Comments 114

Re: Store Update: 15th September 2015 (Europe)


I gave up on Destiny before the expansions came out but even I'm offended at the Taken King pricing. Expecting people that have already dumped 80 quid on the game to pay another 40 quid when new players can get everything released up to now for the same price, disgusting.

Re: Oh Dear, British Industry Head Tries to Promote Games and Gets It Horribly Wrong


So outdated stereotype that suggests spotty nerds can't be artists? As he seen some of these indie developers on stage at E3? I mean they might not be spotty but they're clearly massive "nerds" (And I say that as a good thing as someone that considers himself a nerd, no insulting here) and despite this shortcoming they're coming out with stuff like Unravel, No Man Sky which is 1000 times more artistic then stuff Michael Bay is coming out with.

Re: Shenmue III Stretch Goals Extend PS4, PC Sequel's Scope


They simply need to add more kinds of rewards to get people to pledge more or this won't work.

You can get a lot of money from people "pre-purchasing" the game but the main money in Kickstarter comes from the exclusives usually done pro-bono by friends of the campaign that people pay stupid money for and this seems to be out of them.

Re: PlayStation Taken to Task in BBC's Watchdog Programme


I've heard many stories similar to this that have been similar if not worse.

There was one notable occasion when a PS4 owner had his credit card cancel a legitimately fraudulent transaction, as you would, only to then have Sony block his account and stop him from accessing anything online (including I assume his digital games) unless he paid them for the game. The game he didn't buy himself anyway/

This is just absolutely stupid, people held liable for acts that credit companies have confirmed has fraud. I'd expect this from the still relatively inexperienced digitally Nintendo more so than Sony who should have a pretty reasonable code of conduct when it comes to fraud because it's a growing problem. Heard on the radio yesterday numbers in 2015 are 30% up on comparable numbers in 2014 so situations like this are only going to become more common

Another reason I'm hesitant to go digital in the end, even if I don't have much choice when it comes to fraud...

Re: Capcom Dumps the PS4 Version of Ultra Street Fighter IV from Pro Tour


@get2sammyb It seems to be common trend with farming game ports to other developers to honest, only Nintendo rigid quality control seems to being able to pull it off consistently (OOT/MM3D, WWHD, DKCR3D, XC3D were all pretty smooth as far as I recall...WIi Okami too although I know Kamiya wasn't fond of it)

Other Ocean Interactive in particular are infamous for releasing Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection as a buggy mess inferior to emulators so I'm slightly amazed they even got the chance to work on this.

I know it's cheaper to farm development out but I that doesn't mean the publisher should accept a inferior product because the fans sure as hell wouldn't.

Re: Capcom Dumps the PS4 Version of Ultra Street Fighter IV from Pro Tour


To that we'd like to advise that the integrity of the Capcom Pro Tour is a top priority for us and we will continue to work with tournament organisers worldwide to ensure that the highest quality event will be run.

It sounds as if the integrity of the tour is more important than the actual quality of this port was.

Re: Soapbox: You Should Stop Pre-Ordering Games


I usually preorder games just so I can have the game turn up on launch day at my house so I can play it for relatively cheap and not have to run out to Asda (the only place in my town that sells games) to get it.

However recently I've begun to only order Nintendo games because Asda won't sell them, too many broken games, too much DLC, too many season passes.

Re: Sony Really Wants You to Pre-Order PS4 Games on the PlayStation Store


I will go digital when the price is reflective of what it should be, when you can get it for cheaper in a shop after retail/distribution get their cut something just isn't right.

I know it's probably artificially high as to not enrage the retail sector that sell the consoles and it won't go down as long as people keep buying them but I will continue to boycott them on this principle alone.

Re: Mortal Kombat X Has the Most Nefarious of PS4 Microtransactions


I'm okay with charging for them if the cost isn't too bad which remains to be seen. I mean the Injustice characters were what... £4 a pop standard? Could we see £5 for a single character from here on in?

Given the season pass is £24.99 for 4 (and skin packs which lets face it aren't anywhere near as good as extra characters so they're probably only there to make the season pass look like better value) I think the least we can expect to pay for a solo character is a 5er, maybe heaven forbid even £6 or beyond....

Re: Mortal Kombat X Has the Most Nefarious of PS4 Microtransactions


I'm fairly certain that number will only increase down the line with additional skin packs and more characters, given Injustice had 6 extra characters I expect more than 4 for MKX by the end of it.

It's the main reason I didn't pick up this game on release, I'm a completionist who needs all the fighters but I'm not paying over the odds for them.

Re: Stay Tuned for DLNA News on PS4, Says Sony


@get2sammyb Given the constant (not an exaggeration) notifications I get when using Remote Play on the Vita I'm inclined to agree (and I only have 100 friends, albeit ones with apparently sketchy internet connections going by how often they go on/offline) but there still needs to be some sort of system in place.

Re: Stay Tuned for DLNA News on PS4, Says Sony


"We want PS4 versions of these features, not a cut and paste from last-gen," he told an inquisitive fan. "Stay tuned."

That may be but when it takes this long to implement features that were standard in last gen you can't blame people for getting impatient.

Re: Talking Point: Are You Spending More Money Than Ever on Digital Games?


I will admit that digital has it's conveniences but even a few of the horror stories I've heard about people being unable to play their digital games during PSN outages I'm not going anywhere near a digital only future anytime soon.

While I've no problem with the digital only game pricing I refuse to pay over what I pay for physical discs for a digital copy and will only buy a digital version if the discount is substantially cheaper than the retail alternative because quite frankly: I believe the games should be cheaper on the store and the principled part of me refuses to pay the over the physical asking price just for "convenience"

Re: PS4 Takes Centre Stage in Sony's Big New Three Year Strategy



Oh I completely agree, just until Sony publicly acknowledge the faults of the PSN and make a commitment to ensure a better more stable experience (Outages aside the one thing the last few weeks have shown is it's not consistently stable) for everyone then I won't believe it'll ever be on the cards unless people stop buying PS4s and those of us with PS4's stop subscribing to ps+.

Re: Pachter: Sony Won't Mind if PS4 Loses the Console War



They're doing nothing wrong, just after going above and beyond at E3 2 years ago they don't seem to be making as much of an effort anymore, as if they've got their sales and they're happy with how things are going...I mean they had a head start and if they wanted to they could have crushed MS with a bit more effort.

Re: Talking Point: Do Review Scores Have a Future?


If I have any interest at all in a game I'd read the review.

However if I don't have interest in a game at all I'd glance over the score and the summary and then if I like the sounds of it or I'm curious by how much of a train wreck it sounds like then I would read the review, I think there is a place for review scores but too many people use them as an excuse to compare game X to game Y.

I believe a game should only be compared to it's own potential and try to keep that in mind when looking at a score.

Re: Preview: The PS4 Exclusives of 2015 - Until Dawn


I'm very interested in this from a gameplay prospective but I just don't see how the game will sustain the "Tension" and "Gameplay" for a long period of time, I mean Alien Isolation was terrifying for the first 8 hours as well but then it overstayed it's welcome.

Telltale's games work (when they work that is) because you get emotionally attached to the characters, without that I imagine the quicktime sequences and decision making becomes a lot more repetitive.

Re: Store Update: 4th February 2015 (Europe)


The DLC sale's not too shabby either Sammy, I'll probably (finally) pick up the Trials Fusion Digital Pass in that anyway so I can (finally) unlock the true game's potential, sick of being unable to access user created content because I don't have a specific map pack.

Re: Round Up: Life Is Strange PS4, PS3 Reviews Aren't Out of the Ordinary


I'll be picking up the season pass when it's done or if it's on significant offer between now and then if reviews keep up, as someone that reads 30+ comics a month, watches 10+ tv shows a week and goes to the cinema at least once a week on top of all that I don't like to leave it 6 weeks between 90 minute episodes to ensure the story remains fresh in my memory.

90-120 minutes of entertainment just isn't enough to sustain me for another 6 weeks really.