Comments 223

Re: Journey to Be Playable on PS4 at GamesCom 2014 Next Month


@Reverend_Skeeve No one forced you or Enobmah_shards to buy a PS4! See... I can make moronic statements as well. I didn't buy a PS4 to play remakes that offer nothing new. This is taking investment and development time away from original content never mind the fact Sony will be treble dipping this dying cash cow again with Playstation Now.

Re: Store Update: 22nd July 2014 (North America)


@SteveButler2210 hard evidence.... are you serious? Who do you think owns the EU PS store? EA? It's exactly the same as a physical store. SCEE set the terms and conditions, your consumer contract is with SCEE. If you've an issue on the store you contact SCEE. It's solely and totally SCEEs store! And well done you found one game out of hundreds with the same discount even though it's more expensive in the EU. Well done!

Re: Store Update: 22nd July 2014 (North America)


@SteveButler2210 first of all let's bury the urban myth that some how SCEE have no say over what's put on sale on the EU store. It's their store! They own it, control and set the rules. Please stop making excuses for them. You may feel you personally get value for money on the EU store but take a quick look at PS Blog comments and even Stevie Wonder can see SCEE have a problem. EU prices are up to 54% more expensive. Discounts despite your claim rarely happen and if they do it's a default paultry 10%. Sales are nothing short of pathetic and it's only SCEEs fault. They deserve all the grief they get.

Re: Store Update: 22nd July 2014 (North America)


The North American customers are so lucky! 20% discounts to EU PS+ customers is virtually unheard of. Release dates, promotions, sales... doesn't happen in the EU. SCEE are the biggest bunch of incompetent morons since the Keystone cops. How about doing an article on the difference between the EU and NA Playstation services then ask Yoshida why he encourages racism?

Re: August PlayStation Plus Update to Boast Eclectic List of Free Games


@Johnnycide It isn't just the IGC for PS4 PS+ that's a massive disappointment. Where are the discounts, exclusive content or even PS+ beta's for the PS4? Seems SCEE just drop it all. We'd an exclusive plane for War Thunder that was actually worse than some of the free planes. And it's not as is the PSN is better for the PS4 now we're paying for it as well.

PS+ is clearly in decline.

Re: Talking Point: Why PS4's Christmas Offering Is Much Cleverer Than You Think


Very weak article when it has to take pot shots at the competition. Sony and the PS4 have more than enough issues on their own. The number of reports about the PS4's line up for Christmas shows it clearly is an issue for many people. If it wasn't you wouldn't be getting so much mileage out of it. The line up is average and unoriginal at best. Nothing worth forking out £400 for a new console for and then paying the insane online prices Sony expect.

Re: Weirdness: What if Animals Got Infected in The Last of Us?


It isn't a virus or a disease in The Last of Us, it's a parasitic fungi. There are over 1000 different Cordyceps fungi with each one specific to an insect. The Cordycep fungi that infests ants has no effect on termites and visa versa. Because the fungi isn't a virus or bacterium it's unlikely it would mutate or adapt to other species before it destroys the human race. The fungi in TLOU doesn't follow that typical Cordyceps motive. An infested ant for example is driven to the highest point it can find before the fungi blooms and spores. So it's possible the fungi in TLOU was weaponised. Interesting plot for a TLOU prequel?