I just picked up inFamous Second Son and First Light on PSN a few months ago and I’m in love with them. Right now I’m on my second play through of Second Son cleaning up the expert difficulty and evil karma trophies. I never played the original two games and standalone expansion as I did not own a PS3 last generation. If Sony ever did do a remaster I would hope it would be a collection and include all three Cole games in one package.
I'm looking forward to seeing what Sucker Punch does next. They are a truly talented studio.
There are a few more titles I have to play, which I'll do over the holiday weekend. Will put a notification into my phone to remind me to vote before the 4th of December.
WiLD has been on my radar since it was first announced back in 2014. I really don't mind that the main protagonist has been changed from hunter to shaman. I like that angle better. Hopefully Wild Sheep can peg down a 2017 release date.
WiLD and the stealth release of Driveclub Bikes were my favorite parts of the show. I do think Sony held stuff back due to the December PSX event in San Francisco, which is maybe why the PGW presser felt underwhelming to most.
Comments 11
Re: There's a Fake inFAMOUS Leak That Says Sucker Punch Is Making a Spider-Man Game
I just picked up inFamous Second Son and First Light on PSN a few months ago and I’m in love with them. Right now I’m on my second play through of Second Son cleaning up the expert difficulty and evil karma trophies. I never played the original two games and standalone expansion as I did not own a PS3 last generation. If Sony ever did do a remaster I would hope it would be a collection and include all three Cole games in one package.
I'm looking forward to seeing what Sucker Punch does next. They are a truly talented studio.
Re: Drawn to Death's PS4 Trophies Are Amazing and Live Now
Ha! This game look right up my alley. I'll give it a shot whenever it releases.
Re: December's Free PlayStation Plus Games Have Been Revealed
Another poor showing Sony! If I did not need PS+ for MP and Co-Op I would let my sub just expire.
Re: Now Sony's Asking Which PS2 Games You Want on PS4
Fire Pro Wrestling Returns is the only PlayStation 2 game I need on PlayStation 4.
Re: Which December PlayStation Plus Games Do You Desire?
I would like to see LittleBigPlanet 3, Hand of Fate or Armello for a December PSN+ free title on PlayStation 4.
Re: Site News: Vote for Your Push Square Forums Game of the Year
There are a few more titles I have to play, which I'll do over the holiday weekend. Will put a notification into my phone to remind me to vote before the 4th of December.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 91
Will be playing a lot of Darksiders 2: Deathinitive Edition and maybe some Dragon Quest Heroes.
Re: Poll: What Was Your Fave PS4 Game of Paris Games Week 2015?
Hands down Shadow of the Beast. I need this game.
Re: Review: Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition (PS4)
Picked this up as a digital download on PSN last night. Absolutely love it. Hopefully Nordic has the third game in the works.
Re: Paris Games Week 2015: PS4's WiLD Has Changed, But Still Shows Huge Promise
WiLD has been on my radar since it was first announced back in 2014. I really don't mind that the main protagonist has been changed from hunter to shaman. I like that angle better. Hopefully Wild Sheep can peg down a 2017 release date.
Re: Reaction: Poorly Paced Paris Presser Paves Way for PS4's Impressive 2016
WiLD and the stealth release of Driveclub Bikes were my favorite parts of the show. I do think Sony held stuff back due to the December PSX event in San Francisco, which is maybe why the PGW presser felt underwhelming to most.