Comments 67

Re: Sony Adjusts Default PS Store Sorting Amid Shovelware Backlash


@Skyfall I'm not sure "AI" is what's needed here.

I feel just a better algorithm for sorting; for example the algorithm could take in to account length of gameplay, etc.

Having "AI" involved could write easily go wrong as if a load of people do buy these shovelware games, then the AI might think that they should be at the top, and then as a developer, you would have to keep tweaking the ML process - which ultimately means it'll just become someone's curated list, rather than an AI made list.

Re: Gran Turismo 7 Has an Official Technical Partner in Braking Systems



Absolutely! I'm a fan of the GT series (although I had a break between GT4 and GT Sport). But now I'm back and loving it.

I don't have a wheel and it's not a problem at all. All I've done is change the steering from the default controls to the movement controls, so you move the controller like a steering wheel to steer and it seems way more natural than using your thumb on a stick.

The main thing I would say about GT steering wheels is there is a new Sony/Polyphony partnership with Fanatec making the new steering wheels from the start of 2022. So if you did want one, then I would wait until next year to get one (as I am too)

Re: Gran Turismo 7's PS5, PS4 Campaign Requires an Online Connection


@TowaHerschel7 while I agree with some of your points, I also disagree that it is highly probable for the Doomsday scenario you describe to happen.

I think it's way more likely that a single company I use to cloud manage devices, for example my radiators, goes bust and then my radiators won't work without fitting new manual TRV valves on them.

In terms of hacking, I'm actually a network engineer by trade, so I have my home network set up in to many different groups which cannot communicate with each other (the access points and switches just black hole the traffic if they try). Furthermore, my security appliance at the head of my network receives regular (multiple times a day) updates from Cisco's AMP cloud so all my traffic in and out of my house is monitored and if any matches the signatures from Cisco, it will also get black holed.

Alongside this, I also manage my own DNS server which recursively uses Umbrella's DNS service which also blocks any suspicious sites IP addresses.

Granted there are many many people that don't take network security as seriously as me, people should take responsibility for their own security and not rely on anyone else to have their best interests at heart. For example, why do people use their ISPs DNS service when there is no security built in, and they use your data to sell your browsing habits (anonymised) - when you can easily pay for a secure service, encrypt the traffic at source and then send it the service without any 3rd parties in-between being able to see any of your data.

Alongside all of this, every website/online service I use, has a different email address/username with multifactor authentication enabled where available, and the strongest form available as well. For example for someone to access my Google account, not only do they need to know a unique email, but they need to guess/brute force a 32 digit random password (that has differing types of letters, numbers, and symbols) as well as need a physical key - of which I have one at home in my study, and another attached to my keys I keep with me.

I do agree that people are losing historic skills, but you can only learn so much. People don't have the time to learn about how triple expansion stream engines work with, as well as how internal combustion engines work, as well as how electric motors work (taking cars as an example). Bearing in mind that at each stage of this example, efficiency of energy transfer gets better as well as increasing reliability, it makes sense to concentrate on the newest technology but making sure that you do your research around how all aspects of it work (including security, etc.).

I apologise for the long and meandering essay. I didn't mean to write that much when I started!

Re: Gran Turismo 7's PS5, PS4 Campaign Requires an Online Connection


I'm the opposite to most people. I think it's better they force people to be online as some features will only work from people's data (not personal data).

If it was optional, the data would either be skewed, or incomplete.

The fact that everything in the world is online, it's a complete non-issue. For example, in my house every one of my radiators is online, my heating thermostat, my oven, my fridge, my toddlers clock, every one of my speakers, both my TVs, the nursery thermometer, nursery hygrometer, my house lights (only the hub is online, the bulbs mesh locally to the hub), my watch, my Dyson fan, my cameras, my smart plugs, etc. Etc. (There's probably loads more, but can't think of them right now).

The point is, what's the issue with GT7 being online as well?

Mountain out of a molehill!

Re: Poll: Do You Have a PS5?


Rather than rely on blind luck, or use an online service that alerts tens of thousands of people in one go, I created my own bot that monitored John Lewis and as soon as it saw activity it alerted me and I manually nipped on and bought one.

They sold out in about 11 minutes. In hindsight, I probably should have bought a few and made a killing! But I bought just the one for myself 👍🙂

Re: PS5 UK Restock Targeted by Scalpers Again, Group Claims More Than 2,000 Orders Made


@OMGitsLiamT I was super lucky too with John Lewis.

They took about 13-15 minutes to sell out. If seems they weren't hit by scalpers as well, maybe because you had to log in to your John Lewis account to buy a PS5, and couldn't just buy it without an account (which needs an individual email address to be verified, etc.).

Plus they give you an extra year warranty free of charge!

Re: PS5 UK Restock Targeted by Scalpers Again, Group Claims More Than 2,000 Orders Made


@OMGitsLiamT Very true. Simple economics.

I 100% agree the only real way to stop scalpers, is to not buy from them.

There must be ways that Sony could put in place to help the situation (if they really wanted to).

A few hoops for an individual to jump through could stop scalpers (and people wouldn't mind jumping through a few hoops to get their hands on a PS5 at a normal price).

Re: PS5 UK Restock Targeted by Scalpers Again, Group Claims More Than 2,000 Orders Made


Why can't there be a system where you would have to complete the following:

  • log in to your Sony PS account
  • get a unique code from Sony to purchase a PS5
  • go to site website and go to buy a PS5
  • during checkout process, you provide your unique code to buy the PS5 (which the retailer confirms as part of the checkout process/presale checks via API with Sony)

This would cut the scalpers right in their tracks (at most you could get one console and sell that at a profit - not thousands that we are seeing at the moment).

Re: Soapbox: I've Missed the Feeling of Having a Backlog



Haha, yeah exactly.

Mine is 18 months going on 3. We've already started to have tantrums - I don't have a bar of it, so I'm seen as the mean dad 🤣

I was unlucky enough to be made redundant 3 weeks ago, and lucky enough to find another job a week ago, so I've got a few weeks of free "PlayStation" time to get through.

After that time, I'll be in exactly the same boat - evenings only (when my other half is not watching the telebox) 😶

Re: UK Scalper Group Claims It's Snagged 3,500 PS5 Consoles


I think Sony needs to shoulder some of the blame.

It wouldn't be that hard to implement a system where you have to log in to your PlayStation account to get a code that you need to pre-order from the seller.

This ensures one ps5 per account. (They would also need to make sure the bots can't create accounts).

Other vendors are doing this around the world for various things, so why not Sony?

Re: Yodel Trends on Twitter As GAME Warns UK PS5 Pre-Orders May Not Arrive on Time


This is the problem with some retailers putting a delivery contract out to tender and then going with the cheapest option (Yodel), irrespective of the poor service offered.

I really wanted to purchase my PS5 through John Lewis, and was lucky enough to do so in the melee. Because of this, I've got an extra year warranty free of charge, and a premium courier service dropping my new white slab off this morning (with no delivery cost to me).

#JohnLewisFTW 😁

Re: PS5 Download Speeds Are Definitely Faster Than PS4


I don't usually complain about the articles on Push Square; but this is akin to saying something like "it was unusual the wind was blowing south today" and forgetting to mention the hurricane going by.

What I mean is, there are a few variables that can be involved here (wireless link speed, wireless protocol being used, other clients on the LAN, bandwidth on WAN, which Sony server you're using to download from, etc. etc.).

Having a few of these covered off in the article would be a good start, but having none mentioned is pretty poor.

The article summary uses this layman evidence as proof that the PS5 network support is better, when it could just be that Sony are paying for higher bandwidth from their cloud that the PS5s connect to, which could change after the honeymoon period is over, and they could save costs and reduce bandwidth (all speculation).

Re: Sony Considered Raising PS5 Game Prices Beyond $70, Says New Report


To put it in to relation to other forms of entertainment. My local cinema charges £12 a ticket, and assuming a film is around 90 mins, that's £8 an hour.

Spider Man Miles Morales is expected to be around 12 hours gameplay for £70. That works out at under £6 an hour.

It is expensive (in my opinion), but then so are a lot of entertainment activities.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 349


Last couple of weeks before PS5, so I'm playing Crash Bandicoot trilogy on switch - I have a love hate relationship with it, it's nostalgic, looks fun, but I hate it! Lol

I've got it and not played the second and third games, so that's my weekend (between my hangover, looking after my little one, and a walk in the park) 🤣

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