

I need to see a man about a monkey

Comments 7

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 546



Once it clicks you'll feel like a ninja. Up until the point where you get to a certain bossfight that will slap you around like a ragdoll. If you can defeat that guy you are set and you will feel like a ninja god. Then the final boss comes around and the realisation kicks in that you absolutely suck giant ninja balls. All the improvements you made mean nothing. You will cry. Get angry. Cry some more.

Then you finish the game somehow and start new game plus and steamroll through the game with your razorsharp skills.

I really really love/hated this game. Have fun!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 546


Still having a blast with Space Marine 2! Finished the campaign, final level was amazing as a long time Warhammer fan. Trophy hunting now while doing the co-op and pvp gameplay modes.

I'll probably get some Vampire Survivor runs in, pure gaming crack.

Earlier this year I decided to do a full series playthrough of all the Dragon Quest games. Currently I'm doing the endgame of IV and then i'll put this plan on pause for a few months.

Have a good weekend everyone!

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny


I'm probably going to wait and see what it actually means for future games. I'm playing Space Marine 2 and it has some pretty rough framerate problems on performance mode. But so far it's the only game that I played that didn't run smoothly. Also, pretty big backlog so for me there's no rush.