Comments 8

Re: Sony's Not-So Secret New First-Party Studio Adds More Naughty Dog Talent


First Malaysia Studio, now San Diego. I'm really excited for what's to come.

@AdamNovice Absolutely. This is why I enjoyed Lost Legacy way more than UC4 in my opinion. Also, if it's gonna have multiplayer, I want it to be like Uncharted 2's. I miss playing UC2's co-op mode. Also, please no microtransactions lol Just make everything unlockable through progression.

Re: Guide: When Is Sony's PlayStation ChinaJoy Press Conference?


I'm as interested to the conference as I am with Evo 2019. In other words, I'm intrigued but still skeptical. Chinese games are known for cool concepts and/or pretty graphics but is the gameplay where it falls flat, as well as their ideas not being fully executed as they promised. First few VR games we got from China Hero were very average. Hardcore Mecha was pretty good but still flawed. I'm hopeful that the second batch will be better, along with other non-China Hero games, but who knows.

Re: Megalith - A Run-of-the-Mill PSVR MOBA


That sucks. After looking at some gameplay videos, it looked pretty fun. Disappointed that the beta given to us was literally the entire game.

@get2sammyb I don't mind online only PSVR multiplayer games just as long they have a reasonable amount of content that justifies it price. This game however sadly doesn't fill up that quota. I still want to see if the developers are still going to support the game but this just shows that maybe a F2P model would have been perfect for the game.

Just look at Dark Eclipse for VR. It's pretty complex for a VR moba, it's free to play, and its microtransactions aren't that forced, and yet it still managed to get a dedicated community.