Comments 8

Re: Soapbox: PSVR's Crap Load of Cables Has Put Me Off


Honestly, you should take this down. Yeah OK, you have last gen hardware and a New Gen TV.

Guess what? I had to change out my bluray player for a 4K player, all HDMI cables were replaced, 7.1 Onkyo THX certified receiver had to be replaced ($$) just because I bought an OLED 4k tv. Oh, and I gave my son my PSVR unit and bought the NEXT GEN version that allows 4k and HDR passthrough. Also upgraded to the PS4 Pro since I was going 4k... Tech gets old and you need to keep up to date or everything will need to replaced to accommodate a new component. Now all of my gear that is two years old runs my PS5 like a dream.