Comments 114

Re: Everyone's Entitled to 10 Per Cent Off the PlayStation Store This Weekend


I don't mean to be negative but I'm really let down by this offering at Sony at saying "sorry". I mean I'd almost wish they'd give us nothing instead of this given this just looks like a transparent attempt to get everyone to spend more money on the PS store in order to get more of a discount. I mean if I use this on REmake I'll get a whole £1.50 off the price which, while arguably better than nothing, is quite pitiful.

The fact they're not allowing subscriptions further adds to it really.

Re: Review: Resident Evil (PlayStation 4)


I was actually all excited to try and platinum this before I seen it involves beating the game 9 times, including once "without saving," one on "real survival" and worst of all once on "invisible enemy mode"

I beat REmake at least 5 times on GC but I couldn't get past the Crimson head boss in invisible enemy mode and I'm not dumb enough to try again.

Re: Nyko's Nifty PS4 Data Bank Will Solve Your Storage Woes


@Licenced True but rather than spend 80+ quid in a new hard drive I can put in a months savings towards a new PC and 5 months down the line have a PC more powerful than my PS4 to enjoy/finally play my steam library on (I'm a Mac user so get an inferior experience from it)

Re: Nyko's Nifty PS4 Data Bank Will Solve Your Storage Woes


I've already reached the point where I have to delete games off my hard drive or buy a new one, and seeing the prices of 2.5 inch 2 TB just make me think "Maybe I'd be better off buying a PC instead"

To be honest I can't imagine this being a more financially friendly option either, considering I need to buy an add-on then a hard drive on top of it.

Re: Sony Extends PlayStation Plus Subs Due to Xmas PSN Outage


Nintendo offer users 10% off all digital purchases for two years as a way of saying thanks (Well the premium edition was 50 quid more expensive than the basic and came with console holder/dock/more memory so in my head premium membership was a cherry on top)

Sony, through mostly the fault of sad people, fail to perform as advertised and do a awful job of communicating/fixing it and give us a one off 10% off code? Pathetic, if I buy one game (Say REmake HD) I'll save a whole £1.70, it comes across like an attempt to get us to spend more money more than anything.

Re: Yes, Lara Croft Will Likely Still Climb onto PS4 in Rise of the Tomb Raider


True Sammy but a some people have said similar things about the wording Titanfall which doesn't seem to be any closer towards coming towards PS4 (I'm beginning to think "Life of the title" means we'll get Titanfall 1 along with Titanfall 2 maybe?)

Don't get me wrong, I want Tomb Raider to come to PS4 having been a big fan of the first one, just reluctant to get my hopes up, MS are going to want to get a hit in of some kind after the SFV blow this weekend.

Re: Review: Speakeasy (PlayStation 4)


Shame, I was hoping this would be a fun companion to Divekick (Which I'm still waiting to go on sale since I refuse to pay full price for it after being spoiled by cross-buy on every other game)

Re: Until Dawn Still Looks Like the Best Worst Game Ever on PS4


I can respect a film (or in this case a game) that knows exactly what it is and runs with it so the cheesiness factor is more than a plus with me.

The whole concern is length, how long can this game last because as a film it would probably be over in 90 minutes. I know there's multiple endings but I haven't went back to Heavy Rain/The Walking Dead/Wolf or Beyond (which I really didn't care for) since I beat them so if I'm going to pay full price for this I want my moneys worth

Re: Round Up: Game of Thrones PS4, PS3 Reviews Fall at Your Feet



Perhaps but that one playthrough can be an absolutely roller-coaster of emotion and (in the case of the walking dead series) somehow contain better written characters than in the TV show.

It's not for everyone and after The Walking Dead Season 2 I'm hesitant to pay full price for a season again given the 2 month wait between episodes there and the sales before the series even concluded (Absolutely inexcusable in my eyes) but I am very much looking forward to picking this up down the line...I'm still haunted by my actions in the finale of Season 2 Walking Dead even.

Re: Amazon UK Black Friday Discounts Hook Up Watch Dogs on PS4


@MunkyKnuts I may get around to it eventually but I never had high hopes for the game even before reviews came out (Ubi Soft don't have a habit of getting it right first time, see AC and FC) so it's not something I'm going to go out of my way to pick up, but if I ever get to the bottom of my to play backlog (as unlikely as it is) I could give it a shot.

Re: Amazon UK Black Friday Discounts Hook Up Watch Dogs on PS4


No problem, I can't expect other people to have nothing better to do than check Amazon for new deals.

They had a good Shadow of Mordor deal earlier that went down to 23.99 but any games I buy will go straight into my backlog I've a strict rule of not spending more than 20 quid for a game I'm not going to play "straight away".

Personally I'm hoping for a good Evil Within or Hyrule Warriors deal, as unlikely as either are.

Re: PS4's Free DriveClub: PS Plus Edition Has Been Put 'On Hold'


Does anyone care about this anymore? If they got the date right and released it when it was supposed to people would have given it the benefit of the doubt and downloaded it just to give it a shot in spite of some not so great reviews. Some may have hated it but I've no doubt it may have gotten a few converts to shell out for the full edition.

After being waiting for a month though I think a lot of those people have moved on so Sony have really missed the boat on this game.

Really curious how this'll impact The Crew now.

Re: November's PS Plus Offering Is an Indie Game Extravaganza


@Tasuki MP which doesn't work all the time.

If the MP worked all the time then what these games are would be irrelevant in my head, they'd just be some little bonus you can take or leave (I acknowledge other people would still complain but I think it would be quite a bite less). Sadly we get moments like yesterday and 2 weeks ago where we can't get what we paid for and these games simply don't make up for it in my eyes.