Comments 6

Re: PSVR2 Sales Explode After Sony's Deep Price Cut, Up More than 2,000%


$350 is a steal to try VR. The haptic feedback in the controllers, the headset vibrations, and the eye tracking separates it from the pack. It just needs more games that takes advantage of the hardware.

People forget the original PSVR cost more than the PS4, launching for $400 with no Move controllers and $450 with. VR is a very niche market and primarily supported by indie developers. I don't see that changing in the future.

Re: Sony Is Allegedly Pulling PSVR2 Funding, Report Claims


I'm enjoying it but it is sad to hear. Not unexpected though. Sony saw what happened with PSVR1 so they should have predicted not as many people are going to buy it either. PSVR1 was more expensive than the PS4 if you bought the full package with controllers. Game wise PSVR2 has a stronger line up for its first year out but with the way the game industry is heading, I don't see VR progressing for a while.

I love the tech but sony definitely needs to get some more games utilizing it