games. Rockstar did it with gta v releasing a year before the PS4 and naughty dog did the exact same with the last of us. Both companies have big games coming out soon. CD Projekt red already said that they are designing with the ps5 in mind.

Re: Soapbox: Sony's in Danger of Becoming Closed Off


I think it’s closed off because I firmly believe that the ps5 will be announced within the first 6 months of next year with a November 2019 release. They won’t deal with cross play because they will make it a feature in the next generation but they can’t say anything because that would be announcing the ps5