Comments 86

Re: Poll: Has Square Enix Enticed You with Rise of the Tomb Raider PS4's Extras?


@JaxonH You're the one getting so so butthurt over people not wanting to support a game that in no way affects you XD

Also you're the one who started that whole fanboy nonsense clown, it'll be brought back up whether you want it too or not.

I know it's hard for a clown to grasp this but not everyone has money to burn and not everyone wants to support a shady deal ridden game just because you want them too.

Now off you go, back to IGN so you can cry about Sony fans to your hearts content with some of the worst modding in the gaming community.

Re: Poll: Has Square Enix Enticed You with Rise of the Tomb Raider PS4's Extras?


@Grawlog I've never supported Activision so nothing to boycott, I'mm fine with exclusive deals but not when they pussyfoot around and leave fanbases hanging.

Least with SFV they made it damn clear it'll never come to Xbox One. Oh and before you start "guess it's only when Sony do it you'll support them".

I supported Bayonetta 2 and DR3, this game however can get completely and totally f***ed

Re: Rumour: Lara Croft's Rise of the Tomb Raider Rushes PS4 on 11th October


@JaxonH I got the game halfwit, I couldn't care less if they got it first but it doesn't change the fact that PS4 owners were treated like absolute dirt over this game.

Lol this clown is a riot, keep up the Xbox apologist act k?

Oh and yeah, the game is the biggest piece of trash I've played this gen (alongside Order and Sunset Overdrive)

Anyway I need to stop here, gonna play some School Mode in Danganronpa before episode 2 of the new anime airs.

Keep defending douchebag fanbases and devs.

Re: Rumour: Lara Croft's Rise of the Tomb Raider Rushes PS4 on 11th October


@JaxonH @JaxonH "I said it before and I'll say it again. It's cheap for X1 users because X1 users have paid their dues."
One of the dumbest things I've ever read.

How in anyway is that meaning that PS4 owners should have to pay less?

Also you know what, why shouldn't they have to pay less?

How have Xbox owners paid their dues just because MS was "nice" enough to buy it away for them and yet it still sold like trash there all while they gloated and told PS4 owners that they will never get it?

PS4 owners had to sit through that all while SQEnix couldn't even be bothered to at least confirm it'll come to PS4 a year later.

This loon is a riot.

Re: Rumour: Lara Croft's Rise of the Tomb Raider Rushes PS4 on 11th October


@Kidfried It's beyond stupid to say that a fanbase has paid its dues just because MS bought it away for them while another that hasn't been as lucky hasn't

Sony fans had to wait an extra year while spoilers, the most insufferable fanbase in gaming gloating and thousands of gameplay videos are released online all while not even being given the decency to announce a release date or even if it would come to PS4 at all around the time of the deal announcement.

Oh no, Sony fans haven't paid their dues at all~

His point is idiotic to say the least.

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