Comments 896

Re: Mark Cerny: I Hope Sony's Impact Will Match Nintendo's In Years To Come


Your nothing compared to Nintendo, yet. Nintendo themselves are a great gaming company, but they need to work on third party relations, Sony's first party isn't that bad, but nothing compared to Nintendo, but their third party is really good. So, yay, Sony isn't quite there, but ohh so close, their first party has definitely improved over the years.

Re: Ellen Page Doesn't Sound Too Pleased With The Last Of Us Likeness


I completely agree with her, her likeness is what actors and actresses have to sell, so in a way, they stole from her. I think Sony is going too much in a movie direction with their games as it is, but it is very obvious the character in game looks like her. There are tons of different looks they could have easy changed the character too. It's not like she's actually being a ***** about it

Re: Sony Tells GameStop to Open the Floodgates on PS4 Pre-orders


@get2sammyb I live in Canada, Xbox is, for some dumb reason, more popular than Playstation here, I've heard PS4 is selling more overall, but Xbox One is selling like hot cakes at my local store oO I'm getting a Wii U, but PS4 would hands down be my secondary console if I was to get one, not that horrible Microsoft Xbox One, bleh

Re: Sony Tells GameStop to Open the Floodgates on PS4 Pre-orders


Decent news, but my local GameStop has reported like 4 PS4 pre-orders and around 40 xbox one pre-orders so far, and the xbox one pre-orders are constantly going up. Yay, I don't get it either ¬¬ I might be for the Wii U personally, but I don't get Xbox One being more popular than PS4 Lots of people also think that the Xbox One being $100 more is because it's more powerful than the PS4.

Re: Talking Point: Has Microsoft's E3 2013 Showing Lessened Your Interest in the PS4?


What, that joke of a console? PLEASE, all Sony has to do is say "Where not pulling a Microsoft" than say "it'll be the same price in NA as the Xbox One, except in EUR and UK it will be cheaper" and they'll have all the Xbox/PS gamers wanting the system. Don't even need to show the system, just say those things, and PS4 has it made.

Personally, I'm still buying a Wii U, but I have confidence in PS4 being a big contender. I expect Microsoft to leave the console business after this generation.

@HeatBombastic Nope, nothing, Killer Instinct isn't that big of a deal to most. If they showed Battletoads, I would say yes, but they didn't.

Re: Another Analyst Reckons the PS4 Will Retail for Less Than $400


@Epic totally agree, these people are unrealistic with there pricing so far, cheapest I could see it being is probably $399.99. The PS3 didn't even have backwards, and this doesn't either, and have you seen the spec differences between PS3 and PS4?!? The PS4 only being $50-$75 more for what your getting is REALLY unrealistic.

If you want the top graphics, you'll probably spend the money for the system, me personally, I'm just looking for interactive and fun games (Wii U so far). I still play NES games, graphics have never meant much to me.

Re: Dragon's Dogma Braves the PlayStation Vita in New Freemium Quest


@Sanquine I probably would if I had more cash lol They had a deal on at my local store to trade in a vita or a old 3DS, get the 3DS XL and Luigi's Mansion for $50, so I took the offer. edit: I should mention the vita was a xmas gift, I didn't buy it

Vita as a console is a great achievement in portable, but the games so far haven't made the system worth purchasing Consider yourself luckier than me, you'll be enjoying both 3DS and Vita games in the future

Re: Pachter Reckons That the PS4's Bill of Materials Is Around $275


Pachters a moron, stop listening to him. Nintendo will do fine, Xbox brand will probably die this generation. Thinking the PS4 will only cost $349 is a joke for the specs it has, the eye will more than likely come with it, also. There, I said what I had to, go ahead and b***h about what I said, you know you want too

Re: Pachter Predicts That PS4 Will Cost $349, Will Sell Out At Launch


@ajay708 there is very lil reason to actually buy a Vita, your right. I had my Vita for about a year, and it's truly an amazing system, but the games don't seem to back up the awesome hardware. Also, the console price might be ok, but it compensates that with extremely expensive memory cards. So far, if you own a tablet/android device and a xbox 360/ps3, your basicly getting the same experience the vita offers Hopefully, Sony gets there act together when the PS4 comes out and makes the Vita a more valuable system to own.

Re: PS4 Developers Required to Support Vita Remote Play


Show me your actually gonna support it, than I'll be impressed. Like it's said in the article, Sony has a history of having these kinda things but not bringing it to its full potential. Sony already said before that we could remote play with PS3, and I think only two games support that, both remaster PS2 classics

Re: Square Enix Conjures First PS3 Footage of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn


Such a small difference between PC and PS3. I'm actually interested in this title and will get it for my PS3, because I really really hate playing games with a keyboard and mouse lol If World of Warcraft was on PS3, I'd probably play that too, but since it's PC only, I played it a little and got sick of the stupid keyboard. Gonna be weird pay for a character fee and and monthly fee, I probably won't have more than the one character cause of it

Re: Rayman Legends Leaps onto PlayStation Vita with Exclusive Content


YES! Now that's a announcement I was looking forward too! Thanks Sony, I wanted reasons to keep my Vita Now I need to definitely pre-order it, I have the original for Vita as well, awesome game.

@Placlu I use to get systems at launch but have learned to wait a year or two in order to make a much better decision with my hard earned money, especially since these consoles aren't cheap anymore. As for the exclusive, I'm happy it's coming to the Vita, but your right, I wanted a Wii U for Rayman Legends, now I still have no real reason to buy a Wii U, cause I already have systems that play the games there getting (and not getting).

Re: Bungie Lays Down the Law in New Destiny Trailer, First PS4 Footage at E3


Bungie making a game for PS3/PS4 is a huge attention grabber from the Halo Xbox crowd, especially from people in NA. I can't wait to buy this game, it's gonna be couch co-op right? I hope so..

Made by the halo peoples and published by call of duty guys? Wow, Sony is really riding on the Call of Duty/Halo nuts to come over lol

Re: Sony's Share Prices Soar Following the Xbox One Reveal


Sony's stock rose like almost 10%, and Nintendo's rose 2.2%, or something around those lines, know why? Cause that Xbox reveal was sad and pathetic, and everybody BUT Microsoft knows it Remember the Zune? Xbox One will probably follow it its footsteps

Re: Reaction: PS4 vs. Xbox One - Moving in Different Directions


I know alil kid that great at art that could make a better system and controller design in about 10 minutes ¬¬ Seriously, PS4 and Wii U is where it's at, that xbox looks freakin; ugly And the features, especially the kinect needing to be plugged in to play the system, and the games needing to have a fee for used games, makes me hate this stupid machine. I hope Sony and Nintendo NEVER follow in Microsoft's footsteps.

Re: Talking Point: How Has Xbox One's Reveal Affected Your Anticipation for PS4?


terrible name, ugly controller and system look, having to install the games on the hdd defeats the purpose of discs, fee to pay just for used games OR borrowing a friends game,no touchpad/screen on the controller, no backwards with 360, colour me unimpressed. This was almost a complete joke.

I have a feeling Wii U is where my loyalty will be at, maybe PS4. Least PS4 controller was more impressive looking than "the ones" stupid remake on the 360 controller.

Re: Here's Your First, Blurry Look at the Actual PlayStation 4 Console


so far it looks like the PS3 in design, which is basicly what I figured it would Can't wait for June 10th, but I'm not really excited to see the console, it's just the console We already know the power it has and that, and seen some of the games, so I still think the next reveal will overshadow this, unfortunately.

Re: Sony Suggests Vita Sales Forecast May Be a Worst Case Scenario


I have lots of hope for the Vita, and I think people will start getting the Vita when the PS4 shows it's Vita functions. As for games, they are coming, just very slow compared to what PlayStation fans are use too. I can't wait for Walking Dead Season One, Jak and Daxter Collection, Muramasa Rebirth, the new Y's game, Vahalla Knight 3, Killzone, Tearaway etc. so to say there is nothing for games at this point makes people sound foolish.

Re: Sony Will Do 'Whatever It Takes' to Release the PS4 in Europe This Year


I hope it gets back alot more of the North American crowd, and I think it will. I know alot of people that went for the 360 because it was something new, and the red ring of death really hurt peoples opinion of the 360. I use to own a 360 at first, and it died, so I was a late adopter to the PS3, but I don't think I could own another Xbox system, they keep dieing on me for some reason :s

Re: Talking Point: Sony Must Solve the PlayStation Vita's Memory Woes


@get2sammyb yup, I don't download anything off the PSN store for my Vita because of the memory problem. I got PS All-Stars as a download with the PS3 copy, and the file for PS All-Stars is over 3gb, almost 4gb, with the updates that they had, so naturally, I NEVER play this game. I think there PSN store sales would go up, and the cross-buy feature would make more sense if they just lowered the prices of the memory cards

Re: inFAMOUS: Second Son Was Planned for PS4 Way Back in 2010


so many great reasons to get a PlayStation 4 at launch love how suckerpunch had this planned 3 years ago, and the touchpad use does sound good so far, I still prefer classic controls so small touchpad functions is probably a great way to start. I can't wait, Knack, killzone, and others, Sony is really bringing there A game.