Comments 7

Re: Ubisoft Outlines Benefits of Playing Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed, More on PS5


@VatoLoco47 @HotGoomba I’d have to agree. And considering the ps5 is backwards compatible with pretty much all PS4 games, why would you want to keep the ps4 over the new machine? I can play all of its library with better frame rates and load times. If you’re waiting for a price drop on the PS5 - cool, I absolutely get it. Other than that I really don’t.

Re: PS5 UI Revealed in New State of Play Presentation


@solocapers @Flaming_Kaiser Totally Agreed. Take a look at the Xbox UI. It is a cluttered mess that looks almost identical to last gen (I have one on preorder as well, so I’m not an Xbox hater by any means). But that is a UI that leaves much to be desired. I will take what the ps5 is offering over that any day of the week. I think this has tons of potential (especially if the card deck is customizable).

Re: PS5 UI Revealed in New State of Play Presentation


It looks incredible. A perfect evolution on groundwork laid by the ps3 and ps4. This seems like what they have always been striving to achieve in both a clean and fast interface. I am excited to see what else is baked into the UI. I cannot wait to get this thing into my hands.

Re: Poll: Has Xbox's Bethesda Buyout Made You Reconsider a PS5 Purchase?


Not a fan of Bethesda all that much myself, but I am going to buy both platforms anyway - just like I have since the ps3/360 days. I know this is a PlayStation site - and that’s where my favorite titles are personally. But why does it always have to be one is better than the other? Some people like Sony, others Microsoft. I never understood why it has to be one OR the other. Why not both? More competition benefits gamers in the end.