Comments 10

Re: Talking Point: Is PS5 Pro Way Too Expensive?


Saddest console release I have ever seen...low energy, no new game to try and sell it, no drive and a bonkers price it's like you have just given up even trying

Sony get your act together before the Playstation brand crashes and burns completely I don't want my first Playstation console the PS5 to be the last generation but its looking like an actual possibility the way it's going

Re: Xbox Really Wasn't Happy with PlayStation's Call of Duty Marketing Deal


Typical anti Xbox article this site is well known for, it takes a quote out of context to missinform by ommision and stir up fanboy hate amongst the easily the interview Spencer never once mentions playstation regarding this quote and he said himself xbox were a part of that problem in the 360 era....have some dignity for goodness sake your bringing Push Square down to the gutter with articles like this and adding bit by bit to the destruction of the gaming community and Industry with this fanboy nonsense.. but anything for clicks eh