Comments 7

Re: Fresh Marathon Details Cover Heroes, Pricing, and Bungie's Silence


There is nothing in the reveals or teasers or trailers, nothing in the reports or leaks, nothing to make me think Marathon will be anything but a new Concord.

Granted, it probably won't fail as hard...

But extraction shooters are so passe right now, and Tarkov players and the like already invested. And Marathon has gone from extraction shooter to hero shooter to loot shooter back to extraction.

Given the likely turmoil at Bungie right now, and the reports of its loathed playtest, Marathon doesn't seem poised for success.

I anticipate it will be a mid success....but the high asking price and negative vibe will turn many players away though Sony will hopefully do a better job marketing it than it did Concord.

Even so, this game seems likely to be cancelled as right now it just looks and feels like another Concord situation and that is something Sony doesn't want.

Re: Sony Priming 'Even Less Exciting' PS5 Remaster for State of Play


@WhensDinner Because they are cheap, quick and easy. They are safe.

Older games would benefit more from re-masters. But they'd also require a lot more time, effort and money. Further....Sony largely abandoned many of these classic IPs there so the brand recognition has faded.

It makes these IPs riskier.

Sony has lost at least $6Bn on its botched GAAS pivot. Thats a lot of money, even for Sony, even given that it is spread over several years.

Its not interested in risky projects

Re: Round Up: Concord PS5 Previews Seem Torn on Sony's New Shooter


Right now...

Concord looks bland and generic
It costs $40 to play and is entering an oversaturated genre filled with freebie games into which players already have a lot of time, effort, money and emotion invested.
Marvels Rivals, shown off in the same showcase, looked better and it is up against established games like OverWatch without having displayed any unique hook or selling point to attract and retain players.

More, Valorant is coming to PS.

Concord may yet connect with players and be a hit but right now, it appears to be a Dead Game Walking, Dead Before Arrival and on the quick path to failure.

The best outcome I can see is that it will maintain enough support to keep it open, but not enough to be the hit Sony needs

Re: Disney Doesn't Think It Was 'Overly Exclusionary' to Cut Planned PS5 Version of Indiana Jones


@Anke His reasoning is sound.

XBox isn't just the console.

It is GamePass.
It is Cloud.
It is PC.
It is mobile.
It is cloud.
It is console.

XBox has evolved into a multi-platform eco-system which is why looking at just console sales or numbers gives a very misleading picture.

The PC market is very fragmented. But it is also HUGE. Much larger than PS and XBox combined. That is hundreds of millions of players who can potentially buy Indiana Jones or Blade.

The 50m PS5 consoles are, all things considered, a minor matter. Important, but PS isn't as big or powerful as it wants to be. Sony ignored PC development and that has ramifications.

Sonys big advantage is not size or consoles sold, but that the PS market is controlled and unified, allowing it to set prices, conditions and access. PC gamers are also far more independent and like deals, buying games cheaply.

But yes...once you recognise that Disney is OK with IJ and Blade going to the hundreds of millions of cloud, mobile, PC and XBox devices, the decision to drop the 50m PS5s makes sense.

Re: After E3 2021 No Show, Sony's Seemingly Skipping Gamescom As Well


That's expected...but risky. It's leaving the competitors in charge of the narrative.

We do have the rumoured PSX style event coming up in August and TGS at the end of September and Sony should have plenty to announce, from the PSVR2 to the activation of SSD slot to all the games coming out over the next year to Bluepoints acquisition (I don't think anyone believes their denials but they are as good as 1st party anyway) not to mention possible announcements on Metal Gear and Silent Hill so the material for a major showcase is there.