Comments 67

Re: PS5 Games Won't Support PSVR, Says Sony


@Tharsman @SJBUK

Yeah, I'm relatively new to Push Square - so probably missed the peeps moaning about dualshock/dualsense. Actually didn't follow many games forums until I got my PS5 preorder! lol

I work in a similar tech company (but not gaming related), so I can see both sides of the story.

As a gamer, it would be great to use my Dualshock as I have 3 of them, and not have to buy more.

As a tech employee, I can see what @SJBUK is saying where they want the devs to use the latest features to create the appeal to purchase the PS5 instead of hold on to the PS4's for longer.

Sony are in the game to make money, and if they didn't then we wouldn't have the new consoles. To make money, they have to do things like this which means we (as gamers) have to buy more controllers. But it means that we have future console generations because they made money from this generation.

The other option is to build in all these features that people want, but then charge more to start with, which is also not a popular move.

So it's really hard for Sony to strike the right balance, and ensure that they make money, so that it can be a going concern to build more in the future. Then at the same time it's 60 quid a pop for new controllers for us! Grrrr

Re: PS5 Games Won't Support PSVR, Says Sony


A lot of people are complaining about this scenario, but it's no different to the news Sony announced a few weeks ago with dualshock only working on PS4 games and not of ps5 games.

No one kicked off about having to go out and buy an extra few dualsense controller's even though they already have dualshocks at home.

Re: Far Cry 6 Delayed Past April 2021


There so many good games coming out in the next few months for PS5, that I'm happy if some get pushed back. Gives me a chance to play big releases now a bit more.

The exception to this statement is GT7. I want it now now now. Gimme gimme gimme!

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