I want to believe you and I understand that's your opinion and all. (The gameplay bit is understandable).
It's just when you talk about screen tearing, blurry textures and frame drops etc. I can't help but feel you're talking about the stream itself and not the game.
I highly, very highly doubt Sucker Punch would ever release a game that isn't in top notch form. I highly doubt Sony would allow them to release a game that does all of what you described. It would be like Nintendo releasing a Mario game that wasn't as good as it could possibly be.
I pre-ordered, not because I want the goodies or whatever, but because I know full well if I don't pre-order it now, I won't be able to buy it for another 3 months or so.
That and this game is the primary reason I even got a PS4 so early.
The thing about inFamous is that in reality, there's no such thing as good or evil.
There's merely type 1 Anti-Hero and type 4 Anti-Hero. Type 1 is what Positive Karma Cole is, Type 4 is what Negative Karma Cole is.
inFamous doesn't really have an evil side IMO. Most of "evil" Cole's actions at the core were beneficial. Even the Evil Ending in 2 wasn't really evil, he had to make a hard decision, conduits lives or the humans lives. Even the good ending was morally ambiguous, he sacrificed other people without asking them if they wanted to live or die, he made the decision for them, thus killing innocent conduits in order save humanity.
The neutral decision would have been to do nothing. Let the plague run its course.
The whole point of inFamous is that no matter how hard you try, you can't save everyone.
You also have to take into account that this is a F2P built from the ground up, it isn't like most F2P games, where it was built as P2P with F2P forced in.
For the first few games, it was cool , gave us a bit of back-story and modern plot. For 3 it started going down hill, the modern story and gameplay felt like it was forced in and didn't blend well. The ending was complete BS.
For 4 it was just what ? You play as a faceless man/woman, I was hoping they would show the face at the end. Not to mention the entire thing felt out of place and rushed.
Or am I missing a comic that explains the post events of 3 ?
I can understand what you're saying. I can agree with that. Personally I'm neutral; however I have to opt mostly for digital due to location.
For me, plus is a life saver, as I'm on a very tight budget, and plus allows me to get games I otherwise couldn't afford at the moment by bringing them down to my price range.
For me buying a year subscription pretty much raises the chance of me being able to score discounted games; I otherwise wouldn't have been able to get until somewhere down the road. (FFXIV comes to mind).
The added bonus being most of the games I have on plus I haven't played before.
Personally I don't feel TLoU was truly GOTY, it's a really great game, I enjoyed every moment of it, but it doesn't feel like GOTY. BI was the same feeling for me. The most powerful moments we're the story/cutscenes not the gameplay for the two games. However out of the two, I felt TLoU was better.
DmC crossed my mind but while it was a really amazing game to me (gameplay wise, I love hack n slash) it was not GOTY worthy. (no I don't care they gave dante a new look, I was never attached to the old dante).
In order for a game to be truly GOTY material for me, it has to have amazing gameplay AND story, not one or the other.
I won't lie I bought my PS4 ahead of time due to Order 1886, Rayman Legends, FFXIV, Second Son and KH3.
If I had waited I wouldn't have been able to get one or even want one. For once most of the games I want come out EARLY next year instead of in the middle.
I think having to pay for mutiplayer was fine. The funny thing is I actually forgot the PS4 needs a plus sub to play online multiplayer and barely remembered when I got my ps4 yesterday, luckily I bought a year of plus this month.
That said I agree completely, unless you're into RPG's, MMO's and Action Adventure (which is mostly what's on the PS4), you're better off waiting till next year.
Mom got me FF Reborn early (along with PlayStation Plus for a year, so I bought the game for 10.00) for my ps3 so I can continue it on my PS4 when it comes out.
Comments 74
Re: Review: inFAMOUS: Second Son (PlayStation 4)
No they are basically standalone. Not playing inFamous 1 or 2 won't really keep you in the dark to a impactful degree.
Re: Review: inFAMOUS: Second Son (PlayStation 4)
12 hours sounds about right for an inFamous game.
So that's 24 hours altogether if you count the evil playthrough.
Actually I'm not sure if that's longer than the older games or on par.
Re: Review: inFAMOUS: Second Son (PlayStation 4)
Review scores mean nothing to me. Besides 8/10 means it's still great.
Can't wait.
Re: Hands On: Smoking Out Seattle in inFAMOUS: Second Son on PS4
Now my hype has intensified.
Re: Spoil the Fun with inFAMOUS: Second Son Trophy List and Soundtrack
Didn't look at the list but I did get a photo-memory of the length of the list.
That's a lot of trophies, will keep me busy.
Re: Feature: How You Helped Shape PS4 Sequel inFAMOUS: Second Son
Great article.
Can't wait...11 more days !!.
Re: Why Is Sucker Punch Being So Secretive About PS4 Exclusive inFAMOUS: Second Son?
I want to believe you and I understand that's your opinion and all. (The gameplay bit is understandable).
It's just when you talk about screen tearing, blurry textures and frame drops etc. I can't help but feel you're talking about the stream itself and not the game.
I highly, very highly doubt Sucker Punch would ever release a game that isn't in top notch form. I highly doubt Sony would allow them to release a game that does all of what you described. It would be like Nintendo releasing a Mario game that wasn't as good as it could possibly be.
Re: This PS3 and Vita Game Allows You to Strip Strangers to Their Underwear
That logic.
"We won't take a risk on releasing amazing fighters or action adventure games or rpgs we KNOW won't sell well, but lets release a hentai game"
Re: What Happened Between inFAMOUS 2 and PS4 Exclusive inFAMOUS: Second Son?
Wow I'm actually disappointed that something that is important to the story has to be paid for.
Granted I already pre-ordered but still disappointed.
Re: Rumour: Is This a Bird, Plane, or Watch Dogs Release Date?
I actually heard April 6th from my local Gamestop don't know if this is true or not.
Re: PS4 Exclusive inFAMOUS: Second Son Goes Gold
I pre-ordered, not because I want the goodies or whatever, but because I know full well if I don't pre-order it now, I won't be able to buy it for another 3 months or so.
That and this game is the primary reason I even got a PS4 so early.
Re: This Fresh Footage of PS4 Title inFAMOUS: Second Son Will Send You Up the Wall
Oh I'm completely sold. I pre ordered a few days ago.
It's the wait that's killing me lol.
Re: This Fresh Footage of PS4 Title inFAMOUS: Second Son Will Send You Up the Wall
You know what would really send me up the wall ?
A demo.
Re: Weirdness: This Is What The Legend of Zelda Would Look Like on PS4
Actually Nintendo Fans DO say they would like some PS exclusive games on Nintendo consoles: Ex:Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter and Sly Cooper.
It's just most PS fans own Nintendo consoles and most Nintendo fans own Sony Consoles. Granted I'm talking about Fans not fanboys.
Re: The Games Sony Picked for the PlayStation Now Beta Are Baffling
I don't see why this is being tested on PS3 and not PS4 but okay then, seeing as it was made mostly for PS4.
Re: What Type of Connection Will You Need for PlayStation Now?
A Sony rep said you'd need a Dualshock 3 in order to stream on phones or the TV.
5mbps ? That's not too bad.
Re: Pass the Time with This Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Trailer
It's SE, the only time they seem to get FF right, is when they do MMORPG's or when they do a Action RPG Final Fantasy.
I've always hated turn based, it's what puts me off of Final Fantasy games except Crisis Core and the upcoming FFXV.
Re: Reaction: PlayStation Now Clears the Cloud on Sony's Vision of the Future
"Why buy the console when you can just buy the TV"
I'd say cost and technology plays a factor.
You'd rather get the console, as that's the best experience, as Sony said.
Probably because the service was created primarily for the PS4 and Vita.
TV streaming is good, but probably not as good as a game device that is created to do that.
Not to mention most people who own a PS4/PS3 probably already have an HDTV, so why buy another TV just to stream games ?
I see the TV bit targeted more towards the causal market.
Re: Talking Point: Will Someone Please Frag Online Exclusive Trophies
Keep your multiplayer out of my Action-Adventure games, unless it makes sense (Last of Us).
I hate MP trophies unless it's co-op missions that add fun to the factor.
Re: Sucker Punch: You'll Need to Play inFAMOUS: Second Son Twice to See It All
The thing about inFamous is that in reality, there's no such thing as good or evil.
There's merely type 1 Anti-Hero and type 4 Anti-Hero. Type 1 is what Positive Karma Cole is, Type 4 is what Negative Karma Cole is.
inFamous doesn't really have an evil side IMO. Most of "evil" Cole's actions at the core were beneficial. Even the Evil Ending in 2 wasn't really evil, he had to make a hard decision, conduits lives or the humans lives. Even the good ending was morally ambiguous, he sacrificed other people without asking them if they wanted to live or die, he made the decision for them, thus killing innocent conduits in order save humanity.
The neutral decision would have been to do nothing. Let the plague run its course.
The whole point of inFamous is that no matter how hard you try, you can't save everyone.
Re: You May Be Touring the Dark Dungeons of PS4 Exclusive Deep Down After All
F2P isn't bad if handled right (DCUO).
You also have to take into account that this is a F2P built from the ground up, it isn't like most F2P games, where it was built as P2P with F2P forced in.
Re: Microsoft: Sony's Done a Nice Job Defining the PlayStation 4
You do know just because you work for a company, doesn't actually mean you have to hate other companies ?
Nintendo and PS seem to be buddies this gen and no one is batting an eye.
Spencer is a PERSON not a company.
Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite PlayStation Game of 2013?
Bioshock Infinite and AC4 were my favorite between the two though, BI was chosen.
Re: Talking Point: What New Year's Resolutions Should Sony Make in 2014?
More support for the Vita (though the primary target of Vita is gamers, mostly PS gamers).
The PS4 not much to say I'd love to see more Action RPG's for it though.
Re: Soapbox: Assassin's Creed's Modern Day Component Is Holding the Series Back
For the first few games, it was cool , gave us a bit of back-story and modern plot. For 3 it started going down hill, the modern story and gameplay felt like it was forced in and didn't blend well. The ending was complete BS.
For 4 it was just what ? You play as a faceless man/woman, I was hoping they would show the face at the end. Not to mention the entire thing felt out of place and rushed.
Or am I missing a comic that explains the post events of 3 ?
Re: Pachter: PS4 Will Surpass Wii U Sales Globally by Spring
I'd rather Pachter not make predictions.
It tends to have the opposite effect.
Re: Whoa, the PS4 Sold Over Half a Million Units in the UK Last Year
That comment confused me too, a few games come out each month.
I still haven't bought Killzone Shadow Fall, Lego Marvel, Knack. Still need to finish Escape Plan, Trine 2, and Contrast.
FFXIV Beta comes out in Feb for PS4, Rayman Legends is coming to PS4 in Feb as well.
He did say AAA, however I assume a lot of PS fans play non AAA games as well, if so the coming months should be fine.
Re: Kingdom Hearts III's Keyblade Will Unlock Infinite Possibilities in PS4 Sequel
This is Square we're talking about,reckless is their middle name.
Re: Want a Final Fantasy X-3? You Should Probably Pipe Up
Maybe they should focus on getting KH 3 done first before they start doing anything else ?
That said I'm all for FFX-3 as I enjoy both of the series. I just hope it isn't Turn-Based or if it is, at least make it fun.
Re: Game of the Year: Best PlayStation 4 Games of 2013
Yeah have to go with AC 4, really enjoying the Multiplayer Mode.
Re: You Might Be Hearing About The Last Guardian Sooner Than You Think
I'd say both, I wasn't even aware what FF15 was called before that, that's how vaporware it is.
Last Guardian WAS on my radar but now I'm not so sure.
Re: Feature: Five Vita Games That Will Keep You Occupied on the Go in 2014
Delta for me, I really enjoyed Soul Sacrifice, my only qualms was the lack of magic variety.
Re: The PS4 Controller's Light Bar Will Help You Sneak About in Thief
I find it to be a gimmick and yet useful.
If they explained what it did in-game instead of making you guess it would be a lot better.
Re: Game of the Year: Best PlayStation Vita Games of 2013
Soul Sacrifice for me. I cannot wait for Delta.
Re: Feature: Five Hotly Anticipated PS4 Games That Should Be on Your Radar in 2014
I can understand what you're saying. I can agree with that. Personally I'm neutral; however I have to opt mostly for digital due to location.
For me, plus is a life saver, as I'm on a very tight budget, and plus allows me to get games I otherwise couldn't afford at the moment by bringing them down to my price range.
For me buying a year subscription pretty much raises the chance of me being able to score discounted games; I otherwise wouldn't have been able to get until somewhere down the road. (FFXIV comes to mind).
The added bonus being most of the games I have on plus I haven't played before.
My most anticipated games in order:
Second Son
Order 1886
Final Fantasy XIV
Final Fantsy XV
Re: Game of the Year: Best PlayStation 3 Games of 2013
Personally I don't feel TLoU was truly GOTY, it's a really great game, I enjoyed every moment of it, but it doesn't feel like GOTY. BI was the same feeling for me. The most powerful moments we're the story/cutscenes not the gameplay for the two games. However out of the two, I felt TLoU was better.
DmC crossed my mind but while it was a really amazing game to me (gameplay wise, I love hack n slash) it was not GOTY worthy. (no I don't care they gave dante a new look, I was never attached to the old dante).
In order for a game to be truly GOTY material for me, it has to have amazing gameplay AND story, not one or the other.
Re: Free PS4 Exclusive Deep Down Tinkles the Old Ivories
Wow this actually looks really interesting.
Re: Talking Point: Has Father Christmas Added to Your PlayStation Backlog?
PS4 (gift from mom), AC 4 (gift for myself), YS Seven.
Re: The Heroes of The Order: 1886 Have a Sworn Allegiance with the Queen
The gameplay shows it's in 3rd person. They confirmed it was 3rd person.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This... Christmas?
Assassins Creed 4 , Sega Racing Vita, and depending on what I get tomorrow that I suppose.
Re: Soapbox: Why There's No Real Rush to Upgrade to the PS4
I won't lie I bought my PS4 ahead of time due to Order 1886, Rayman Legends, FFXIV, Second Son and KH3.
If I had waited I wouldn't have been able to get one or even want one. For once most of the games I want come out EARLY next year instead of in the middle.
Re: Soapbox: Why There's No Real Rush to Upgrade to the PS4
I think having to pay for mutiplayer was fine. The funny thing is I actually forgot the PS4 needs a plus sub to play online multiplayer and barely remembered when I got my ps4 yesterday, luckily I bought a year of plus this month.
That said I agree completely, unless you're into RPG's, MMO's and Action Adventure (which is mostly what's on the PS4), you're better off waiting till next year.
Re: Sony: PS4 Exclusives Must Take Advantage of System's Capabilities
From what I saw of Second Son, I cannot wait.
While Resogun hardly shows off the hardware, it certainly shows off the particle effects.
The detail on it is amazing.
Re: Unwrap Free Killzone: Shadow Fall Trial for PS4 This Christmas
Just in time for PS4, got it today.
Re: Dying Light Will Remind You Why You Were Afraid of the Dark
That actually looks interesting.
Re: Feature: For the Buyers - Push Square's PlayStation Christmas Shopping Guide
Mom got me FF Reborn early (along with PlayStation Plus for a year, so I bought the game for 10.00) for my ps3 so I can continue it on my PS4 when it comes out.
Loving it so far.
I already got my friends a few games as well.
Re: Accidentally Received a Free PS Vita? Don't Smile Yet
Wait so THEY screw up and they are THREATENING the costumers with legal action ?
This is hilarious. I would keep it and tell them good luck with that.
Re: God of War Collection Causes Chaos on PlayStation Vita
I wonder if it includes origins as well.
As the others had said I'd prefer a Sly Cooper Collection instead.
Re: Pachter: November PS4 Sales Are 66 Per Cent Greater Than Xbox One
NL hates patcher, I'm neutral about him.
Most of his predictions are either somewhat true or somewhat false (Wii U was somewhat spot on, although it's doing a little better).
Re: Review: Angry Birds: Star Wars (PlayStation 4)
$50 Dollars is the part that makes me laugh.
Do people really actually buy it ? I understand it's Star Wars but there's a limit.