@dschons Don't know why you think that,I'm about 2 hours in and loving it,polished and smooth in every aspect so far,can only see it getting better when I play it again tomorrow
@jrt87 By Admission of its reviewers it's a masterpiece and an excellent experience in all aspects.,It's part 2 of a saga and you want them to change the core of the game,when so much has been added already,So much has not been shown.Come on son you cherry pick comments that it's more of the same which is false,but don't acknowledge 40 plus perfect scores. Because of your ignorance you don't deserve to play this game.This game could be released on every console and it would still get a 10,nothing to do with being an exclusive. go back to fortnite for the good of all..
@Ryany While I don't agree with the Quarry getting a 5,even though I was a Lil disappointed by it compared to Until Dawn,I will say Fobia is farfrom terrible, it is actually an extremely enjoyable atmospheric survival horror game easily worth the 30 bucks and 12 to 15 hour playtime,don't judge something unless you try it or have more info,you look ignorant that way,..play Fobia and you'll see its greatness
@ApostateMage How can anyone prefer lame as all hell turn based combat over the excellent real time combat,..its truly insane how anybody would think that garbage system is better,..Its an insult to replicating real street fights or the Japanese Yakuza,..Ruins the game from thinking and engaging on the fly to waiting politely for your turn like its a crappy Persona game,..
Nothing is worse then turn based combat,I can't fathom how anybody would want that garbage over the deep rewarding real time combat of the excellent Yakuza 0 to 6 and the excellent Judgment and Lost judgment,..Can not get into this new direction,even though the other Yakuza games balanced crime drama with crazy side quests very well,like a dragon characters seem Corny and too goofy,seems to be for people who like lame anime or high school drama games like Persona,..Its an insult to a game about Japanese Mafia..., The 3 fighting styles in Lost judgment were great,..tactical,smooth,brutal and responsive,like all Yakuza games should be..
@Ward_ting Boring should never be written in the same sentence as this masterpiece,I can only imagine the ***** games you find fun and engaging,..Discraziata
Comments 11
Re: Sony Assigned Over 150 Employees to Aid The Callisto Protocol's Production
@dschons Don't know why you think that,I'm about 2 hours in and loving it,polished and smooth in every aspect so far,can only see it getting better when I play it again tomorrow
Re: God of War Ragnarok (PS5) - A Dazzling Crown Jewel in Sony's Catalogue
@jrt87 By Admission of its reviewers it's a masterpiece and an excellent experience in all aspects.,It's part 2 of a saga and you want them to change the core of the game,when so much has been added already,So much has not been shown.Come on son you cherry pick comments that it's more of the same which is false,but don't acknowledge 40 plus perfect scores. Because of your ignorance you don't deserve to play this game.This game could be released on every console and it would still get a 10,nothing to do with being an exclusive. go back to fortnite for the good of all..
Re: First Impressions: The Devil in Me Is a Bigger and Better Dark Pictures Title
@Styledvinny79 Sucks for you to have such limited taste,instead of enjoying unique genre of games,
Re: Mini Review: Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel (PS5) - Hotel Hell Makes for Effective Survival Horror
@Ryany While I don't agree with the Quarry getting a 5,even though I was a Lil disappointed by it compared to Until Dawn,I will say Fobia is farfrom terrible, it is actually an extremely enjoyable atmospheric survival horror game easily worth the 30 bucks and 12 to 15 hour playtime,don't judge something unless you try it or have more info,you look ignorant that way,..play Fobia and you'll see its greatness
Re: Yakuza: Like a Dragon Sequel Announced and In Development
@ApostateMage How can anyone prefer lame as all hell turn based combat over the excellent real time combat,..its truly insane how anybody would think that garbage system is better,..Its an insult to replicating real street fights or the Japanese Yakuza,..Ruins the game from thinking and engaging on the fly to waiting politely for your turn like its a crappy Persona game,..
Re: Yakuza: Like a Dragon Sequel Announced and In Development
Nothing is worse then turn based combat,I can't fathom how anybody would want that garbage over the deep rewarding real time combat of the excellent Yakuza 0 to 6 and the excellent Judgment and Lost judgment,..Can not get into this new direction,even though the other Yakuza games balanced crime drama with crazy side quests very well,like a dragon characters seem Corny and too goofy,seems to be for people who like lame anime or high school drama games like Persona,..Its an insult to a game about Japanese Mafia..., The 3 fighting styles in Lost judgment were great,..tactical,smooth,brutal and responsive,like all Yakuza games should be..
Re: Alan Wake Remastered (PS5) - Compelling Thriller Derailed by Tedious, Repetitive Combat
Re: Alan Wake Remastered (PS5) - Compelling Thriller Derailed by Tedious, Repetitive Combat
Re: Alan Wake Remastered Gameplay Is Looking Fire in 4K
@Ward_ting Boring should never be written in the same sentence as this masterpiece,I can only imagine the ***** games you find fun and engaging,..Discraziata
Re: Alan Wake Remastered Gameplay Is Looking Fire in 4K
@uptownsoul Well worth 29.99 if you won't or can't buy it at that,you don't deserve this Masterpiece you cheap mofo
Re: Alan Wake Remastered Gameplay Is Looking Fire in 4K
@Grimwood It looks excellent and much better,there I fixed your pessimistic blind opinion...