Comments 896

Re: Microsoft: PS4 Is Outperforming Xbox One Because PS3 Didn't Satisfy Consumers


Everyones smarta$$ comments aside, I agree with a degree. The Xbox 360 was amazing from the start and is still an amazing system, its downfalls are the dvd player. Now with PS3, its downfall was the first couple years of its life (controller with no rumble, stupid six axis, no trophy support) honestly, the ps3 didnt feel really next gen, aside from the games and the blu-ray player. I think people are upgrading from PS3 to PS4 because they love the new changes that Sony has made, while with Xbox 360 and One, they seem very similar other then the multimedia functions and the graphics.

Honestly, its hard to say why for sure....maybe Sony just did everything right at the beginning, and Xbox fans knew Microsoft screwed up so much there waiting for them to fix their mistakes (making a Kinect-less bundle at $399 is a big help).

Re: Reaction: Xbox One's PS4 Impersonation Improves with Kinect Reversal


People who want a Xbox One will just be more interested in buying one now more then ever, because now it doesnt come with the stupid camera and $100 more price tag, but if all you care about is which console is slightly more powerful, that pretty sad. You know Xbox fans are gonna get Xbox for when Halo and that come out, plus they probably have a loyalty to Xbox and want to keep up their achievements lol

Me personally, Im undecided as of yet, Im just leaning towards PS4 more cause I know it will get more Japanese RPGs, but I cant lie and say Xbox One hasnt interested me too, considering it gets exclusives like Titanfall, amongst other PC games that usually come to Xbox consoles (Left 4 Dead 1 and 2).

Re: Your Return to Borderlands 2 on PS Vita Will Be a Little Lonelier


Yay, Im actually surprised this version has multiplayer at all lol And no my opinion hasnt changed, I pre-ordered the Borderlands 2 Vita Slim bundle and Im still picking it up on May 6th (yay, we get it way earlier). I didnt expect the exact PS3 game, but from what Ive seen of videos of it, Im amazed at how well it looks on a portable!

Re: Do You Like Borderlands? 2K Australia May Be About to Fly You to the Moon


I think they shouldnt bother with this unless they are willing to put it on PS4, and X1, putting it on last gen consoles seems very stupid, especially since people are going to the next gen consoles awefully fast.
Personally, Im pretty sick of Borderlands now, but if I did see a great next gen game, I would consider buying it, as for this though, no thanks.

Re: Microsoft Will Pay You to Dump Your PS3 for an Xbox One


I rather keep my awesome PS3 and get a PS4

Why would you want a Xbox One?The system is $100 more and the PS4 versions of games are better. On PS4, all their games run on 1080p, on Xbox One some of the games (that are 1080p on PS4) are only in 720p on Xbox One...why??!!??

Sorry M$, but Sony is where I'm staying...

EDIT I love how no one expects anything back from their Wii's or even the Wii U lol

Re: Talking Point: Is the Vita Really Dying a Slow, Painful Death?


No offence, but I don't listen to a guy who obviously knows nothing about gaming and gamers in general I feel the PS Vita had a slow start, yes, but it's starting to get the games and a lot of people are starting to buy the system.

Honestly, we can't compare Vita to 3DS, Nintendo has been doing portable way longer and that's basicly their main market, but it would be smart to compare Sony's secondary system (Vita) to Nintendo's secondary console (Wii U) and then I would say, Vita is doing pretty d@mn good! ^-^

Stop listening to Pachter. Games and gamers make a system a success, not some moron who gets paid alot to make predictions on gaming, that isn't even a gamer himself

Re: New PS4 Stock Sneaks into Best Buy in North America


There where two PS4's in stock at my local Ebgames, which is a shock considering the store was slightly behind on giving the people who pre-ordered the system theirs It was even listed on the website, then the playstation 4 listing as been removed, maybe because the store where getting bugged by people too much lol

Re: How Do You Apply for the PlayStation Now Beta in North America?


@WickedKnightAl I know how sad!!! I tried to sign up but once it asked for zip code and couldn't put in a letter, I kinda got the hint it was only for US citizens.
PushSquare can change it to USA in the title instead of North America this time, thank for thinking of us Canadians, though

Re: Sony Pleads for Patience Over PS4 Stock Situation


my local Gamestop and Ebgames (yes, for some reason my city has both oO) they're still trying to get PS4's in for people who pre-ordered them! I want a PS4 and can wait, but this seems to always be an issue with Sony when releasing a new system, they never have enough stock for the demand