Comments 9

Re: Xbox Appeared to Embargo PS5, PS4 Versions of Some Showcase Games


@get2sammyb I meant the original article published after the Xbox showcase by Robert Ramsey titled “Persona 3, 4, 5 Coming to PC and Xbox, No Mention of PS5, PS4” and the subheading Atluuuussss! Which, if you click on it now, brings you to the article wherein it’s confirmed it’s coming to PS5. The original article doesn’t seem to exist except in the feed.

Re: PS Plus Premium's PS1 Games Can Have Trophies After All


@Voltan I played the original in 2021 on the PlayStation mini and thought it held up surprisingly well. To be completely clear, I actually thought the game was just okay back when it first released, but revisiting it after all these years I was kind of surprised how much I was enjoying it. I do have a huge soft spot for the original PlayStation and those old games, so you may feel differently. That’s my take, anyway.