Comments 114

Re: Destiny's First Expansion Will Cost You £19.99/$19.99


The price isn't that bad if you enjoy and grinding and playing the same levels over and over and over and over again like the fans of Destiny do. It's probably excellent value to them.

To the rest of us that prefer our content to remain fresh not so much.

Re: Bungie Aims to Shoot Down Criticism of Destiny's Story with the Game's First Expansion


Agreed Sammy

So 20 quid for

3 story missions
2 Strikes
1 Raid
3 PvP maps.

Thanks but no thanks, I really wanted to like Destiny but as solid as the gameplay was I just didn't enjoy playing the same maps over and over again with friends online just to get better loot...not to mention to farming, good lord the farming.

Funnily enough the one thing I enjoyed most was probably PVP which is being short changed in this expansion.

Re: Why Is Sony Taking So Long to Release PS4 Firmware Updates?


I assume lumping everything together cuts back on testing and even more stability updates than usual?

There's another key difference between PS4 and PS3 though: The PS3 didn't have a small list of things that fans wanted that was possible on the previous gen. Whether or not they are possible on the new system aside (I'm unsure if they are or not or how awkward they'd be but lets face it - most of the people complaining don't care) when you've a list of features "missing" from your console that the last generation had it doesn't look good to fans when you go months without adding anything to it.

I'd rather have a new feature as it's ready, it's a cool little extra thing to play with more often.

Re: Talking Point: How Does Sony Solve a Problem Like Xbox One Price Cuts?


I'll admit the "issue" is overblown to a point with it's accompanying memes but I can count at least 3 days since release when me and my friends couldn't get on Destiny when we wanted to, a drop in the ocean in comparison to the wider scale of things maybe but even then it's still unacceptable for me if I'm paying for PS+.

Not to mention the maintenance window often being during peak gaming time in the UK, but we haven't had one of those in a while thankfully.