Re: Hackers Breach Insomniac Games, Marvel's Wolverine Details and Employee Data Up for Ransom 1SirEvilJebusWed 13th Dec 2023 @ChromaticDracula Flat earth level conspiracy thinking. 0Reply
Re: Hackers Breach Insomniac Games, Marvel's Wolverine Details and Employee Data Up for Ransom 2SirEvilJebusWed 13th Dec 2023 @Th3solution it's insomniac who were breached. 0Reply
Re: Sony Throws EA's Battlefield Under the Bus to Make a Point on Call of Duty 3SirEvilJebusWed 23rd Nov 2022 Microsoft didn't come up with COD, it's always been multiplatform. If they own it and decided to restrict or licence it to other platforms then it's a bad thing for players. 5Reply
Re: Modern Warfare 2 Stealthily Adds Gyro Aiming on PS5, PS4 4SirEvilJebusSun 20th Nov 2022 @Nepp67 I'm giving it a good try, spent about half my available time on each. Hopefully they get a good balance of features from both in it. 0Reply
Re: Modern Warfare 2 Stealthily Adds Gyro Aiming on PS5, PS4 5SirEvilJebusThu 17th Nov 2022 @OmegaStriver Yes, it's like a Diet & Caffeine Free version of Tarkov, played a few games and it's actually quite good. 0Reply
Re: UK Scalper Group Claims It's Snagged 3,500 PS5 Consoles 6SirEvilJebusTue 24th Nov 2020 @Yaycandy I stand by my original comment, if it wasn't for fools like you we wouldn't be in a situation like this. 0Reply
Re: UK Scalper Group Claims It's Snagged 3,500 PS5 Consoles 7SirEvilJebusTue 24th Nov 2020 @Yaycandy You're literally part of the problem, they do it because fools like you will pay the inflated price. 3Reply
Re: Some PS5 Users Are Inserting Their Discs the Wrong Way Round 8SirEvilJebusFri 20th Nov 2020 @TheHectic Every console, not just playstation. 0Reply
Re: Some PS5 Users Are Inserting Their Discs the Wrong Way Round 9SirEvilJebusFri 20th Nov 2020 @Matroska Possibly if you're a toddler and never put a disc in anything before. Otherwise no one has any excuse. 0Reply
Comments 9
Re: Hackers Breach Insomniac Games, Marvel's Wolverine Details and Employee Data Up for Ransom
@ChromaticDracula Flat earth level conspiracy thinking.
Re: Hackers Breach Insomniac Games, Marvel's Wolverine Details and Employee Data Up for Ransom
@Th3solution it's insomniac who were breached.
Re: Sony Throws EA's Battlefield Under the Bus to Make a Point on Call of Duty
Microsoft didn't come up with COD, it's always been multiplatform. If they own it and decided to restrict or licence it to other platforms then it's a bad thing for players.
Re: Modern Warfare 2 Stealthily Adds Gyro Aiming on PS5, PS4
@Nepp67 I'm giving it a good try, spent about half my available time on each. Hopefully they get a good balance of features from both in it.
Re: Modern Warfare 2 Stealthily Adds Gyro Aiming on PS5, PS4
@OmegaStriver Yes, it's like a Diet & Caffeine Free version of Tarkov, played a few games and it's actually quite good.
Re: UK Scalper Group Claims It's Snagged 3,500 PS5 Consoles
@Yaycandy I stand by my original comment, if it wasn't for fools like you we wouldn't be in a situation like this.
Re: UK Scalper Group Claims It's Snagged 3,500 PS5 Consoles
@Yaycandy You're literally part of the problem, they do it because fools like you will pay the inflated price.
Re: Some PS5 Users Are Inserting Their Discs the Wrong Way Round
@TheHectic Every console, not just playstation.
Re: Some PS5 Users Are Inserting Their Discs the Wrong Way Round
@Matroska Possibly if you're a toddler and never put a disc in anything before. Otherwise no one has any excuse.