

Gamer. Writer. All-nighter.

Comments 13

Re: Nickelodeon Kart Racers Is the Weirdest Thing



Says "and more!" IPs than these 4 will be featured under "Key Features"

""Choose a racer from 12 of the most iconic Nickelodeon series: SpongeBob SquarePants, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Hey Arnold!, Rugrats, and more!""

Re: Nickelodeon Kart Racers Is the Weirdest Thing


@get2sammyb could you please edit the article? It claims there are 12 characters, but that's a bit misleading. There are 12 characters confirmed so far, as well as 12 Nickelodeon IPs to be represented, with only 4 IP shown so far (meaning an absolute minimum of 8 more characters)

Source/press release:

Anyway, IN THEORY, I want to like this game but have quite low expectations right now. If the final roster satisfies my nostalgia enough I might get it regardless of quality.

Re: Poll: Did You Enjoy The Game Awards 2017?


My biggest complaint (which applies to all awards shows) is that too many of the awards were given off-screen; kinda treats those categories and winners as less notable. I understand time is limited, but they're only five extra minutes a piece or less counting presentation and speech.

Anyway, overall, really entertaining show. Agreed with most of the winners and many of the new announcements were enjoyable. Some of the humor was indeed funny, the orchestra was classy, and the cringe was kept to a minimum (and when cringe did happen I was laughing with everyone and not at them).

Re: Sony: We Announced Some PS4 Games Too Early


I like a solid mix of announcing games with short notice AND years in advance. There should always be something to look forward to, not only in the short term, but the more distant future as well.

I'm annoyed that people pressured Sony into apologizing for something I view as a positive. As long as there's never a drought, that's what matters. Nintendo excelled at this same thing for the first time in a long time as well (year-of Xenoblade 2 announcement and 2018-or-later Pokemon + Metroid Prime 4 announcements at E3).

Re: Soapbox: Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Is a Better Game to Watch Than to Play


Personally disagree with this article, which is fine of course. I personally find that the unique attributes and limitations that come with the combat are a little more engrossing and thought-requiring than you might find in a typical fps campaign that also has to worry about carrying those principles over to a balanced multiplayer component against other human players. This game gets to be more nontraditional with its gameplay mechanics, so I can see where someone might feel alienated. As someone who does NOT play a lot of multiplayer shooters but loves single players ones, I'm a big fan of the same things you have complaints about.

Re: Soapbox: After the Vita's Failure, Why Do People Now Want Console Games on the Go?


Speaking for others and not myself, I think a lot of the mainstream market didn't and still doesn't want to be FORCED to play tv quality experiences on a handheld. They don't realize the appeal or potential. I think if the Switch were handheld ONLY it would be experiencing a lot (but not all due to a more acclaimed/better marketed exclusive lineup) of the same problems that the Vita.

Anecdotal, but a lot of people have purchased the Switch with the intent of primarily playing games docked to the tv and falling in love with console experiences on the go.

Re: Site News: Announcing Push Square's Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament


@ShogunRok People would absolutely complain, BUT it would be best to have made sure the (potential, projected) top 16 (no way to know for sure who they would have been) were as far away from each other as possible starting out. I wasn't suggesting you can or should account for all 128 characters, just the super heavyweights. Say Nathan Drake and Kratos would be top 2 under normal circumstances, they should be on opposite sides starting out no matter what. Everyone but Sly, R&C, Joel, Ellie, Sackboy, etc. can still be randomized. Otherwise you could in theory end up with a very obvious winner in an anticlimactic and lopsided grand finals. Something it's not to late to do to fix this issue would be making this a double elimination tourney. Would take a lot more time, but it would results in a better ranking as opposed to a 64-way tie for last place.

Either way I'm going to participate and think this will be fun. It's in general a good idea, I just would like to see a more accurate approach if we're going to say this is for the DEFINITIVE PlayStation characters.

Re: Oh Boy! Now Quantic Dream Said Something Silly


This kind of behavior is actually pleasing to me as a consumer (and a multi-console owner at that). There's nothing wrong with "console war" jabs, if anything they encourage quality control. It's up to the competition to prove them otherwise and the consumer to decide the outcome.