Comments 7

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores?


5 or 6/10. The relationship stuff felt a little pushed in and unauthentic (people don't have to go for that option though if you don't want to which is crazy that this blew up. Mass Effect did years ago and now everyone is up in arms). Gameplay was more of the same which is likely great for some and lame for others. I had a lot of graphical errors in my playthrough too which really threw the experience overall.

Also the dialogue kept missing the bar and made the character development felt so...Marvel-esque and that's not a good thing.

If you love the game I'd say get it and you'll love the expansion.

Re: Ratchet & Clank's PS4 Remake Is Insomniac's Most Successful Ever Game


@dark_knightmare2 Don't get me wrong it's still fun but with the soundtrack being forgettable and nothing close to original catchy tunes, the character's development with the back and forth dialogue cut-scenes that have no personality compared to the original and the pacing of the story along with R&C interacting with each planet they encounter makes it really weak in my opinion. If you've got time 'TheGamingBritShow' explains it better than I do.

Re: Review: Mass Effect: Andromeda (PS4)


@ShogunRok First off no problem with the review but I'm more curious with the how the review process works. When you do review a game is it important to review it as a stand alone or as a comparison to its predecessors? You mention that its quality isn't up to the standard that Bioware is known to produce which is more than evident. Can that cause you to expect more and ultimately harm your view on a game?